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Definition – The feelings that the author wants you to feel while reading certain parts of the story. While reading a story you can feel happiness, sadness,

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Presentation on theme: "Definition – The feelings that the author wants you to feel while reading certain parts of the story. While reading a story you can feel happiness, sadness,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition – The feelings that the author wants you to feel while reading certain parts of the story. While reading a story you can feel happiness, sadness, pride, fear, anger, and many other emotions. By: Teara Gass

2 “I’m sorry,” he continued. “I know I should have told you, but I wanted a normal summer, and I wanted you to have a normal summer. I just wanted to get to know my daughter again. Can you forgive me?” His plea cut her to the core, and she let out an involuntary cry. Her father was dying, and he wanted her forgiveness. There was something so pitiful in that, and she didn’t know how to respond. “Of course I forgive you,” she said, and it was then that she began to cry. The Last Song By Nicholas Sparks

3 Mood in a story can make you feel… Happy Mad SadScared

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