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Slides and Papers Available at רגשות בעבודת שרות וניהול : בין כעס ( של מטופלים ) למעש ( של עובדים ) פרופסור ענת רפאלי הפקולטה.

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Presentation on theme: "Slides and Papers Available at רגשות בעבודת שרות וניהול : בין כעס ( של מטופלים ) למעש ( של עובדים ) פרופסור ענת רפאלי הפקולטה."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net1 רגשות בעבודת שרות וניהול : בין כעס ( של מטופלים ) למעש ( של עובדים ) פרופסור ענת רפאלי הפקולטה להנדסת תעשיה וניהול http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net

2 Slides and Paper Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net2

3 3 ישנם רגשות לגיטימיים

4 Aggression Sometimes Wanted (Berkowitz, 1989) 4

5 Anger and Aggression in Organizations Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net5 Frustration  Aggression (Dollard et al, 1939) Learned social behavior (Bandura, 1973) Reactive social behavior (Berkowitz, 1989)

6 6 Emotions Communicate Anger = Other-responsibility Guilt, Shame = Self-responsibility

7 Personal Emotion Reactions to the Environment Reactions to (Personal / Social) Construction of Reality “Self Preservation” Effects Socialization Effects Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net7

8 Emotion Can be Managed Slides and Paper Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net8

9 We All Have Roles to Play Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net9

10 10 “Emotion Labor:” Management of Displayed Emotions for Organizational Role (and Goals) Slides and Papers Available at

11 Recognition of Emotional Labor Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net11

12 Growth of the Service Sector Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net12

13 Rewards for Emotional Labor: Lowers Pay Unless Job Entails High Cognitive Skills Http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net13

14 When you feel ….. in an interaction with ….. you can … Hide it by showing something else Hide it by showing nothing Show it with another expression Show it less than I feel it Express it as I feel it Show it more than I feel it Meaning for employee Emotion Dissonance Types of Display Rules Surface Acting

15 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net15 High Emotion Labor Requirements  More Abusive Clients + Less Personal Control

16 Perspectives on Emotional Labor An Occupational Requirement (What am I told to do) An Emotion Display Issue (What do I do?) An Individual Emotional Dilemma (How do I feel?) Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net16

17 Types of Emotion Display Rules Integration: Show positive emotions (e.g., empathy) to create positive emotion (e.g., calm, happy) in others. Differentiation: Show negative emotions (e.g., anger) to create negative emotions (e.g., anxiety, fear) in others. Masking: Show no (neutral) emotions Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net17

18 Medical Service: Integration Emotions Presumed 18 Being “Nice” is a Part of the Staff Job

19 Medical Service Emotion Labor Being “Nice” is viewed as a part of the job  Formal Expectation: Compassion, Pleasantness, Patience  Formal Goals: To Calm Patients / Relatives  Actual Displays: Depend on Multiple Factors Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net19

20 Http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net20 Influences on Displayed Emotions

21 Http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net21 Sutton, R. I. & Rafaeli, A. 1988. Untangling the relationship between displayed emotions and organizational sales

22 Emotional Display Norms In Medical Service:  Staff Expected to Be “Nice” regardless of what they feel BUT ALSO Busy Time Norms Slow Time Norms Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net22

23 Learning Emotion Display Rules Learned in Professional Training Learned from Immediate Environment Learned from rewards What emotion-displays are rewarded? Research on Medical Service: Emotion Neutrality Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net23

24 Emotional Dissonance Gap between staff FEELINGS and DISPLAYED emotions In Medical Service:  Gap between expectations of staff to be “Nice” and what staff members feel Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net24

25 Effects of Emotion Labor Less of a Problem: Requirement to Display Positive Emotions Key Problem: Inability (Need to Mask) Negative Emotions Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net25

26 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net26 Culture Effects: Do you Express Felt Anger …?

27 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net27 Anger Management: Who is Better Off?

28 ) He’s such a difficult patient! She is not doing her job! 28 Reality is What You Chose to See: Staff vs. Patients in Medical Service

29 Displayed Emotion Requirements Increase Staff Burnout Emotional Exhaustion Depersonalization Lost Sense of Personal Worth Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net29 And … Display of Expected (Positive( Emotions

30 Emotions Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net30 “Emotion Cycles” One Person’s Emotions Behavior Another Person’s …

31 חולה המאושפז במחלקה פנימית ניגש לתחנת האחיות. האחות חייכה ושאלה " מה שלומך דוד ?", הוא אמר " אני לא מרגיש טוב, אפשר לקבל אופטלגין ?", האחות הסתכלה בניירות וענתה " אין בעיה, חבל שקמת, בפעם הבאה תקרא לי אני אעזור לך ". היא הוציאה מהמגירה כוס עם אופטלגין, שמה אותה על הדלפק ואמר " אתה צריך עוד משהו ?" חולה המאושפז במחלקה פנימית, ניגש לתחנת האחיות. האחות נראתה עייפה וחסרת אנרגיות. החולה אמר " אני לא מרגיש טוב, אפשר לקבל אופטלגין ?" האחות נאנחה ושאלה, " באיזה חדר אתה ?" הוא ענה " אני דוד, מחדר חמש " היא הסתכלה בניירות שעל השולחן, הוציאה מהמגירה כוס עם אופטלגין, שמה אותה על הדלפק וחזרה לענייניה. Burnout Non Burnout 31 Study: Patients and Family Members Read Scenarios

32 Staff Burnout influences How Staff and Patients Expect Patients to Behave Staff Burnout Patients Sense Maltreatment Patients Frustrated and Angry 32 Expect Patients to be Angry

33 Predicting the Future? Nurses Predict Patients’ Aggression Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net33

34 Socialization Effects: Patients Respond: Prior Hospital Experience Creates Anger Regardless of Staff Burnout Adj R 2 =.18 Patients’ Anger

35 Slides and Paper Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net35 Measuring and Discussing Emotion is Difficult and Confusing

36 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net36 Self-Serving Bias

37 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net37 Study: Is Anger Rewarded? “Greg and George are in a hospital and complain about their treatment.” Greg complained ANGRILY. George complained CALMLY. Who will the staff address first?

38 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net38 Person who acted ANGRY perceived as rewarded

39 http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net39 95% of people: OTHERS will Reward Anger … I Myself will Not

40 Do We Know How We Behave? Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net40

41 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net41 “Naïve Realism” “I am better than most people” “I understand what others do not see” “I don’t make mistakes that others make.” “I DO NOT REWARD ANGER!” “Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average” GARRISON KEILLOR Not Me!

42 Medical Research and Emotion Research? Slides and Paper Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net42

43 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net43 Other People’s Hostile Emotions Coping with Patients’ Anger is Depleting Staff Person Resource Depletion 

44 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net44 Customer request Employee Task: Handling details. Multiple folders Customer Contact Center

45 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net45 Angry – Rude CustomerPolite Customer It’s such a nightmare to reach you! Your service is just horrible. Update my home phone to 03-7526654. George Ashley My home phone number changed. Need to update it please. My number is 03- 7526654. Thank you very much, George Ashley. I am sick and tired of your lousy service. Move me to the weekend deal. Password is "Friends". Josh. Hi please note my request to move me to the weekend deal. My password is "Friends". Thank you, Josh. Customers Convey Anger/Rudeness

46 46 “Eric speaking, how may I help you?“ Polite (Calm) Customer “Hi, I am trying to browse and seem to have problems. Most of the time I can’t reach anything. Can you help me? Angry / Rude Customer “What do you mean by “Hi”? I have been waiting for half an hour. I want to disconnect from your lousy service” Employee feelings? Employee performance?

47 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net47 Customer Anger and Employee Burnout All differences significant (p<.001)

48 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net48 Customer Anger and Employee Work Performance SDMN 0.100.6634Angry Customers 0.120.7235Neutral Customers t = -2.05, p <.05 Mean % of requests handled correctly

49 Test of Employee Performance (Raven Matrices)

50 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net50 Additive Effects on Employee Performance (F(3,140)=15.94, p<.000) NMSD 0 angry calls366.001.17 1 angry call365.561.40 2 angry calls364.441.44 3 angry calls364.141.29 Mean Number of items recalled

51 Slides and Papers Available at http://Anat.Rafaeli.net51 Conclusion: Emotions are Out There Beware!

52 52

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