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, Comma Sense Twelve Basic Suggestions The Center for Academic Excellence presents...

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Presentation on theme: ", Comma Sense Twelve Basic Suggestions The Center for Academic Excellence presents..."— Presentation transcript:

1 , Comma Sense Twelve Basic Suggestions The Center for Academic Excellence presents...

2 Commas Demystified Commas can be tricky to use. Students often have a difficult time deciding when to put them in, or when to leave them out. The following suggestions will make this decision simpler, reducing the mystery to a matter of common sense.

3 (1) Use a comma to separate words (or groups of words) in a series: I went to Lance’s to buy bread, butter, and milk. James unlatched the window, looked around stealthily, then made good his escape. LISTS

4 (2)Use commas to separate adjectives modifying the same noun: It was a fine, sunny day. The large, loping hound started to bark furiously. ADJECTIVES

5 (3)Use a comma before the conjunction in a compound sentence: I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was there. He dropped his fork on the floor, so he decided to use a clean one. CONJUNCTIONS

6 (4)Use one or two commas, as needed, to set off words which interrupt the thought of the sentence: Simon, however, will not be going. You are, consequently, the prize-winner. My mother, who lives out-of-state, still considers herself a Hoosier. INTERRUPTIONS

7 (5)In direct quotations, commas are used to separate speech from commentary: She said, “I am glad to be in Indiana.” “I am,” she said, “so glad to be in Indiana.” “I am glad to be in Indiana,” she said. QUOTATIONS

8 (6)Use a comma after a mild interjection, or after introductory words and phrases: Oh dear, I just missed my bus. Well, look who the cat dragged in! In all, four houses have been sold. INTRODUCTIONS

9 (7)Use commas to set off nouns of direct address: Pete, where are you? Come in, Nancy. Hey, Bonehead! Whaddup? NAMES

10 (8)Use a comma after a person’s last name when it precedes the first name (in an alphabetical listing, for example): Dickinson, Emily Frost, Robert Shakespeare, William REVERSALS

11 (9)Commas separate days, months, and years: Day and Year:November 11th, 1936 Month and Year:July, 1875 Day, Month,Year:Sunday, 13th March, 1960 She was born on November 11, 1875, in Frankfurt, Germany. DATES

12 (10) A comma is customarily used after the salutation or the complimentary close of a letter: Dear Mr. Jones, Yours sincerely, LETTERS

13 (11) The names of towns and states are separated with a comma: North Manchester, Indiana Hamburg, Germany I drove to Brussels, Belgium, last week. COUNTRIES

14 (12) Use a comma to separate people’s names from their qualifications, degrees, or titles: Alec Coyle, DDS. Jane Ball, RN. Dagny Boebel, PhD. Martin Luther King Jr. Joseph Smith, Sr. TITLES

15 Short Name for Each “Rule”: When you are tempted to use a comma, ask yourself which of the Twelve Suggestions applies. If you cannot justify the use of the comma, leave it out. 1. Lists 2. Adjectives 3. Conjunctions 4. Interruptions 5. Quotations 6. Introductions 7. Names 8. Reversals 9. Dates 10. Letters 11. Countries 12. Titles

16 Brief Quiz 1.Well I really wish she hadn’t been late. 2.My sister who works at Biaggi’s is a chef. 3.I own a shotgun but I have never used it. 4.Jonathan have you seen my keys? 5.He said “Paris is one of my favorite cities.” 6.I was born in Paris France but I grew up in Brussels. 7.I saw a long low building in the distance. 8.She ironed her blouse shone her shoes and then drove quickly to work. 9.Dr. Jonathan Watson Ph.D. will be today’s guest lecturer. 10.William Shakespeare was reputedly born on April 23rd 1564. Lists—Adjectives—Conjunctions—Interruptions—Quotations—Introductions— Names—Reversals—Dates—Letters—Countries—Titles

17 Brief Quiz—Grading Key 1.Well, I really wish she hadn’t been late.Introductions 2.My sister, who works at Biaggi’s, is a chef.Interruptions 3.I own a shotgun, but I have never used it.Conjunctions 4.Jonathan, have you seen my keys?Names/Introductions 5.He said, “Paris is one of my favorite cities.”Quotations 6.I was born in Paris, France, but I grew up in Brussels.Countries/Interruptions 7.I saw a long, low building in the distance.Adjectives 8. She ironed her blouse, shone her shoes, and then drove quickly to work.Lists 9.Dr. Jonathan Watson, PhD, will be today’s guest lecturer.Titles/Interruptions 10.William Shakespeare was reputedly born on April 23, 1564. Dates Lists—Adjectives—Conjunctions—Interruptions—Quotations—Introductions— Names—Reversals—Dates—Letters—Countries—Titles

18 The End PowerPoint Presentation by Mark A. Spalding, BA, MEd, MA, 2007.

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