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Were attended by 12,800 individuals in the past year.

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1 Were attended by 12,800 individuals in the past year

2 Recorded a total of just under 3,000 visitors last year including 110 attendees at the State STEM meeting hosted by Lt. Governor Reynolds. The Lab conference room was used 60 times with a total of 350 persons in attendance; this includes use of the POLYCom system 40 times by 120 EICC staff. Visitors were from: 15 area businesses and industry 36 area organizations 25 colleges and universities 33 area K-12 schools

3 Over the past year, 7,637 people have attended educational programming at Nahant Marsh: 3,924 K-12 students 1,001 college students 2,196 members of the public 37 K-12 schools 7 colleges 14 college courses were taught at the site 516 K-12 teachers received STEM skills through environmental education.

4 ATEEC sponsored 56 days of professional development programs for 277 community college and K-12 faculty this past year. GreatEST – 18 participants from 12 states attended a two-week environmental health and safety train-the-trainer conference hosted each summer by ATEEC for the PETE organization. PETE Conferences – 79 participants from 38 states attended a total of three, 2.5-day PETE conferences in California, Arkansas, and Kansas.

5 SEET – 25 participants attended a two-week Sustainable Energy Workshop at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. New ERA Ag Energy – 18 participants from eight states attended a one-week instructional development program at Iowa State University. Sustainable Energy Workshop – 14 participants attended a one-week instructional development program at the ATEEC Interactive Learning Lab.

6 Sustainable Energy Workshop – 35 participants attended a one-day Iowa Energy Center Kid Wind program in the ATEEC Interactive Learning Lab. EARTH-2 Grant Environmental STEM Institute – 18 participants attended a 10-day professional development program at Nahant Marsh. EARTH-1 Grant Environmental STEM Institute – 15 participants attended a 3-day professional development program at Nahant Marsh. EDIWILD – 33 K-12 teachers attended a 4.5 day professional development program. Davenport Community School District science teachers in-service day – 22 teachers participated for 1 day at Nahant Marsh.

7 ATEEC conducted a Defining Water Technology Forum in San Diego, California in partnership with the Associated Boards of Certification that was attended by 23 participants from 20 states.

8 Brownfields workforce development technical assistance program: 122 participants representing 33 states attended the EPA Annual Brownfields Workforce Development and Job Training Grantee Meeting hosted by ATEEC in Washington, DC.

9 OSHA Health and Safety Training for area business industry and government: 1,723 individuals attended one or more of 137 classes generating 6,767 contact hours of instruction sponsored by ATEEC.

10 18 leaders from nine community organizations are working to advance the science and information literacy of Davenport residents regarding environmental sustainability and energy efficiency to move Davenport toward becoming a sustainable city.

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