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Goal Setting Workshop Pete Coates October 2013.

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1 Goal Setting Workshop Pete Coates October 2013

2 Today’s Session Welcome, Introductions & Ground-rules
Goals of todays Session ! Why have Goals & What are Goals ? Group Discussion Leading Change & Setting Goals Goal Setting & Coaching Model Practical Exercise Group feedback and discussion Closing thoughts

3 Session Objectives 1. Opportunity to discuss why we have goals and the common types of goals 2. Opportunity to examine the link between Leadership, Change & Goal Setting 3. Opportunity to practice with a Goal Setting and Coaching Model which you can use in your Personal, Academic & Business life

4 Common Types of Goal Business Goals Long Term Personal Goals Desired
Medium Term Desired Outcomes Team Goals Short Term Examples ? Organisation Goals

5 Goal Setting Examples Performance Management Business Cases
Pricing Strategies Team Effectiveness Personal Development Forecasting Annual Performance Objectives Annual Plans/ Long Range Business Plans Restructuring Change Projects Sales Activities Account Plans New Product Launch Acquisition and Integration Negotiations

6 Leading Performance – Goal Setting and Coaching people through Change
Being an effective Leader requires you to set goals and support others to achieve them The Coaching of Goals is a key leadership attribute The “GROW” model is one tool that can provide a useful framework Leading Change setting new goals coaching through the impact Securing commitment and action


The Objective – can be short term, long term etc Can be a set of individual goals leading to one overall objective, and each one can be broken down using the GROW model Gap between present situation and the goal, what are the barriers, obstacles ? what things are in favour ? are there frustrations – what are they ? What resources are there ? WILL OPTIONS “I Will……..” - personal commitment to the chosen options , which help towards the goal. Can be small steps, Can be large leaps ! When and How ? Be realistic but don’t constrain thinking or your commitment What options seem to be available - explore all as widely as possible and evaluate. What is really possible ? What are the short terms steps ? What are the longer term, more challenging steps ?

9 Using the GROW Model Self – Coaching : Peer Coaching Team Coaching
Paper and Pen exercises Small goals Big Goals ! Peer Coaching Using lots of open questions and sticking to the framework Team Coaching Solving problems in group situations and team meetings Allow freedom of thought around options Don’t allow catastrophising at the Reality stage Others ? Can you think of other situations where you could use this technique ?

10 Grow model - exercise In pairs …
Use grow model to establish a personal, academic or professional goal Coach each other through the goal ( ½ an hour each ) What is the Goal? What is the present reality? What are the options? What is your Will ( Commitment )? Practice your Questioning skills ! Group review / examples and feedback Think about how you can apply this to your own goals Can you apply this to your academic objectives ?

11 Questions Distortions Generalisations Deletions I am terrible.
Its always bad Generalisations Everybody… The business… Deletions He basically said I was no good Compared to what? Evidence. According to who? Always? Who specifically? Who is the business? What words did he use? Be specific? What was the context?

12 Exercise Feedback Group Examples

13 Other Tools/Approaches
S.M.A.R.T R.A.C.I GANTT What are the merits of each of these ?

14 Closing Thoughts & Questions
This is just one practical goal setting tools You have to have the will to strive for a goal Effective Goal setting doesn’t guarantee outcomes ! Thoughts ?

15 Goals Who sets the persons goal…. Them? You? What about someone else….. Line manager? Parents???? Why do goals fail? Not SMART? Well actually its probably more than that…

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