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Terrestrial invertebrates Curtis Ewing Pete Oboyski George Roderick Rosemary Gillespie Elin Claridge April Yang Andrew Young Sylvain Charlat Marjorie Saillan.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrestrial invertebrates Curtis Ewing Pete Oboyski George Roderick Rosemary Gillespie Elin Claridge April Yang Andrew Young Sylvain Charlat Marjorie Saillan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrestrial invertebrates Curtis Ewing Pete Oboyski George Roderick Rosemary Gillespie Elin Claridge April Yang Andrew Young Sylvain Charlat Marjorie Saillan

2 origins in NSF BS&I and NSF Wolbachia grants PIs: R Gillespie, N Evenhuis, J Liebherr, D Polhemus, G Roderick N Davies, S Charlat, G Hurst Targets: Terrestrial arthropods of high islands of French Polynesia Insects Benefits: Assembled team of 20+ systematists

3 Tohiea (photo: Tohiea summit, Moorea, with NSF-funded terrestrial arthropod survey team, l-r, J Liebherr, D Polhemus, G Roderick, C Ewing, J Petit)

4 Conference BS & I workshop February 2009, Tahiti

5 classroom outreach George showed a video here of elementary school kids from Moorea collecting and identifying insects and spiders.

6 Essig Museum website: checklists of previously published references to French Polynesia Arthropods




10 Goals Complete inventory Endemics Invasives Human commensals Prepare for demonstration studies food web studies: spiders, lizards mosquito feeding

11 Plans and Targets Range of habitats Seasonality Estimations of completeness-- accumulation

12 Expeditions 2006 -2008 pilot studies November 2008 (Curtis + Pete) March 2009 (Pete) May - June 2009 (Curtis + undergrad) July 2009 (Curtis + undergrad) September 2009 Curtis, Pete, Menelaos Stavrinides (mites) plus continued collecting at semi-permanent plots

13 Sampling Plan Habitat zonation elevation precipitation vegetation land use Complementary Trapping light traps, pitfalls, litter samples, hand collecting, etc. species accumulation curves for habitats & traps

14 Moorea habitats carved into sampling zones

15 Specimens 2000+++ specimens of insects & spiders to process 2006 - 198 insect specimens added to BioCode Database 2008 - 424 insect specimens added to BioCode Database 2009 - 140 insect specimens added to BioCode Database (so far) number of morphospecies total ? 100+ moth morphospecies tissues in pipeline 100+ other arthropods in tissue pipeline

16 Challenges Getting eventual IDs for morphospecies - not many experts for this part of the world morphospecies tracking - managing thousands of specimens and their tissues, especially relating one person’s morphospecies to another’s (to avoid sequencing 100’s of the same) year book / mug shot album to track what has been collected / processed so far Storing specimens, tissues, extractions, etc.

17 Integration of taxa-teams food webs connectivity of habitats baseline for future biocontrol efforts Comparisons across taxa tracking impacts of climate change diversity patterns & conservation invasive species population structure / insipient speciation phenology Bigger Picture Interests

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