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The Governor Report of Pete Wilson By: Juleah Sumpter Miss Sumpter June 20, 2003.

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2 The Governor Report of Pete Wilson By: Juleah Sumpter Miss Sumpter June 20, 2003

3 Pete’s History D.O.B. August 23, 1933. Born in Illinois 2 kids Married to Gayle Presbyterian

4 Politics Republican January 1991-January 1999 2 terms Senator Marines

5 Accomplishments Advice Man for Richard Nixon in 1960 State Assemblyman Mayor of San Diego U.S. Senator Governor 1991-1999

6 Goals Worked on the state budget Worked to change Workman’s Compensation laws Reform the business system and prevent businesses from leaving the state

7 Similarities & Differences Went to college Live in California Public servants He is a man Served in the military Has been a Governor and Senator

8 Fun Facts 1992 NAFTA Trade Pact 1994 Northridge Earthquake 1995 Oklahoma Federal Building Bombed

9 Question Page When did Pete Wilson serve? How many terms did he serve? What political party is he a part of? What was one major accomplishment? What was one goal? Does he have a family?

10 Work Cited Nation Governors Association Information about Pete Wilson Governor CA information on each governor Governor CA Schaechtele, Molly Shoemaker. The Governors of California and their Portraits. Sacramento, CA: California State Capitol Museum Volunteer Association, 1995. Picture of Pete Wilson Governor CA Picture of Capitol Net State Picture of California seal and flag

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