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Running paperless meetings Elizabeth Gadd, Change Team Michelle Davies, IT Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Running paperless meetings Elizabeth Gadd, Change Team Michelle Davies, IT Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running paperless meetings Elizabeth Gadd, Change Team Michelle Davies, IT Services

2 Why bother? Saved staff time Less printing Efficiency gains through making papers easier to archive, reference, search, & manage. Environmental benefits

3 But we’re already paperless! Variety of different paperless methods currently in use: Putting individual papers on a website (formal committees) Sending agenda and papers as attachments via email Putting agenda and papers on intranet or workspaces and letting people know via email where they are

4 Problem Having to download lots of individual papers for one meeting Storing lots of papers on your device (size of files) Linking from agenda through to papers and back Accessing Microsoft file-types (Word/Excel) on Macs and android devices Accessing internal workspaces off- campus Problems we were hoping to solve:

5 ProblemSolution Having to download lots of individual papers for one meeting Single… Storing lots of papers on your deviceReduced file-size… Linking from agenda through to papers and back Bookmarked… Accessing Microsoft file-types (Word/Excel) on Macs and android devices PDF Accessing internal workspaces off- campus With an external Fileport link Solutions

6 The new approach All documented at: meetings/

7 Creating paperless meeting documents Demonstration following the “Creating & distributing documents (Windows)” instructions

8 Accessing meeting documents (Windows)

9 Accessing meeting documents (iPad) On the iPad MUST download either Adobe Reader (free) or PDF Expert (fee)


11 FAQ The meetings I service don’t have many papers – is the process worth following? What if my meeting members don’t have portable devices? Are there health considerations if people are hunched over portable devices in meetings for long periods? health/computer-safety/commontopics/ health/computer-safety/commontopics/

12 Where to go for support All guidance on the web at: erless-meetings/ erless-meetings/ IT Helpdesk for technical support. 222333

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