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Google Wonders of the World Project SHARK BAY BY: SOFIA HERNANDEZ.

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2 Google Wonders of the World Project SHARK BAY BY: SOFIA HERNANDEZ

3 Shark Bay is located on the coast of Australia, Oceana. Region and Landscapes,Wonders of Nature SHARK BAY, AUSTRALIA

4 HISTORY The occupation of Shark Bay extends to 22,000 BP. Shark Bay used to be a dry and arid area until the sea levels rose, covering all the historical ruins. Shark Bay was named by an English buccaneer William Dampier. It is where the first landing was made in Western Australia. Shark Bay is where the first scientific collection of plants was made.

5 Interesting Facts There are more dolphins than sharks in Shark Bay. This bay has less than 1,000 people of population but it is larger than most European countries. Shark Bay is home to more than 2,000 species of rare animals. It contains many examples of how Earth formed. It expands to more than 1,500 km.

6 References /100708/shark_bay_2- 163abim.jpg%3Fx%3D469%26y%3D306%26xc%3D1%26yc%3D1% 26wc%3D499%26hc%3D326%26q%3D60%26n%3D1%26sig%3Dyd WHbY.57FWcknG.TT6dxA-- &imgrefurl= australia/wa/gascoyne/sharkbay/&h=306&w=468&sz=11&tbnid=bL6y ylYD6V1gKM:&tbnh=75&tbnw=115&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dshark%2 Bbay%2Bimages%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=shark+b ay+images&usg=__w1a0INkCDN2uRb5N8QAYb_oKRGQ=&docid=g84 LTX_F1GQiIM&sa=X&ei=dcpuUdDiGY6PigKqooAg&ved=0CHgQ9QEwD Q&dur=788 +shark+bay&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

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