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What Do You Drink? Soda Diet soda Iced tea Sports drinks Energy drinks
Juice Milk Coffee drinks Smoothies Water When you’re thirsty what do you usually drink? Do you choose regular soda, diet soda, juice or milk? Or do you reach for fitness drinks, smoothies, tea, coffee drinks or water? Do you ever stop to think how what you drink affects your health? Today, we’re going to take some time to look at the link between beverages and health. During our conversation, consider some things you could do to improve your beverage choices.
Obesity Rates Increase
Obese – 1 in 3 Americans Overweight – 50% of Americans Child/Teen Obesity – Tripled in last 20+ years Doctors, dieticians, researchers and politicians are focusing on the rising obesity rates. So is the media. We now hear that one in three Americans is obese. And over half the population is overweight. Obesity rates for children and teens have tripled since 1980. 1980’s Today
> > Road to Obesity Overweight Child Overweight/Obese Teen
Overweight/Obese Adult > > The reason health professionals want to address weight problems as early as possible is because a young child who is overweight will probably grow up to be an overweight or obese teen and then may become an adult with a serious weight problem. At every age, excess weight combined with poor nutrition habits can cause damaging health challenges.
Obesity Health Risks Heart Disease High blood pressure Stroke
Heart attacks Type 2 Diabetes Poor circulation Kidney failure Vision damage Limb amputation Heart disease and diabetes used to be health challenges for old people. But the face of medicine has changed along with the rise in obesity. Being overweight contributes to heart disease. Heart patients may have high blood pressure, stroke and heart attacks. Doctors are diagnosing elementary school students with type 2 diabetes at alarming rates. A type 2 diabetes diagnosis can lead to poor circulation, kidney failure, vision damage and limb amputation.
Beverages Obesity – Health – Nutrition Connection
A healthy lifestyle pyramid includes what we eat, what we drink and how much we exercise. Today, we’re looking at the beverage section. Food Beverages Exercise
Liquid vs. Food Calories
32 oz. Cola – 400 calories Foods with 400 calories 2 bagels 5 c. chicken noodle soup 7 pancakes 2 brownies 1 taco, 1 enchilada 1 1/2 c. macaroni and cheese Roast beef sandwich 3 bowls of cereal, milk People often know the exact calorie count for every food they consume but don’t how many calories are in their drinks. You might be surprised what 400 calories can buy you. You could drink a 32-ounce soda for 400 calories or you could eat any one of these foods for the same calories. Two bagels, a cup and a half of macaroni and cheese, a taco and an enchilada, a roast beef sandwich, three bowls of cereal with milk, seven pancakes, five cups of chicken noodle soup or two brownies.
History of Soda Size Coca Cola
12 oz can, 20, 24 oz bottles, 32 and 44 oz cups 6.5, 10, & 12 oz bottles 6.5 oz bottles So how did we end up thinking a 32 - ounce soda was a good size? Let’s look at a brief history of soda size. In 1916, coca-cola was sold in 6.5 ounce bottles. In 1950, the 6.5 ounce bottle was still the standard but the 10 and 12-ounce king-sized bottle also appealed to customers. Today the 12-ounce can is considered the regular size. But the size is getting even larger as vending machines offer 20 and 24-ounce bottles and convenience stores sell 32 and 44 - ounce cups. 1950 Today 1916
Average Soda Consumption
Up 300% in 30 Years Teen Boys: 3+ cans per day Teen Girls: 2+ cans per day People are drinking three times more soda than they did 30 years ago. Today boys drink three or more cans of soda a day on average. For girls, the average is two or more. Here’s an interesting statistic. Drink three cans a day and you’ll put 1000 cans a year in the recycle bin. That amount of liquid could fill up two bathtubs.
= Soda and Sugar 4 Grams = 1 teaspoon 10 Teaspoons in Every 12 oz Can
Sugar has lots of calories, empty calories that have no nutritional value. They are termed added sugar calories because they don’t occur naturally in food or beverages. They are added in by food manufacturers to make the food taste more appealing. Check the nutrition facts label on a can of soda and you’ll see it contains approximately 40 grams of sugar. Four grams equals one teaspoon of sugar. That means you are drinking 10 teaspoons of added sugar in every can of pop. Drinks high in added sugar promote tooth decay and can ruin your smile.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
New Generation of Sweetener Sweeter and Cheaper Made from Corn Most soft drink companies and other food manufacturers have replaced sugar with the sweeter and cheaper High Fructose Corn Syrup sweetener. Although it starts as corn, the nutritional benefits are erased during processing. Some researchers believe High Fructose Corn Syrup doesn’t satisfy a person’s hunger as well as other sugars. So users keep eating more sugary foods and drinks, which puts them at risk for weight gain.
Soda and Energy Levels Insulin Sugar Feeling Down
Our bodies react to high sugar intake by producing a lot of insulin which processes the sugar into glycogen and fat. After the sugar in our blood stream is processed, the insulin level is gradually reduced. During the time while our insulin levels are returning to normal, we may feel sluggish and low in energy. It is harder to concentrate during that time and we may even feel agitated or aggressive. Those side effects of high sugar intake make it harder to be in class or to do school work. Sugar Feeling Down
Soda and Bones Compromises Bone Mass Growth
Contributes to Bone Deterioration May Change Magnesium Balance Girls at Highest Risk A Harvard study says ingredients in soft drinks may affect the body’s ability to build bone mass. U.S. Department of Agriculture research suggests fructose may cause bone deterioration. Fructose may also change the body’s magnesium balance leading to weakened bone mass. Girls have the highest risk.
Diet Soda Surprise Diet Soda May Cause Weight Gain
Calorie-free Drink May Leave You Hungry You may turn to diet soft drinks to cut down on calories. But this strategy can backfire. According to University of Texas researchers, diet colas can actually stimulate your appetite. If the diet beverage calories don’t satisfy your hunger, you’ll probably eat more food until you feel full.
Chemicals Replace Calories
Diet Cola Ingredients Ascorbic Acid + Sodium/Potassium Benzoate Benzene, a Carcinogen According to the Environmental Working Group, diet cola ingredients ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate can cause a reaction, which creates benzene. Benzene, which is also an ingredient in auto fuel, can be a cancer-causing contaminant.
Performance Drink Differences
Sports Drinks – Replace Fluids Many people think sports drinks and energy drinks are basically the same type of beverage. This is a huge misconception. Athletes use sports drinks to replace fluids during and after an athletic competition. Energy beverages are formulated to enhance performance by boosting the drinker’s energy level. They are not recommended for athletes. Energy Drinks – Deliver a Stimulant
Sports Drinks Water Best for 90-minute Competitions
Sports Drinks Have Value after 90 Minutes Rebalance Electrolytes, Carbohydrates and Sodium Choose 8% Total Solids Check for High Sugar Content Most dieticians encourage athletes to drink water during and after athletic events that last 90 minutes or less. Sports drinks can add benefits during longer endurance events. They aren’t recommended as a regular beverage. Check the nutrition label and choose brands with 8% or less total solids to rebalance electrolytes, carbohydrates and sodium. Watch for high sugar content.
Energy Drinks Not Good Choice for Athletes
Caffeine Content Can Dehydrate Athlete Caffeine-Sugar Jolt Leads to Crash Despite Vitamins, Not Nutrition Value Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine, as much as in a cup of coffee or in two cans of cola. Caffeine, which is a diuretic, can dehydrate an athlete instead of adding fluids.* The caffeine combines with sugar to rev up energy. But the jolt is short-lived and the drinker will soon head toward an energy crash. Although the beverages contain some vitamins, they are not a health drink. *Note: There is a dispute about whether caffeinated drinks are hydrating or not. There have been a few studies that indicate caffeinated drinks are not dehydrating. However, the conventional wisdom is that they are dehydrating.
= Fruit Juice Choose 100% Juice, No Sugar Added Contains Natural Sugar
Serving Size – 6 ounces Two Servings Per Day Drink 100 percent fruit juice as an alternative to high-sugar beverages. Although you’ll find sugar in fruit juice, it is natural sugar, which is a healthy substance as long as you follow serving guidelines. Two 6-ounce servings a day are suggested. You can make the serving size larger by diluting the juice with regular or carbonated water. =
Watch Out for Juice Imposters
Read Labels for Clues Fruit Cocktail or Punch Not Juice 10% Juice Is Not Juice Many beverage manufacturers want to ride on the coattails of 100 percent fruit juice products. They create look-a-likes that might seem the same but aren’t. You have to read the fine print to discover the difference. Fruit punch or cocktail in cans, bottles, boxes and bags contain approximately 10 percent juice. The rest is mostly added sugar water. =
Smoothie Options Commercial Smoothie 360 + Calories and 16 tsps. Sugar
Healthy Smoothie Ingredients Fresh or Frozen Fruit, Low-fat Milk or Yogurt, Ice You might think a smoothie would be healthy because it contains fruit. That isn’t necessarily the case if other ingredients are used. Order a fruit smoothie and your drink could total 360 or more calories and 16 teaspoons of sugar. Blend your own version with fresh or frozen fruit, low-fat milk or yogurt and ice for a healthier option.
Iced Tea Commercial Ice Teas High in Sugar Choose Black or Green Teas
Avoid Sweeteners Could ice tea be a good substitute for soft drinks? The answer is: it depends on sugar. Beverage manufacturers now offer all kinds of ice teas ready to go in bottles and cans. Raspberry, lemon, peach, honey, southern and other sweetened teas are not healthy choices because they are heavily flavored with sugar. Instead, make ice tea from black or green tea and skip the sweetener.
Coffee Drinks Check the Calories
Double Mocha Frappucino with Whipped Cream 500 Calories and 16 tsps of Sugar Tall Cappucino with Skimmed Milk 100 calories Every year more people develop a taste for coffeehouse drinks. Many are sure these coffees are healthier than the colas they used to drink. A cup of decaffeinated coffee might be but other choices are deceiving. For example, a double mocha frappuccino with whipped cream will come in at around 500 calories with 16 teaspoons of added sugar. On the other hand, a tall cappuccino with skimmed milk is approximately 100 calories.
Milk Healthy Beverage Choice Contains Vitamins and Minerals
Drink up to 3 Cups a Day Choose Low-fat Products Balance with Other Dairy Servings Milk is a healthy beverage and a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and Vitamin D. An eight-ounce glass of milk has about the same calories as a can of soda. That’s where the similarity ends. Milk is a nutrition value while soda is filled with empty sugar calories. Nutrition guidelines say drink up to 3 cups a day. Choose low-fat over whole milk. If you eat other foods in the dairy group such as cheese or yogurt, adjust your milk servings.
Flavored Milk Popular Milk Product Fun Flavors Food or Beverage?
As the consumption of plain milk dropped over the last sixty years, dairy manufacturers develop flavored milks in interesting bottles to boost their sales. It worked. Chocolate, banana, strawberry, mocha, French vanilla and other interesting flavors attract customers. But whether or not flavored milk is healthy is up for debate. Some claim plain milk is really a nutritious food while flavored milks are beverages. Others believe all milk drinks including flavored ones are good beverage options.
A Beverage Comparison Choc Milk (8 oz) Fruit Punch (8 oz) Soda
(12 oz can) 150 150 150 Calories 9 6.5 Sugar (tsp) 4 People who believe flavored milk is a healthy beverage like to compare milk to cola and fruit drinks. A cup of chocolate milk, a cup of fruit punch and a can of soda each have approximately 150 calories. And the drinks all contain added sugar. However, the fruit punch has over 50% more sugar as the flavored milk and the soda has twice as much. The big difference is in the nutrients. There are none in either the fruit punch or soda. The flavored milk provides protein, fat, calcium as well as vitamins A, C, and D. Nutrients Fat, protein, calcium, vitamins A, C, D None None
Water Water Is the Very Best Thirst Quencher Water Has Zero Calories
Water Carries Nutrients Through the Body Water Is the Key to Hydration Of all the liquids we could drink, water is the very best for quenching our thirst. And water is the ultimate diet drink because it has no calories. Our bodies actually need water to function. Water moves nutrients through our system and keeps us hydrated.
Water in Schools Schools Ban Soda Machines Water for Sale in Schools
Bottles Target Kids Former President Bill Clinton and his foundation helped broker an agreement with beverage manufacturers to pull soft drinks from vending machines and cafeterias in most public schools. Why did the soda companies agree? They were ready with a plan to sell water instead. Students can put money in a vending machine and out will come a small bottle of water with kid-friendly design.
Make Water Interesting
Add Fruit Slices Top with Juice Splash Use Juice Ice Cubes Try Carbonated Water You may think plain water is boring. Well, you can use a few simple tricks to perk it up. Add a slice of fruit to your water. Top off your glass of water with a splash of cranberry juice. Freeze juice in cubes and add to your glass. Put some fizz in your water by trying carbonated brands. Choose plain or lemon, lime and berry flavors.
Obesity in a Bottle Review
Child and Teen Obesity Rises Soda – Obesity/Bone Loss Link Diet Soda Can Backfire Beware Performance Drinks Fancy Drinks Have Fancy Calories We’ve looked carefully at most beverages on the market and made some discoveries. Drinking too many soft drinks can contribute to the rising rates of child, teen and adult weight gain. Added pounds increase the risk for heart disease and diabetes. The cola habit can also lead to early bone loss. By not satisfying your hunger, drinking diet soda can cause you to eat more. Sports and energy drinks are not good every day thirst quenchers. Smoothies, fancy coffee drinks and sweetened ice teas have surprisingly high calorie counts.
Obesity in a Bottle Review
Choose 100% Juice Put Milk on Your Menu Drink Water, Water Everywhere Are you beginning to think nothing is safe to drink? Not true. We’ve learned there are some nutritious beverages that will satisfy your thirst without side effects. Drink up to 1 1/2 cups of 100% fruit juice a day; more if you dilute it with water. Get re-acquainted with good old-fashioned milk. Up to three cups a day meets serving guidelines. What can we say about water? Water is healthy. Water is calorie-free. Water is the best liquid to pour in your glass.
What Did You Learn? 1. Obesity contributes to what diseases?
Heart Disease and Diabetes. 2. How much sugar is in a 12 oz. can of soda? 10 Teaspoons. 3. What is High Fructose Corn Syrup? A corn based sweetener. 4. Sports drinks and energy drinks: the difference? Sports drink – fluid replacement. Energy drink – stimulant. 5. How can diet soda cause weight gain? Heart disease and diabetes. 10 teaspoons. A corn based sweetener. 4. Sports drink – fluid replacement. 5. Energy drink – stimulant. It may not satisfy hunger. 6. Imposter. Has only 10% fruit juice. 7. It’s a non-caloric thirst quencher that hydrates the body and carries nutrients through the body. It may not satisfy hunger. 6. Fruit punch: juice or imposter? Imposter. Has only 10% fruit juice. 7. Why is water a nutritional bargain? It’s a non-caloric thirst quencher that hydrates the body and carries nutrients through the body.
Apply What You’ve Learned
Complete one of the following activities: Research a “healthy” and an “unhealthy” beverage choice. Make a chart comparing sugar content, calories, nutrients, etc. Research the health benefits of milk. Create a poster. Find healthy smoothie recipes. Try making a few.
Web Resources USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans American Beverage Association Centers For Disease Control and Prevention American Diabetes Association
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