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Professionals need and have the right to be prepared Without a positive culture very little learning takes place The “Connection” is the key to learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Professionals need and have the right to be prepared Without a positive culture very little learning takes place The “Connection” is the key to learning."— Presentation transcript:


2 Professionals need and have the right to be prepared Without a positive culture very little learning takes place The “Connection” is the key to learning Professionals need and have the right to be prepared Without a positive culture very little learning takes place The “Connection” is the key to learning Why am I here today?


4 "Assisting people to obtain the quality of life they desire and can achieve” This Year’s Theme… “Turn Rhetoric into Reality”

5 I Just Want Him to STOP!!! The Need for Some Principles to Guide Us.

6 Positive Culture and Positive Behavior Support Pete Moore, MA Positive Culture Consultant Ohio Association of County Boards of DD

7 We are either driven by Best Practice or Rule H.R. 4247 Findings Physical restraint and seclusion have resulted in physical injury, psychological trauma, and death to children in public and private schools. Behavioral interventions for children must promote the right for all children to have dignity.

8 Cont. Safe, effective, evidence based strategies are available to support children who display challenging behaviors in school. School personnel have the right to work in a safe environment and should be provided training. Children are subjected to higher rates of restraint and seclusion than adults Physical restraint and seclusion are not therapeutic. School-wide Positive behavior support leads to greater academic achievement.

9 Part 1 An Opportunity:

10 “Positive Behavior Support” … Means nothing without the Connection.


12 An Opportunity to… Make a connection that can last a lifetime Understand yourself better than you ever have Help the people around you understand Celebrating at every opportunity. Good Planning and Preparation

13 Part 2 It Begins with the Professional

14 “He/She who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach.” -Unknown

15 Professionals are not expected to… Be Perfect Get along with everyone but… “Change People” to fit what you want them to be.

16 Are Your Professionals Happy? We must consider this simple equation… HAPPY PROFESSIONALS = HAPPY STUDENTS

17 The keys for a Professional Happiness comes from being prepared and meeting success Have something based on Common Sense that you can believe in The commitment has to come from Everyone!!! Yes I said EVERYONE! Be a “Get Off Your Butt” Leader!!!

18 The Importance of Personality

19 The good you Give the tools get the job done Dependable Meticulous Collect data Symbolize harmony Wants everyone to be happy Good communicators Caring Enjoy being at the top Work efficiently Organized Confident Innovative Look toward the future Lively Brainstorm See the big picture

20 The Not so Good you Lots of data don’t know what to do with it Overly cautious Sometimes seems aloof Disappointed by others Takes moods from others Decide from feelings Cannot deal with confrontation Passive Outspoken Rigid Snappy Arrogant Handles conflicts aggressively Dislike structure/routines Unfocused Do minimal follow-up Surrounded by constant chaos

21 Why is personality so important? We all have unique personalities We are not always willing to change our personalities (THE EPIC BATTLE) We must understand each other in order to work together..BALANCE IS THE KEY We must understand the personalities of the people we serve in order to help them For more information: Who am I, The 16 Basic Desires that Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personalities Dr. Steven Reiss (2000)

22 Part 4 Creating a Positive Culture

23 Teaching Culture vs. Reacting Culture Support vs. Control The entire system must commit It takes DAILY education and training The focus is on proactive prevention and teaching new skills Protective interventions

24 We believe… Everyone has value People want to be independent All people have hopes and dreams In the power of therapeutic relationships RESPECT for the Professional

25 Positive Culture Tool Kit: The “MUST HAVES” Things that are based in common sense Things that are observable…concepts that we can all practice. Developed from the key things that people have done wrong Must be practiced and reinforced every day…make them a part of your daily conversation

26 Smile Offer kind words Mind your Tone It is your responsibility (There are people depending on you) Find a Scream Room!

27 Calm Model good behavior Use appropriate language Treat people with respect Every situation provides a teaching opportunity

28 The Buffer Zone The importance of feeling safe Body Language

29 The importance of 10 seconds (or more) Take time It takes time (be patient)

30 Take the time to understand how his/her day is going

31 GOYA Deal with issues discretely (Library voice) Supportive vs. Authoritative Therapeutic Language

32 THE MUST HAVES Applying what you have learned. How to make it a part of your life and daily conversation?




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