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NMFWA 2013-2014 Board Meeting Thank You All!. 2013-14 Board of Directors President David McNaughton President-Elect Todd Wills Vice President Coralie.

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Presentation on theme: "NMFWA 2013-2014 Board Meeting Thank You All!. 2013-14 Board of Directors President David McNaughton President-Elect Todd Wills Vice President Coralie."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMFWA 2013-2014 Board Meeting Thank You All!

2 2013-14 Board of Directors President David McNaughton President-Elect Todd Wills Vice President Coralie Cobb Treasurer Jacque Rice Secretary Nicole Olmsted Directors At-Large David Beckmann and Laura Muhs Regional Directors East - Joe Hovis and Greg Fleming Central - Eric Britzke and Michele Richards West - John Haddix and Elizabeth Neipert Newsletter Editor Laura Busch

3 2014-15 Board of Directors President Todd Wills President-Elect Coralie Cobb Vice President Elizabeth Neipert Treasurer Lauren Wilson Secretary Nicole Olmsted Directors At-Large Laura Muhs and Seth Berry Regional Directors East - Greg Fleming and Jim Swift Central - Michele Richards and Rick Lance West - John Haddix and Jason Gibbons Newsletter Editor Laura Busch

4 2013-2014 Committees and Chairs Archives - Tom Warren Electronic Archives – Rich Fischer Audit - (Vacant) Awards - Jackie Smith Government Affairs - Junior Kerns Membership - Dan Savercool Nominations - Kirsten Christopherson Outreach - Steve Niethamer WMI Coordination - David McNaughton Certification - Chris Eberly 2013 Program - Coralie Cobb

5 2014-2015 Committees and Chairs Archives - Tom Warren Audit - (Vacant) Awards - Jackie Smith Government Affairs - Junior Kerns Membership - Dan Savercool Nominations - David McNaughton Outreach - Steve Niethamer WMI Coordination - David McNaughton Certification - (Vacant) 2013 Program – Elizabeth Neipert

6 2013-2014 Board Motions Electronic Meeting convened 6 April 2013 Motion 1: Accept Guidelines for NMFWA Hall of Fame – PASSED 8-0 Motion 2: Proclaim National Pollinator Week and Join the SHARE Partnership – PASSED 10-0 Motion 3: Sponsoring the 2013 TWS Conference and Military Lands Working Group up to $1500 – PASSED 8-0 Motion 4: Hold the 2014 Annual Meeting Online/Cancel Official Activities in Denver – FAILED 6-8 Motion 5: Motion to Approve Lifetime Achievement Award for Diane Drigot – PASSED 11-0 Motion 6: Motion to Approve the 2013-2014 BOD Nominations – PASSED 9-0 Motion 7: Motion to Approve the 2012-2014 NMFWA Award Committee Nominations – PASSED 11-0 Motion 8: Motion to Approve the 2014 Program Budget up to $27,350 – PASSED 11-0 Electronic Meeting Ended 7 March 2014

7 Committee Reports

8 Certification Chair – Chris Eberly Chair stepped down in February 2014 Several inquiries from potential partnering certifications (NEPA Professionals, etc.) Several applicants requested status updates No new certifications awarded Posted a new online.pdf application Explored a new chair in Rhys Evans but not yet committed (still vacant) Needs a more committed body of reviewers or a new direction

9 Hall of Fame Chair – Junior Kerns New Committee formed by BOD Motion on 14 May 2014 Committee is reviewing and determining its first slate of nominations Nothing to report

10 Outreach Hosted several webinars throughout 2013- 2014 via Todd Wills’ support and DCO Made updates to the website throughout the year Regained control over our website Sent out Pollinator Proclamation Staffed and progressed the Facebook Page (LIKE us!)

11 Governmental Affairs Provided materials relating to training restrictions and Congressional bills to limit federal conferences Monitored and reported on movements on the federal budget and spending resolutions

12 Archives & Electronic Archives Received materials from at least two members for scanning and archiving Continued project to scan past programs. Still missing several years – see Rich Fischer Continued to update the history.doc Provided guidance on past motions

13 Membership Requested and received master lists from Christine Wibowo (membership database), Rhys Evans (Yahoo listserv) and David McNaughton (website membership) and collated Processed the master list for duplicates and began to remove expired members Distributed contact lists by region to Regional Directors Working towards a Member Directory for 2015

14 WMI Coordination Requested to be placed on the planning committee for the North American Request granted, but WMI sent notice and discussion through expired email account Fixed the issue in November 2014 so we will be in the loop next year Determined some issues with responsibilities

15 Working Group Reports

16 Bird/Animal Airstrike Hazard Chair – Michael Wright Provided management advice and technical support Researching and consolidating a list of resources related to grass-height and habitat issues Co-chair Lucas Oligschlaeger resigned (JAN/FEB 2014) Nominated 2 candidates for vacant chair and held an electronic vote (results at annual meeting) Holding a meeting in Denver

17 Law Enforcement Chair – Christopher Zimmerman Law enforcement information and cultural resource updates were routinely provided to CLEO’s from all services Numerous email discussions 20 May 2013 Board convened at US Army Military Police School to determine tasks critical to CLEP mission – 32 specific functions id’ed for lesson plans and annual refresher training 17 Oct 2013 DoDI 5525.17, Conservation Law Enforcement Program signed providing guidance and direction to Services on CLEP issues Met in DC at the 2012 Annual Meeting

18 Bats Held or distributed information on several online trainings and webinars Provided information on recent ESA activity Answered membership questions and provided expertise Sent out Anabat units for installation surveys No report

19 Invasive Species Chair – Peter Egan Sent out digest email regularly throughout the year Provided technical expertise to membership and Armed Forces Pest Management Board Held a meeting in DC at 2013 Annual Meeting No report

20 Fish and Wildlife Recreation Chairs – John Haddix and Alan Schultz Held several spirited email discussions Convened an ad-hoc committee to discuss a position statement on CLEO positions in Dept. of Army Put together a live workshop on disability access to be held in Fort Drum in 2014 No report

21 Herpetology Chairs – Jay Rubinoff and Steve Najjar Provided a newsletter on a semi-regular basis Held several spirited email discussions No report

22 Climate Change Chair – Tim Hayden and Unknown Chair retired from Defense position during 2014 No report

23 Old Business Climate Change Working Group Display TWS Sponsorship Meeting Responsibilities

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