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Property Valuations, FAR, and Taxation in the Midway Seva Rodnyansky University UNITED August 18 th, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Property Valuations, FAR, and Taxation in the Midway Seva Rodnyansky University UNITED August 18 th, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Property Valuations, FAR, and Taxation in the Midway Seva Rodnyansky University UNITED August 18 th, 2005


3 Study Area outlined in black

4 Study Area Overview 139 parcels, 88 properties: Total Area: 6,089,849.2 sq. ft., 139.8 acres. Total Assessed 2006 Market Value: $199,131,100. Total Assessed 2005 Market Value: $175,732,100 Total taxes collected in 2005: $4,906,189.

5 How data was analyzed Per 139 parcels Per 88 properties, by owner For example: Midway Chevrolet has 22 parcels, counted all as 1 property All averages, and all highest and lowest done by property, not by parcel, unless noted otherwise

6 Increase in assessments Between 2005 and 2006, assessments have increased by an average of $265,893.18 per property. 80 out of 88 properties increased in assessment.


8 Land vs. Building Most of the increase in assessment value resulted from higher land valuations. Per property, land assessments gained an average $450,438.64, while building assessments lost an average $184,545.45. Per square foot, land assessments gained an average $6.51, while building assessments lost an average $2.67.


10 5 highest assessment increases

11 Walmart, 1450 W. University: AMV (assessed market value) of $11.5million, 28% increase. ($2.7m in land)

12 Vacant Land 429 Pascal St. Vacant land, 429 Pascal, AMV of $3.1m, 47% increase. (100% in land) Vacant land, 429 Pascal, AMV of $3.1m, 47% increase. (100% in land)

13 9 highest percent increases of assessments from 2005 to 2006 50%--vacant land, N. Dunlap 48%--Midway Sober House, 1571/1569 W. University 47%--vacant land, 429 S. Pascal 46%--White Castle, 1120 W. University 38%--vacant land, W. University (& Lexington Pkwy) 33%--vacant land, 1140 W. University 33%--Car Wash, 417 Lexington Pkwy 33%--Midway Chevrolet and Parking 33%--Abra Auto Body, 1190 W. University

14 Property Valuations in the Midway



17 Skyline Tower and parking lots Midway Center AMV/sq. ft. (of land) $126.27/sq. ft.$27.08/sq. ft. FAR3.70.5 Tax yield/sq. ft. (of land) $1.73/sq. ft.$0.83/sq. ft. Land Area245,243 sqft.775,368 sqft. Total 2006 AMV $29.6 mil.$21 mil. Total 2005 taxes paid $447,774$645,982

18 AMV/sq. ft. by FAR range (refer to map) FAR range# of parcelsAMV/ sq. ft. 050 parcels$11.44/sq. ft. 0-0.533 parcels$28.23/sq. ft. 0.5-121 parcels$51.45/sq. ft. 1-1.58 parcels$57.22/sq. ft. 1.5-210 parcels$59.66/sq. ft. 2 and above9 parcels$100.52/sq.


20 Average assessed market value/sq. ft. by use, in $/sq. ft (by parcel analysis)  Vacant= $11.44  Retail= $33.34  Food-related=$26.75  Auto-related=$22.81  Industrial=$25.29  Office=$37.98  Homes in Hamline-Midway=$45.89

21 Homes vs. Midway Retail Study Area? Equal AreaMidway Retail Study Area Adjacent residential neighborhood Average AMV/ sq. ft. $41.31$45.89 Total AMV$199,131,000$237,367,000 Land value/sq.ft. $16.21$11.47

22 Homes instead of Midway Centers? Why are average Midway homes worth more (as a whole) than the largest retail area in St. Paul??? Homes are taxed at a lesser rate than Commercial/Industrial property, and thus bring in less total taxes, roughly 50% of the retail area.

23 Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) Basic measurement of development density Built square footage divided by land area Average FAR for study area: 0.73



26 Law OfficesWhitaker Buick, vacant and non- vacant Address1573 W. University Griggs St. N, W. University FAR1.810.70 Valuation/sq. ft.$87.10/sq. ft.$16.52/sq. ft. Tax yield/sq. ft.$2.13/sq. ft.$0.43/sq. ft. Land Area3049.2 sq. ft.126,324 sq. ft.

27 Whitaker Buick Holding Lot

28 Abra Auto BodyW.E. Mowrey Mfg. Co. Address1190 W. University 1435 W. University FAR0.162.12 Valuation/sqft$15.12/sqft$76.70/sqft Tax yield/sqft$0.36/sqft$2.11/sqft Increase in Assessment $524,400$33,400


30 Raising the average FAR Average FAR is 0.72, AMV/sq. ft. is $41.31/sq. ft. If the average FAR is raised to… –1, AMV/sq. ft. will be $48.36 –2, AMV/sq. ft. will be $75.40 –3, AMV/sq. ft. will be $102.17

31 If the study area is taken as a whole… Average AMV/sq.ft.= $41.31, total: $199,131,100 If FAR=1, AMV/sq. ft. will be $48.36 Total: $233,114,984 If FAR=2, AMV/sq. ft. will be $75.40 Total: $363,458,846 If FAR=3, AMV/sq. ft. will be $102.17 Total: $492,501,197

32 Tax yield/square foot by FAR range, refer to map FAR range# of parcelsAMV/ sq. ft. 050 parcels$0.15/sq. ft. 0-0.533 parcels$0.81/sq. ft. 0.5-121 parcels$1.22/sq. ft. 1-1.58 parcels$1.30/sq. ft. 1.5-210 parcels$1.61/sq. ft. 2 and above9 parcels$2.34/sq. ft.


34 Tax yield In the study area, the taxes collected in 2005 were $4,906,189 Average per square foot of land, $1.00/sq. ft. for each property



37 Raising the average FAR Average FAR is 0.72, tax yield/sq. ft. is $1.00/sq. ft. If the average FAR is raised to… –1, tax yield/sq. ft. will be $1.17 –2, tax yield/sq. ft. will be $1.76 –3, tax yield/sq. ft. will be $2.36

38 If the study area is taken as a whole… Current tax yield/sq.ft.= $1.00,Current tax yield/sq.ft.= $1.00, Total: $4,906,189 If FAR=1, tax yield/sq.ft. will be $1.17 Total: $5,740,241If FAR=1, tax yield/sq.ft. will be $1.17 Total: $5,740,241 If FAR=2, tax yield/sq.ft.will be $1.76 Total: $8,634,893If FAR=2, tax yield/sq.ft. will be $1.76 Total: $8,634,893 If FAR=3, tax yield/sq.ft.will be $2.36If FAR=3, tax yield/sq.ft. will be $2.36 Total: $11,578,606 Total: $11,578,606

39 Midway Books vs. Target Midway BooksTarget FAR2.860.37 AMV/ sqft.$81.99$33.25 Tax/ sqft.$2.83$0.92 Area (sqft.)6098.4375992.8

40 Land values in study area Total land valuation for study area: $100,420,800. Average land area/sq. ft. : $16.21/sq. ft. Median value: $19.85/sq. ft. Highest: Skyline Tower and parking lots, $27.83/sq. ft. Lowest: Warehouse, 413 Lexington Pkwy, $3.77/sq. ft.


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