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Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20081 DAPHNE Programme II 2004 - 2008 An investigation into forms of peer- peer bullying at school in pre- adolescent.

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Presentation on theme: "Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20081 DAPHNE Programme II 2004 - 2008 An investigation into forms of peer- peer bullying at school in pre- adolescent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20081 DAPHNE Programme II 2004 - 2008 An investigation into forms of peer- peer bullying at school in pre- adolescent and adolescent groups: new instrument and preventing strategies Bologna Unit Maria Luisa Genta, Antonella Brighi, Annalisa Guarini, Andrea Canevaro, Elena Malaguti, Elena Buccoliero, Lucia Berdondini, Davide Barbieri, Sandra Nicoletti, Francesca Gallingani, Stefano Passini, Davide Morselli, Ognjen Tomic

2 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20082 Outline  Data collection  Results a)School climate b)Comparisons among direct bullying, indirect bullying and cyberbullying c)Victim’s feelings d)Bystanders e)Relation between bullying and self-esteem f)Relation between bullying and loneliness  Conclusions  Work in progress

3 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20083 Data collection

4 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20084 Data collection Total number of collected questionnaires: 1964 Total of males: 1024 (52.1%) Total of females: 921 (46.9%)

5 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20085 Data collection Parents’ levels of education are representative of the Italian population

6 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20086 Data collection The number of participants is well distributed into the different types of schools

7 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20087 School climate

8 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20088 Results - school climate -

9 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 20089 Comparisons among direct bullying, indirect bullying and cyberbullying

10 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200810 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - High percentage of bystanders Indirect bullying is more frequent than direct bullying and cyberbullying

11 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200811 More males than females state to be victims of direct bullying χ 2 (1, N= 1942) = 11.19, p=.001 More females than males state to be victims of: - indirect bullying χ 2 (1, N= 1942) = 6.48, p=.011 - cyberbullying (mobile) χ 2 (1, N= 1901) = 5.13, p=.024 - cyberbullying (Internet) χ 2 (1, N= 1918) = 4.30, p=.038 WHILE....... Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

12 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200812 More males than females state to be bullies in: - direct bullying χ 2 (1, N= 1936) = 40.25, p <.001 - indirect bullying χ 2 (1, N= 1939) = 7.51, p=.006 - cyberbullying (mobile) χ 2 (1, N= 1938) = 10.06, p=.002 - cyberbullying (Internet) χ 2 (1, N= 1928) = 7.94, p=.005 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

13 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200813 More younger than older adolescents state to be victims of: - direct bullying χ 2 (2, N= 1961) = 20.20, p <.001 - indirect bullying χ 2 (2, N= 1961) = 7.51, p=.048 No significant difference on cyberbullying (mobile or Internet) Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

14 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200814 More older than younger adolescents state to be bullies: - indirect bullying χ 2 (2, N= 1957) = 10.87, p=.004 - cyberbullying (mobile) χ 2 (2, N= 1957) = 11.34, p =.003 - cyberbullying (Internet) χ 2 (2, N= 1946) = 14.03, p=.001 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

15 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200815 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - More older than younger students state to be victims of direct bullying (several times a week or more in the last two months)

16 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200816 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - More older than younger students state to be bullies (several times a week or more in the last two months)

17 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200817 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

18 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200818 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - Within the Internet cyberbullying modalities the more frequent are emails, istant messaging and chat rooms Within the mobile cyberbullying modalities the more frequent are SMS and telephone calls

19 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200819 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - In the Internet cyberbullying a large group of bullies is anonymous In the mobile cyberbullying the bullies are mainly class mates or students of the same school

20 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200820 Victims’ feelings

21 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200821 More frequent categories are: angry, upset, worried, embarrassed No. of victims: 290. No. of responses: 511 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

22 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200822 More frequent categories are: angry, it doesn’t bother me No. of victims: 446. No. of responses: 716 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

23 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200823 More frequent categories are: angry, it doesn’t bother me No. of victims: 179. No. of responses: 265 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

24 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200824 More frequent categories are: angry, it doesn’t bother me No. of victims: 139. No. of responses: 196. Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

25 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200825 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

26 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200826 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

27 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200827 Bystanders

28 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200828 Some qualitative differences between males and females strategies Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

29 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200829 Some qualitative differences between males and females strategies Results - cyberbullying questionnaire -

30 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200830 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - Some qualitative differences between males and females strategies

31 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200831 Results - cyberbullying questionnaire - Some qualitative differences between males and females strategies

32 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200832 Relation between bullying and self-esteem

33 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200833 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ - Lower self-esteem (school, peer, family and global) in victims of direct bullying      p <.05 Independent Sample t-test

34 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200834 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ - Lower self-esteem (school, family) in bullies of direct bullying. However, higher self-esteem in bullies concerning sport activities and making friends.     p <.05 Independent Sample t-test

35 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200835 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ -     p <.05 Independent Sample t-test   Lower self-esteem (sport, body, school, peer, family and global) in victims of indirect bullying

36 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200836 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ -    p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Lower self-esteem (school and family) in bullies of indirect bullying

37 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200837 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ -    p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Lower self-esteem (school and family) in victims of cyberbullying with mobile

38 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200838 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ -    p <.05 Independent Sample t-test  Lower self-esteem (school and family) in bullies of cyberbullying (mobile). However, higher self-esteem in bullies concerning sport activities.

39 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200839 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ -    p <.05 Independent Sample t-test  Lower self-esteem (body, school and family) in victims of cyberbullying (Internet).

40 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200840 Results - cyberbullying and SEQ -   p <.05 Independent Sample t-test  Lower self-esteem (school and family) in bullies of cyberbullying (Internet).

41 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200841 Relation between bullying and loneliness

42 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200842 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -   p <.05 Independent Sample t-test  Higher level of loneliness in victims of direct bullying.  

43 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200843 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test  Higher level of loneliness (parents) in bullies of direct bullying.

44 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200844 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Higher level of loneliness in victims of indirect bullying.    

45 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200845 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test High level of loniliness (parents) in bullies of indirect bullying. 

46 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200846 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Higher level of loneliness in victims of cyberbullying (mobile).    

47 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200847 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Higher level of loneliness (parents) in bullies of cyberbullying (mobile). 

48 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200848 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Higher level of loneliness in victims of cyberbullying (Internet).   

49 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200849 Results - cyberbullying and LCA -  p <.05 Independent Sample t-test Higher level of loneliness (parents) in bullies of cyberbullying (Internet). 

50 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200850 Conclusions

51 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200851 Conclusions a)School climate: Although the results are generally positive, the data concerning the support of adults in school (18.9%) and students’ trust in adults inside the school (20.8%) are negative and alarming. b)Comparisons among direct bullying, indirect bullying and cyberbullying: 1.Indirect bullying is more frequent than direct and cyber; 2.A very high percentage of bystanders admit to have seen/known episodes of direct/indirect/cyber bullying; 3.More males than females state to be victims of direct bullying; 4.More females than males state to be victims of indirect, cyberbullying (both mobile and Internet); 5.More males than females state to be bullies in all the types of bullying 6.More younger than older students state to be victims of direct and indirect traditional bullying; 7.More older than younger students state to be bullies in indirect and cyberbullying (both through mobile and Internet); 8.Considering the intensive frequency of the phenomenon (several times a week or more in the last two months) we can notice an increasing trend with age, both in direct and indirect bullying. In fact the older students, mostly males, declare with a high percantage (24.7%) to have bullied someone both directly and indirectly.

52 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200852 Conclusions 9.Considering the overlapping between different roles (no role, bully, victim and bully/victim) we can stress the result concerning indirect bullying: 10.5% of participants state to be bully/victims. 10.Within the mobile cyberbullying modalities the more frequent are sms and telephone calls; 11.Within the Internet cyberbullying modalities the more frequent are emails, instant messaging and chat rooms; 12.In the mobile cyberbullying the bullies are mainly class mates or students of the same school, while in the Internet cyberbullying a large group of bullies is anonymous. c)Victims’ feelings and responses: while in the direct bullying victims state to feel angry, upset, worried and embarrassed, in all the other types of bullying the more frequent answers are ‘it doesn’t bother me’ and angry. d)Bystanders: we can notice different behavioural responses between males and females in all the types of bullying.

53 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200853 Conclusions e)Relation between bullying and self-esteem: 1.Bullies show a lower self-esteem than peers concerning the areas of school and family; sometimes they show a higher self-esteem in sport activites and in making friends; 2.Victims show a lower self-esteem in the areas of school and family; moreover victims of direct and indirect bullying show a lower self-esteem regarding all the areas investigated. f)Relation between bullying and loneliness: 1.Bullies (in all the types of bullying) show a higher degree of loneliness than peers in the items regarding their parents; 2.Victims (in all the types of bullying) show a higher degree of loneliness than peers in all the investigated areas.

54 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200854 Work in progress

55 Bologna Unit Lisbon, 26th-27th June 200855 Work in progress....  Collection of qualitative data (focus groups)  Enhancing of Italian sample (about 400 new questionnaires)  Analysis of Bosnia questionnaires  Comparisons of results among different countries involved in DAPHNE Programme  Validation of cyberbullying questionnaire in different languages (book or paper?)  Disseminations of the results (how and when)  Editing of video and website

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