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Powerful Tools for Increasing Coaching Effectiveness Transactional Analysis Models for Understanding, Predicting and Influencing Behavior. Laurie Weiss,

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Presentation on theme: "Powerful Tools for Increasing Coaching Effectiveness Transactional Analysis Models for Understanding, Predicting and Influencing Behavior. Laurie Weiss,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerful Tools for Increasing Coaching Effectiveness Transactional Analysis Models for Understanding, Predicting and Influencing Behavior. Laurie Weiss, Ph.D., MCC, and Jonathan Weiss, Ph.D.

2 Four “Healthy” Models Needs-Response Cycle Ego States Relationship Model Communication Model 2

3 The Needs-Response Cycle How We All Function — from Birth to Death 3

4 Natural Need or Feeling

5 Natural Behavioral Expression Natural Need or Feeling

6 Natural Behavioral Expression Need Met Natural Need or Feeling

7 Natural Behavioral Expression Need Met Natural Need or Feeling

8 Natural Behavioral Expression Need Met Natural Need or Feeling

9 Natural Behavioral Expression Need Met Natural Need or Feeling

10 Natural Behavioral Expression Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met

11 Natural Behavioral Expression Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met

12 Natural Behavioral Expression Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met

13 Natural Behavioral Expression Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met

14 Natural Behavioral Expression Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met

15 Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met Natural Behavioral Expression

16 Natural Need or Feeling Need NOT Met Natural Behavioral Expression

17 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute Behavior

18 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute Behavior

19 Reinforcement

20 Substitute Behavior Reinforcement Confrontation

21 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute ReinforcementConfrontation

22 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute ReinforcementConfrontation

23 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute ReinforcementConfrontation

24 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute ReinforcementConfrontation

25 Need Met Natural Need or Feeling Natural Behavioral Expression Need NOT Met Substitute ReinforcementConfrontation

26 Ego States (Transactional Analysis) 26 Parent Adult Child P A C

27 27 P A C Nurturing Guiding Protective Critical Judgmental Scolding Rational Natural Spontaneous Impulsive Compliant Rebellious

28 What Was Your Challenging Question? 28 Working in groups of three, use the Ego State Model to identify five different possible answers to the question.

29 Contamination (Unhealthy) 29 Parent Adult Child

30 Exclusion (Unhealthy) 30

31 31 Healthy Relationship Model

32 32 Basic “Unhealthy” Pattern P A C

33 33 Co-Dependency (Our Definition) An agreement between two people that one person’s needs are more important than the other’s. There may or may not be disagreement about whose needs are more important.

34 Takes INITIATIVE to take into account: My own needs and feelings Others’ needs and feelings The reality of the situation The Healthy Communication Model

35 35 Healthy Relationship Model

36 Signs of Trouble — The Games People Play Repetitive Pattern Confusion (Switch) Predictable Negative Feelings “I should have known that would happen!” or “I knew that would happen!” 36

37 WHY?! Failed Attempt to Meet Needs Substitute Behavior

38 IMPORTANT!! People are always doing the best they can to get what they need, based on the resources available to them at the time. 38

39 Recognizing Invitations to Games Discounting Passive Behavior Drama Triangle 39

40 Discounting 40 The Problem (Denial) The Significance of the Problem The Solvability of the Problem The Self

41 Passive Behavior Doing Nothing Overadaptation Agitation Incapacitation or Violence

42 The Drama Triangle PersecutorRescuer Victim

43 Think of a time… You found yourself in the Drama Triangle -- (If you’re not willing to talk about it, make one up!) What was your hidden agenda? What could you have done instead of playing? Discuss with your group. 43

44 44 Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it's supposed to do. Robert Heinlein

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