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Karen Adams NES Margaret Cameron SCQF Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Karen Adams NES Margaret Cameron SCQF Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karen Adams NES Margaret Cameron SCQF Partnership

2 Objectives Introduce the RPL Network; RPL Toolkit RPL Examples – case studies Outcome of RPL Event Discussion


4 SCQF National RPL Guidelines 1. Review of RPL practice and potential development 2003/04 2. National Debate :Sector-based Workshops Oct 2004 3. Production of draft Guidelines: Core principles Key features 4. Consultation and production of final Guidelines 5. Supporting the implementation of Guidelines across sectors Informal and Non Formal Learning: RPL Development

5 Key Features of RPL Benchmark learning to the SCQF Identification of learning pathways Support for learners in transition from informal to formal learning Support for staff that are supporting learners Monitoring process for RPL Integration within the overall QA systems

6 Criteria for Assessment Acceptability –An appropriate match between the evidence presented and the learning outcomes Sufficiency –Of breadth and depth, including evidence of reflection, to demonstrate the achievement of the learning outcomes claimed Authenticity –The learners own learning Currency –Learning current and not out of date

7 Scottish Skills Strategy..develop a system to ensure that they recognise the value of individuals’ prior learning and wider achievement by building on work already undertaken through the SCQF...move quickly to ensure that the SCQF embraces more learning opportunities by …. encouraging the recognition of informal learning

8 RPL Network April 2008

9 Feedback RPL meant different things to different people; Provision was patchy Develop a Network Develop a `Business Case’ --- Why bother?

10 Recognition of Prior Learning RPL is the process for recognising learning that has its source in experience and/or previous formal, non-formal and informal contexts.

11 Formal Learning Credit Transfer Learning previously been assessed and credit rated: –Mainstream Qualifications –Non-traditional credit rated learning Can help learners to: –Move between faculties or between universities and colleges –Move from one qualification to another –Decision is always the receiving institution / awarding body

12 Why Bother? To assist learners identify their learning; Avoids duplication and helps with progression. Formative – –for career or personal development Summative – –for credit towards a qualification


14 Examples SSSC RPL towards SVQ3 NES Pathways to Recognition project QAA European showcase of Scottish RPL – and the setting up of a European network SCQF Network RPL Toolkit

15 RPL Event November 2010 Over 60 delegates Support required: Training, workshops for organisations; Examples of good practice, case studies Raise awareness Create a process of recognition

16 Following on from the event A spur to action. For example, NES now tabling discussions with health and education partners to support: greater transparency and consistency in – and access to - RPL systems more effective resourcing of RPL routes into learning more effective use of RPL as part of learning provided via employers

17 Discussion How do you – or could you – make use of RPL? What are your drivers for RPL? How can the SCQF RPL Network help you make the most of RPL? What challenges are there to your making best use of RPL? And how can they be overcome?

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