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Notes pg 71 Title: Nervous System How does information get from one place in your body to another?

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1 Notes pg 71 Title: Nervous System How does information get from one place in your body to another?

2 Neuron – Nerve cell. Functional unit of the nervous system. Synapse

3 Motor System - Gathers information from the senses – touch, sight, smell, sound, taste Stimulates a muscle to contract, move Sensory System -

4 Parts of the brain Glue the diagram into pg 70 of notes Find 4 colors!

5 Parts of the brain Cerebrum – “thinking brain” – controls memory, language/words, problem solving Cerebellum – “little brain”- controls balance and movement

6 Parts of the brain Brain stem – Connects the brain & spinal cord, controls involuntary muscles Spinal Cord – Runs the length of the spine, controls reflexes

7 Reflex – automatic response

8 Problems of the nervous system Paralysis – The nerve connection between the brain and a part of the body is blocked or cut so brain signals are not received.


10 Neurons communicate by sending chemicals called neurotransmitters to each other across the synapse 1. What would happen if we blocked the neurotransmitters? 2. What would happen if we stimulated the neurons to produce lots and LOTS of neurotransmitters?

11 Glue diagram into pg 138 What happens when you touch something hot? Reflexes happen without you thinking. Label the motor neuron and the sensory neuron Use pg 949 in the book to help you

12 Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous System Para Sympathetic Nervous System Central Nervous System Pg 140 of your notes (leave space to write in)

13 Look on pg 948 – 950 of the text book and find out: Autonomic Nervous System Somatic Nervous System – Sympathetic Nervous System – Parasympathetic Nervous System 1.What does it do? 2.Is it voluntary or involuntary?

14 Autonomic Nervous System Carries impulses and information to the internal organs. It is involuntary. Somatic Nervous System Carries impulses and information to the skeletal muscles. It is voluntary.

15 Sympathetic Nervous System – controls organs in times of stress (fight or flight). Parasympathetic Nervous System – controls organs when the body is relaxed (rest and digest)

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