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Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 22)

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1 Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 22)
PowerPoint Flashcards

2 Word: commemorate Definition: to honor the memory of someone or something with a ceremony; celebrate; observe Part of Speech: verb Link: special date Derivatives: commemorates, commemorated, commemorating Sentence: On this special date, we commemorate those who died serving their country.

3 Word: complacent Definition: self-satisfied;
feeling too much satisfaction with oneself or one’s accomplishments Part of Speech: adjective Link: basement Derivative: complacently Sentence: People are less complacent since 9/11 and are prepared to hide in their basement.

4 Word: consensus Definition: an opinion held by
everyone (or almost everyone involved) Part of Speech: noun Link: buy a bus Sentence: The consensus was to use school money to buy a bus.

5 Word: deplete Definition: to use up Part of Speech: verb
Derivatives: depletes, depleted, depleting Link: if Pete Sentence: If Pete buys this car it will deplete his savings account.

6 Word: diligent Definition: steady, determined, and careful in work
Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: diligently, diligence Link: knew what it meant Sentence: The diligent athlete knew what it meant to work hard for a trophy.

7 Word: empathy Definition: the ability to share
in someone else’s feelings or thoughts Part of Speech: noun Derivatives: empathies, empathize Link: Emily Sentence: Emily felt empathy for the man because she had a broken leg last year.

8 Word: menial Definition: not requiring special
skills or higher intellectual abilities Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: menially Link: fix a meal Sentence: Neil is happy to do something menial such as fix a meal.

9 Word: niche Definition: an activity or situation
especially suited to a person Part of Speech: noun Derivative: niches Link: rich Sentence: If you become rich you still need to find your niche.

10 Word: transcend Definition: to rise above or go beyond the limits of;
exceed Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: transcends, transcended, transcending Link: befriend Sentence: In order to transcend the limitations of blindness, he will befriend a seeing-eye dog.

11 Word: waive Definition: to willingly give up
(as a claim, privilege, or right); do without Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: waives, waived, waiving, waiver Link: Dave Sentence: Dave will waive his attorney’s fee in hopes of splitting what the lady receives if she wins her lawsuit.

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