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Мастер класс по применению ИКТ технологий на уроках английского языка по теме: «Why are they doing this?”

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1 Мастер класс по применению ИКТ технологий на уроках английского языка по теме: «Why are they doing this?”














15 Match the pictures to the names of sport a) sky diving b) bungee jumping c) pot holing d) rock climbing e) white-water rafting f) scuba diving

16 Over the edge Kristen Ulmer went on her first ski trip when she ….. a kid. Ever since then, she …..on adventure and risk. Now in her thirties, she has skied down some of the world’s …..mountains, in remote places from Tajikistan to New Zealand. She has also gone mountaineering in Tibet, and ridden a bike solo across India. She goes … relax! Kristen is skilful and fearless – and some might say crazy! She is part of a new kind of sport where risk is ….. thing.

17 Over the edge. Kristen Ulmer went on her first ski trip when she was a kid. Ever since then, she has been hooked on adventure and risk. Now in her thirties, she has skied down some of the world’s tallest mountains, in remote places from Tajikistan to New Zealand. She has also gone mountaineering in Tibet, and ridden a bike solo across India. She goes rock- climbing to relax! Kristen is skilful and fearless – and some might say crazy! She is part of a new kind of sport where risk is the most important thing.

18 Heart-stopping activities …….. are known as “extreme sports”. And they are attracting more and more people. Rock-climbing, for example, is now enjoyed by more than half a million Americans. Only 50,000 were doing it in 1989. One of the most extreme of all these sports is BASE jumping. First done in 1980, BASE jumping is jumping off tall buildings, towers and bridges using a parachute. It’s dangerous, …….. …….., it’s the risk of disaster that make BASE jumping so exciting. As one BASE jumper puts it, “There aren’t many injuries in BASE jumping; you either live or you die”. ……. that extreme sports will become the major sports of the 21st century. They may become more popular than traditional favourites 5)……... At one recent extreme sports show in Chicago, most of the crowd were kids under sixteen. As they stood watching in their baggy pants and hooded sweatshirts, one excited eleven-year-old spoke for the next generation of athletes. “That is so cool!” he exclaimed. “I gotta do that!”

19 Heart-stopping activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding and skydiving are known as “extreme sports”. And they are attracting more and more people. Rock-climbing, for example, is now enjoyed by more than half a million Americans. Only 50,000 were doing it in 1989. One of the most extreme of all these sports is BASE jumping. First done in 1980, BASE jumping is jumping off tall buildings, towers and bridges using a parachute. It’s dangerous, but of course that’s why BASE jumpers love it. Like other extreme sports, it’s the risk of disaster that make BASE jumping so exciting. As one BASE jumper puts it, “There aren’t many injuries in BASE jumping; you either live or you die”. Some experts predict that extreme sports will become the major sports of the 21st century. They may become more popular than traditional favourites like soccer and baseball. At one recent extreme sports show in Chicago, most of the crowd were kids under sixteen. As they stood watching in their baggy pants and hooded sweatshirts, one excited eleven-year-old spoke for the next generation of athletes. “That is so cool!” he exclaimed. “I gotta do that!”

20 Ice-climbing As the name suggests, practioners of this activity climb glaciers with the aid of an ice axe and a great deal of other specialist equipment. As well as all the equipment, incredible physical and mental strength are essential, together with the ability to work closely with other team members in the most dangerous situations.

21 Skiboarding Skiboarding is the art of descending a hill on skiboards. Skiboards are basically a cross between skis and a snowboard. They are about half the length of regular skis (between 80 and 100 cm. long), and about twice as wide. The design allows the rider to do everything that skiers and snowboarders do plus go backwards, turn 360’s on the ground, execute one foot turns and perform more tricks than was ever thought possible on normal skis.

22 Zorbing Zorbing is the latest adventure experience from New Zealand. It involves rolling around in a ball, or zorb three metres in diameter. It requires no more skill than a hamster running in its wheel as centrifugal force keeps the zorbonaut pinned inside the zorb. Although zorbonauts have hurtled downhill at speeds of 50 kilometres per hour, the air cushioning inside means they do not risk hurting themselves too seriously.

23 Why do people go in for risky sports? Why?

24 Why do people go in for risky sports? Why? For the thrill and excitement To protest against something To go to extremes To acquire self-confidence To satisfy their curiosity To overcome difficulties

25 Do people understand risk takers? Listen to the text and complete the chart. Reasons why people take risks Opinion about risk taking Clare Lee Jose Davila Masha Trusova

26 Communicative task You and your classmate are discussing the best way of spending your summer holidays together. You would like to have a new experience but your friend is not a risk taker. Discuss the following options and come to an agreement. seaside holiday sightseeing tour mountain resort camping

27 Remember to : Discuss all the options Be active and polite Come up with ideas Give good reasons Agree or disagree with your friend’s opinion Invite your friend to come up with suggestions Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account Come to an agreement

28 Tell us what you think… Colour in the face that shows how much you liked the master- class. Brilliant Good OK Not much Boring Colour in the face that shows how much you learnt Lots Quite a bit Some Not much Nothing One thing I really liked was …….. One thing I didn’t like very much was ……..

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