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Transforming a department Peter Smith Farlingaye High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming a department Peter Smith Farlingaye High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming a department Peter Smith Farlingaye High School

2 The context of the department

3 The starting point - In 2007 the history department at GCSE Farlingaye High School – Achieved 20% below the schools A*-C rate Was a subject with falling numbers – with around 34% of the year opting for it The school based residual for the subject was -6.79 (Students on average under perform in history compared to their other students by one grade) At A level a similar situation






9 This year… The department was the largest in the school at GCSE We achieved the best results at GCSE as a percentage in the county Our GCSE rate was 13% higher than the average in the school, 12% higher than average for history departments in the county and 19% higher than the national average.

10 How did we get there?

11 Changing attitudes Setting a target Achieving our target Reviewing and reflecting Celebrating success

12 Changing attitudes History is hard at GCSE Lots of students do it Have you seen an RE/ICT/Geography paper? I’ve had a hell of a day. I’ll give the 6 th form a “research lesson…” Explanation of Residuals Performance at other local schools Address individual concerns

13 Setting a target “The Dream”. Where does the department want to be? Group investment – the more ridiculous it becomes the better? Major change needs involvement from all stakeholders

14 Setting a target How do we get there? Areas of underachievement broken down Boys compared to girls Revision Exam technique

15 Achieving our targets Everything done was pupil – centred New exam board Interesting modules Unlocking the mystery of the courses we teach

16 Achieving our targets Listening to students – What did they want? How did they view History? Different ways to access them – School email groups Blogs Perception studies Homework email account Online surveys – “Right to reply” service Not all worked!

17 Reviewing and reflecting Each year there’s a target The department know the aim, and how we’re getting there The aim differs – there’s a new “dream”.

18 Celebrating success We are proud of what we do We keep the students informed of how the department has performed – results from year 13 for year 12s Staff know and are proud of the results

19 Impact on myself as a leader

20 “Be the change you want to see” Lead by example Lunchtimes with students Open door to others observing Lesson materials shared Write revision materials

21 You cant do everything yourself… Delegate out responsibility to others Allows empowerment Creates sustainability

22 A sustainable department? Systems in place Right attitude to support Materials written Staff who are proud of the department

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