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2015 Winter School Structures Heidi A. Mertz, P.E. District 8-0 Structure Control Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Winter School Structures Heidi A. Mertz, P.E. District 8-0 Structure Control Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Winter School Structures Heidi A. Mertz, P.E. District 8-0 Structure Control Engineer

2 District 8-0 Structures Staff Heidi Mertz, PE Cell – 717.443.1712 Vacant Civil Engineer Vacant Ass. Structure Control Engineer Justin Enck, EIT Cell – 717.315.4150 Vacant Ass. Structure Control Engineer Dan Wooddell Cell – 717.443.1840

3 General Protocol Emails to Structure Control Unit –Title of the Email should include ECMS #, SR, Section, and subject pertaining to email –Email submissions to Structures account RA- All meeting announcement and project emails should go to our personal email accounts.RA- Field staff field questions before passing them on to the Structure Control Unit If a contractor calls the Structure Control Unit with a question… we will call the field staff… field staff will relay the answer to the contractor

4 Winter School 2015 Section 1001.3(q)2.b – Backfilling Mechanical Grooving Pie Shapes Fall Protection Plan Construction Loading Letters New Pile Splicing Detail 2015 Pilot SSP Program for Improving Deck Performance District 8-0 Standard 1001 Special Provision Overview of Bridge Deck Cracking Survey

5 Section 1001.3(q)2.b Backfilling Do not backfill or place material adjoining abutment walls, backwalls, retaining walls, box culverts, and arches until 7 days after placing last concrete, and then only if concrete has attained the 7-day Minimum Mix Design Compressive Strength as specified in Section 704, Table A.

6 Mechanical Grooving





11 Fall Protection Plan Fall Protection Plan with designed calculations and Rescue Plan –Before the start of work contractors must provide the Department a designed Fall Protection Plan in accordance with all OSHA regulations for review. The plan must include the design and calculations for the lifeline for review. In addition, the plan must state who the qualified and competent persons are. The Fall Protection System will need to be certified after installation and before use by the qualified person stating the system is installed as designed. The plan also needs to address a Rescue Plan.

12 Fall Protection Plan

13 The Fall Protection Plan needs to show: –How many people the plan is rated for –Total weight the plan is rated for

14 Construction Loading Letters PUB 408, Section105.17 Loading Limits –Limited to one individual stockpile with a maximum weight of 250lbs/square foot and a maximum size of 100 square feet. –Combination of material stockpiles, vehicles, other materials, and equipment are limited to a maximum total weight of 100,000 lbs per span in any work zone width less than 24 feet, and a maximum total weight of 200,000 lbs per span for work zones ≥ 24 ft wide, provided loading limits in Sections 105.17(a)1 and 2 are not exceeded.

15 Construction Loading Letters The force effects produced by combinations of material stockpiles, vehicles and other materials and equipment are limited to the force effects produced by vehicles of legal configuration evaluated at operating rating levels as defined in Pub 238. If loads are proposed that will exceed the above loading limits or loads are proposed to be placed on an incomplete bridge, submit analytical calculations showing the flexural, shear, and axial stressed due to construction loadings do not exceed the operating stress levels as defined in Pub 238 for the main load carrying members of the structure or the deck slab.

16 Construction Loading Letters Once the bridge is closed Have the Contractor submit a Construction Loading Letter for: –Deck Removal –Beam removal –Scarification equipment –Hydrodemolition –Latex Trucks –Etc… There will be times we will request calculations showing the flexural, shear, and axial stressed due to construction loadings

17 Pile Splicing

18 Splicing Piles – BC 757 Pile Splicing Method #1 “Diamond Plate” no longer permitted –Change #2 Pub 219-BC’s (dated Nov. 26, 2013) –Check your list of Supplemental Drawings!

19 Pile Splicing

20 BC-757M Pile Splicing Method #1 “Diamond Plate” no longer is permitted. Acceptable methods will be renamed as: –Method 1: CJP (Complete Joint Penetration Weld) welded splice for both flanges and web –Method 2: Splicer Sleeve method Method 2: Splicer Sleeve

21 Pile Splicing What not to do

22 District 8-0 Revised 1001 SP Water Cement ratio 0.40 or greater Slump less than 6 inch (rejected over 6”) No high range water reducing admixtures (superplasticizers) Maintain 22°F differential temperature between concrete and mean beam temperature Place decks when air temperature is 35°F and rising and less than 80°F Concrete decks with a skew less than 75°, place and finish concrete on the skew angle

23 2014 Deck Cracking Results District 8-0 completed 14 bridge decks during 2014 construction season –Compared to 16 in 2013 construction season 4 bridge decks showed cracks at the time of the initial survey –1 Integral Abutment bridge (new) –1 4 span P/S concrete PA I-Beam bridge (rehab) –1 single span P/S concrete I-Beam bridge (new) –1 18 span closed spandrel concrete arch bridge (rehab) Only initial surveys has been complete to date –Post one year surveys to be completed by May 2015 Looking forward to statewide bridge deck performance metrics in August 2015? –Last years performance metrics showed District 8-0 had above average deck quality with only two badly cracked decks

24 Overview of Bridge Deck Cracking Survey


26 Questions ???

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