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Marie Todey Period 1. Twin Hammerheads When studying the DNA of what they thought was a scalloped hammerhead shark, scientists recently discovered that.

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1 Marie Todey Period 1

2 Twin Hammerheads When studying the DNA of what they thought was a scalloped hammerhead shark, scientists recently discovered that it was in fact a different species that looked like a hammerhead. The two species’ appearances are identical, but have a couple distinct differences: DNA differences 20 fewer vertebrae (170 vs. 190) The two species are thought to have separated about 4.5 million years ago.

3 Difficulties This new discovery makes it much more difficult to track and count shark populations, because of the similarity in appearance and the fact that this species seems to have a very wide range. With the discovery of this new species comes the thought that scalloped hammerhead populations may be lower than previous counts suggested. At least 7% of sharks around the United States once thought to be scalloped hammerheads ended up being this new species.

4 Sources shark-120327.html shark-120327.html erhead-shark-twin-discovery-creates-concern-for- species erhead-shark-twin-discovery-creates-concern-for- species head.shark.double.whammy head.shark.double.whammy erhead-shark-twin-discovery-creates-concern-for- species erhead-shark-twin-discovery-creates-concern-for- species

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