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DIVERSITY TRAINING Diversity and Diversity Training Culture in Aylmer Area Why Bother? Advantages Develop Policies Cost On-Going Development.

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Presentation on theme: "DIVERSITY TRAINING Diversity and Diversity Training Culture in Aylmer Area Why Bother? Advantages Develop Policies Cost On-Going Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIVERSITY TRAINING Diversity and Diversity Training Culture in Aylmer Area Why Bother? Advantages Develop Policies Cost On-Going Development

2 What is Diversity Obvious - age, culture, sex, sexual orientation, disabilities, educational background Less Obvious - thinking styles, field of work Study of Differences - Difference as a positive experience

3 What is Diversity Training Improve awareness of different attitudes, behaviours and communication patterns of different groups Develop skills to deal with these differences Diversity in Aylmer area - Mexican Mennonite families, aging population, European families, young families

4 Why Bother? Who do you employ now and who will you employ in the future? Who are your customers? Diversity training will help identify these issues Teach respect Develop understanding for various groups

5 Language Barrier How do we overcome the language barrier we experience with Low German group? Train staff in low German to communicate with potential customers Hire someone who can translate Teach English as a second language

6 Dealing with Conflict Conflict often occurs because of a lack of understanding Develop tools to deal with conflict Difference of opinion will always exist One way of life is not better than another, only DIFFERENT

7 Different Cultures Learn more about other cultures in the area Accept that differences will exist and accept them as just that - different Develop understanding

8 Advantages Staff will be more understanding group and this will help them deal with customers and work with each other more effectively Organization will have people that are flexible and more able to adapt to an ever- changing society Respond to changing environment and demands

9 Develop Policies Commitment from the top-send a message that diversity policies are serious, let them know what is expected and why, promote the policy Communicate the policies-keep line of communication open, let staff know what's in it for them

10 Develop a self-help group-get a group together to discuss problems and issues to help improve your policies Review the policies-compare where you are now to where you want to be, make changes, evaluate the process over time

11 Cost This will be expensive and it will take time If you can’t afford the entire package that’s all right Choose 2-3 issues now and focus on them, more can be done later Take a proactive approach, do what you can now

12 On-Going Development Changes will be needed over time What is developed today will not work forever Training people now will develop skills, increase awareness, increase understanding, enhance productivity and communication You will promote skills that your business will need to survive the future

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