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S TRATEGIC A DVANTAGES OF O PTIMISM AT W ORK FCCC New Clerk Academy March 11, 2014 Presented by Tippy Amick, Ph.D. Finding Happiness. Keeping it.

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Presentation on theme: "S TRATEGIC A DVANTAGES OF O PTIMISM AT W ORK FCCC New Clerk Academy March 11, 2014 Presented by Tippy Amick, Ph.D. Finding Happiness. Keeping it."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TRATEGIC A DVANTAGES OF O PTIMISM AT W ORK FCCC New Clerk Academy March 11, 2014 Presented by Tippy Amick, Ph.D. Finding Happiness. Keeping it.

2 A Road Map for Talking About Optimism Stats Wireless Communication The Myth Why Bother Feeding High Morale Strategies to increase happiness Retraining our brain: the tetris effect Stress and the dueling brain: the two paths Ph.D. in happiness – the short course – things to do and some don’t’s

3 Startling Statistics Depression rising Age of onset 14.5 4 of 7 job hunting Huge numbers reporting unhappiness

4 Wirelessly Connections: Happiness Advantage The Airport Study Mirror Neurons Body Language

5 Big Myth: PPTTHHHH! Do you suffer from “If could just… then I’d be happy” syndrome?

6 Why Bother? Health Intelligence Productivity Creativity Memory

7 What Feeds High Morale? Don’t throw your hands up Make some buddies Stress management

8 Choosing Stress Reaction Life’s Greatest Hits Your Dueling “Brains” Post-Traumatic Stress Post-Traumatic Growth

9 But My Brain Is Stuck Thinking about what we are thinking

10 Brain Re-training 101 Find your fun mojo Commit conscious acts of kindness Create positive in your surroundings Gratitude attitude Journaling Exercise Stress adaptation

11 Things to Give Up Become Less Controlling Eliminate rat race mentality Avoid bragging about how hard you work Stop anticipating tiredness

12 Conclusion “There is a direct correlation between the level of happiness in one’s life and the amount of silliness they allow into it” she said. “I know, I’ve done studies”. Curly Girl Designs

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