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Diversity or Displacement? Leckey Forum: The Next Decade-Challenges of Density, Dollars, and Public Support The Honorable J. Walter Tejada, Vice Chairman.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity or Displacement? Leckey Forum: The Next Decade-Challenges of Density, Dollars, and Public Support The Honorable J. Walter Tejada, Vice Chairman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity or Displacement? Leckey Forum: The Next Decade-Challenges of Density, Dollars, and Public Support The Honorable J. Walter Tejada, Vice Chairman Arlington County November 9, 2012

2 Diversity or Displacement? 2 County Goals:  Permit no net loss of committed affordable housing (CAFs).  Make every reasonable effort to maintain the supply of affordable market rate housing (Marks).  Increase the supply of affordable housing by assisting an average of 400 net new committed affordable housing units per year.

3 3 Diversity or Displacement? March 2011 County Board Revised the County’s Goals and Targets:  Added a target to minimize involuntary displacement of low- and moderate-income households in complexes being renovated, converted or redeveloped with County assistance. For committed affordable units (CAFs), strive to house 60% of households onsite or nearby.

4 Additionally the County has a goal to reduce the number of households in serious housing need The County strives to provide rental assistance to 100% of the eligible households requesting assistance and to provide that 25% of the new committed affordable rental units approved annually are reserved for households with incomes below 40% of the median. 4

5 Diversity or Displacement? 5 Arlington County Relocation Guidelines: The Arlington County Tenant Relocation Guidelines provide for specific benefits for residential tenants who will be displaced by housing demolition, substantial rehabilitation or conversion. Benefits include the following:  Payment of relocation assistance;  Relocation services; and  Advance notice of the planned development.

6 Since 2005, there have been 12 county assisted redevelopment projects that necessitated the permanent displacement of 323 households. In fact, 421 of the 744 households relocating prior to major renovations or demolition returned to the newly renovated or newly constructed property upon completion. This represents a tenant retention rate--within the same rental community--of 57%. Approximately, 67 households—nine percent (9%) of those who didn’t return to the property—moved to other Committed Affordable Units within Arlington. The overall tenant retention rate of those remaining in affordable housing is 66%. 6

7 Diversity or Displacement? 7  County Funded & Site Plan Projects: The County can require relocation assistance.  By-right Projects: Compliance is strongly encouraged, but cannot be required.

8 Diversity or Displacement? 8 Westover Property: Westover, 1649 N Longfellow St. Owner: AHC Relocation Timeframe: 4/08 – 1/10 PRE- RENOVATIONPOST-RENOVATION NO. UNITS NO. VACANT UNITS NO. HOUSEHOLDS NO. ORIGINAL HOUSEHOLDS RETURNED TENANT RETENTION RATE MOVED TO OTHER CAFS MOVED TO MARKET RATE UNITS PRIMARY REASON(s) TENANT DID NOT RETURN 15260927885%417Over Income Successful Relocation Projects

9 Diversity or Displacement? 9 PRE- RENOVATIONPOST-RENOVATION NO. UNITS NO. VACANT UNITS NO. HOUSEHOLDS NO. ORIGINAL HOUSEHOLDS RETURNED TENANT RETENTION RATE MOVED TO OTHER CAFS MOVED TO MARKET RATE UNITS PRIMARY REASON(s) TENANT DID NOT RETURN** 208520315777%22Over Income Columbia Grove: Property: Columbia Grove, 1012 S Frederick St. Owner: APAH Relocation Timeframe: 8/08 – 11/09 Successful Relocation Projects

10 Diversity or Displacement? 10

11 Diversity or Displacement? Thank you The Honorable J. Walter Tejada, Vice Chairman Arlington County 703-228-3130 11

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