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GLOBAL TALES OF TRAGEDY Lessons Learned from an International Media Content Analysis By Katharine Wiley Faculty Mentors: Dr. Zach Hart and Belle Zembrodt.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL TALES OF TRAGEDY Lessons Learned from an International Media Content Analysis By Katharine Wiley Faculty Mentors: Dr. Zach Hart and Belle Zembrodt."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL TALES OF TRAGEDY Lessons Learned from an International Media Content Analysis By Katharine Wiley Faculty Mentors: Dr. Zach Hart and Belle Zembrodt November 20, 2014 - Since 1802 FALL 2014 CONFERENCE OF HONORS

2 Main Points - Since 1802 Overview of project Motivations Methods Results Significance of project Next steps

3 Overview - Since 1802 A quantitative analysis of newspaper media from three countries United States of America United Kingdom Australia Focused on three crisis events 9/11 Japanese Tsunami Eurozone Crisis

4 Motivations - Since 1802

5 Motivations - Since 1802 Current events Knew I could find a lot of information about crises Interesting viewpoints Wanted to know how different countries’ media would “frame” events Culture Prior knowledge of the perception of American media Desired to know more about other English-speaking media

6 Methods - Since 1802 Began with traditional library research Searched NexisLexis, Ebscohost, and The New York Times’ databases Conducted advanced searches, including specific dates, papers, and countries Narrowed it all down Decided to find primary (headline) article and two follow-up articles from three papers from three countries

7 Methods - Since 1802 Selected articles based off of dates, similarity and topic Did not pick articles based on: Individuals’ stories Speculation Opinion columns Looked for articles that: Gave the “headline” Told updates on the story Organized articles into a folder based on country, date and event

8 Methods - Since 1802 9/11 Death/bodies/ blood Destruction Government Fear Hope War Allegations Details (the story) Tsunami Death/bodies/ blood Destruction Hope Individual Country Details (the story) Eurozone Crisis Individual country Fear or negativity Hope Allegations/ fault “Fixes” Government Details (story) Used “framing” method to analyze articles into different categories:

9 Methods - Since 1802 Used different colored highlighters or pens for different categories Looked for phrases or keywords for different categories Ex. 9/11 article Fear – “This changes everything. We essentially have been attacked at home. We are changed forever more. We will look to our president for where to turn.”

10 Methods - Since 1802 Used word count feature on Microsoft Word Calculated averages for: Each article, followed by Each date for each event, followed by Total average for each category for each event

11 EXAMPLE - Since 1802 Tsunami USA March 12, 2011 (Fackler) – NYT Death – 13% Details – 21% Destruction – 29% Hope – 4% Country – 10% Other – 23% USA Today (Steiner) Death – 0% Details – 8% Destruction – 20% Hope – 0% Country – 65% Other – 0% Washington Post (Stuever) Death – 10% Details – 23% Destruction – 35% Hope – 0% Country – 15% Other – 17% March 12, 2011 USA Averages: Death – 7.6%Other – 17.3% Details – 17.3% Destruction – 28% Hope – 1.3% Individual country – 30% Final Averages for Tsunami in USA: Death – 15% Other – 10.9% Details – 18.6% Destruction – 45.3% Hope – 7.3% Country – 10.7%

12 Resulting product - Since 1802 Final product A research paper outlining project from start to finish Details about methods, more examples, detailed results and results

13 results - Since 1802 FearWarGovern- ment OtherDestruct- ion Alleg- ations DeathDetailsHope USA25%20%14%12%11%9%7%6%5% UK9%20%13%<1%11%10%18%12.5%7% AUS8%20%12%2%9%19%7%24%4% 9/11

14 results - Since 1802 Own country Destruct- ion OtherDeathDetailsHope USA10%44%9%11%25%3% UK6%39%16.5%20%17%7% AUS19%38%16%10%23%<1% Japanese Tsunami

15 results - Since 1802 Govern- ment OtherOwn country Fault“Fixes”DetailsHope USA17%2%24%10%12%29%6% UK15%6%35%22%8%16%2% AUS9%5%22%36%16%7%2% Eurozone Crisis

16 Significance - Since 1802 Significant to the journalism industry Says a lot about our media’s culture How we respond vs. other countries Reveals how we prioritize information Speaks for how media report based on geographical location Could be a starting point for changing the way media work

17 Conclusion - Since 1802 Learned a lot about myself, media and writing for crises Next steps… Finish up the final paper Study how Twitter/Facebook have affected crisis reporting Continue this project further in my graduate studies

18 GLOBAL TALES OF TRAGEDY Lessons Learned from an International Media Content Analysis November 20, 2014 - Since 1802 FALL 2014 CONFERENCE OF HONORS

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