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Hollywood Helix Prepared by: Oscar Morán, Meredith Drake Reitan, Barbara Schoenig, Benjamin Herkommer, Jakob Hurrle, Johannes Novy, Yoon-kyung Oh, Rory.

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Presentation on theme: "Hollywood Helix Prepared by: Oscar Morán, Meredith Drake Reitan, Barbara Schoenig, Benjamin Herkommer, Jakob Hurrle, Johannes Novy, Yoon-kyung Oh, Rory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hollywood Helix Prepared by: Oscar Morán, Meredith Drake Reitan, Barbara Schoenig, Benjamin Herkommer, Jakob Hurrle, Johannes Novy, Yoon-kyung Oh, Rory Fancler

2 SWOT STRENGTHSWEAKNESSESOPPORTUNITIESTHREATS IMAGE Global Image Alternative Lifestyle Local Image Vacancies Existing public art or lack thereof Authenticity Integration in neighborhood Loss of Identity USES MixtureNot attractive for local residents Attracting new residents Strengthening of mixed use Retail -Commercialization SPACE Quality of existing architecture "Boulevard feeling Vacancies and voids Non-integration of Boulevard in neighborhood Quality of public space Creation of real boulevard Loss of uniqueness SOCIAL ISSUES DiversityBoulevard bisects the neighborhoods Using voids and vacancies Creative use of vacancies Rituals/Events Gentrification "Tourist bubble“ ECONOMY Existence of Culture industry Dependency on tourist business Attracting new residents and working facilities with urban flair Concentrated Retail- Strategy CULTURE Existence of Culture industry Existing public art or lack thereof History Landmarks Expand public art Exploitation of local image excluding local residents “Theming” of public spaces

3 Fragmented Boulevard Entertainment IndustryNot for Profit Entertainment “High quality” uses Sex- & T-Shirt-Business

4 Tourist Bubble Grungy Boulevard New Structures Historic Buildings

5 Living Up the HillsLiving in the Flats History of GlamourHistory of Decline

6 Hollywood Helix Economic Growth Social Responsibility Global expectations Local needs History Innovation Cohesiveness Diversity


8 Hollywood Boulevard Entertainment Committee Bring together entertainment stakeholders community-based non profits, politicians, CRA, Chamber of Commerce, and actors Build on the diversity of culture and entertainment in the area Sustain diversity of culture as the asset of the entire place Balance interests Develop a common marketing and information strategy Organize events and happenings Entertainment planning for Hollywood Boulevard Financed through public art funding, CRA, Chamber of Commerce, private investors, Hollywood Studios, Film-Stars….

9 Permanent Improvements Common Marketing of Hollywood Boulevard Activities by HBEC: –Hollywood Helix as a local marketing tool Visible Information Center designed by architecture students Community participation for vacant space development –Creative people and small businesses –Off-Hollywood movies in vacant theatres Develop the annual “Run of Fame” “Explore Your Neighborhood” events on vacant parking lots –Community open air movie theatre –Temporary installations

10 Hollywood Fellowship Program International fellowship program of the HBEC in cooperation with international foundations and the film-industry Promote young music, art and film artists Mutual inspiration and benefit between the artists, the entertainment industry and the community Provide live-work space on Hollywood Boulevard and side-streets (vacant buildings) Infill development for art and film studios on side-streets Annual presentation of a ¨Central Hollywood Boulevard Festival¨

11 Hollywood Boulevard Festival Central event in order to make Angelenos, as well as tourists aware of Hollywood Boulevard Inauguration of the Information-Center to be designed in a student architect competition. Large scale public events to welcome the first fellowship students “Open House” temporary opening of vacant structure-landmarks for new ventures

12 Temporary Installation: Hollywood Past and Present First Round of newly designed public art: “Look up-here”- signs

13 Focused Use of Hollywood Boulevard Create a vibrant neighborhood framed by higher density anchors La Brea and Vine anchors of global activity –public relations/advertising firms Blocks between Cherokee and Ivar anchor local community –Heart of new residential and local business area Encourage new local business development and rehabilitation –rent control, incentive zoning, space regulation Permit street vendors, design carts by architectural competition (ex. MacArthur Park, Los Angeles) Insert Highland photo

14 Localized Tourist Experience Create a 24-hour tourist destination on Hollywood Boulevard Foster tourist interaction with local neighborhood (beyond the Boulevard). Investigate creative uses for abandoned cinemas (i.e. themed hotel). –Opportunity for tourists to be extras in movies. Extended stay hotels in bungalow/courtyard style. Interactive interpretation of “Walk of Fame” –Display “star” information on walls with sound bites/visual snapshots

15 Localized Tourist Experience Create a 24-hour tourist destination on Hollywood Boulevard Foster tourist interaction with local neighborhood (beyond the Boulevard). Investigate creative uses for abandoned cinemas (i.e. themed hotel). –Opportunity for tourists to be extras in movies. Extended stay hotels in bungalow/courtyard style. Interactive interpretation of “Walk of Fame” –Display “star” information on walls with sound bites/visual snapshots

16 Street Beautification Program Tree planting (Michigan Avenue, Chicago) Pedestrian-oriented street lighting Pocket park development Integrate new urban “furniture” Lighting landmarks : Visual Impact Public Art Encourage pedestrian traffic and business relocation to the Boulevard.

17 Pedestrian Infrastructure Widen the sidewalk Create pocket parks Underground parking with public space on top – mixed-use Develop tourist information space close to metro stop Orient the built environment to the pedestrian

18 Transportation Infrastructure Maintain slower speed limit –Bump-outs Encourage multi-modal transit Drop off & pick up zone for tourists at two separate locations to encourage pedestrian traffic along the Boulevard Maintain short-term parking on Boulevard Provide incentives to concentrate parking in multi-story, shared lots Streamline multi-modal transportation system

19 Land Use Program Maximize existing structures and capture potential for infill development Stimulate the use of existing structures Create incentives for a variety of tenants & businesses –Facilitate Microcredit Lending Programs for small business development/rehabilitation Protect non-commercial uses & promote non-retail uses –Create a corridor for restaurants, bars, cafés Encourage private development of “smart” incubator space for creative uses and potential mixed-use Mixed-use densification along the Boulevard –Develop existing parking lots and current vacant lots

20 Undeveloped Lots

21 The End


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