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.. The teacher-turned-astronaut, Barbara Morgan, carried millions of basil seeds into orbit and onto the International Space Station. Basil... in space?

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Presentation on theme: ".. The teacher-turned-astronaut, Barbara Morgan, carried millions of basil seeds into orbit and onto the International Space Station. Basil... in space?"— Presentation transcript:

1 .

2 The teacher-turned-astronaut, Barbara Morgan, carried millions of basil seeds into orbit and onto the International Space Station. Basil... in space? Well, you never know when the ISS might run into some bland spaghetti sauce. NASA gave us our own!

3 Our Basil Seed Experiments Student Scientists Celest Noah Ivy Francesca Marissa

4 Francesca’s Experiment

5 This Is a picture of both, Earth based seeds and Space exposed seeds. The tall bottle on the right has the space exposed seeds and the smaller on the left has the Earth based seeds.

6 What happened to the seeds Take care of where you place your experiment. About one week into my experiment my pet cats (Amy, Cali, and Siren) knocked over the bottles and disturbed the soil and experiment  Haven't noticed any growth since the experiment was tampered by alien cats.

7 By Celest Lentz Basil Experiment: Soil

8 Questions hoped to be answered by the experiment What are the differences between an Earth basil plant and a space basil plant grown in the same environment? Which of the two plants will live longer in the growth chamber? What are the differences between the space basil grown in the larger container and the space basil grown in the smaller container? Will the growth of the basil plant in the smaller container be stunted significantly? What are the differences in leaf size?

9 What has been done One “space” seed and one “Earth” seed planted in two different 3.79L bottles filled with soil. One “space” seed planted in a 0.47L bottle filled with soil. All of the seeds have 3.79L of space for shoot growth. All of the containers have been filled with three layers of soil. The bottom layer consists of pumice for drainage The middle layer consists of potting soil for space for the root growth The top layer is a small peat pellet for extra moisture

10 Things to consider for variations of the experiment Moisture content of the soil. Different types of soils used. The volume of the container or growth chamber. Kinds of rocks used for drainage of the water.

11 Space seed 1: Comprised of one seed. Soil structure: top layer is peat pellets to hold extra moisture, second layer is comprised of top soil for root growth, third layer is pumice for drainage. Top of bottle for plant shoot growth. System is self contained (bottles are glued together)

12 Space Container 2: All other conditions the same as Space Container 1 except for smaller bottle for root growth.

13 Earth Seed Container 1: Comprised of one earth seed. Same as Space Container 1 except for earth based seed was used instead of space based seed.

14 Experiment Took bottle and cut it. 1/3 top, 2/3 bottom. Took apart tea filter to hold vermiculite in place. Placed filter into hole of cut bottle and fed gauze that acted as a wick through the bottom bottle that contained regular filtered water. Put vermiculite in container to act soil. Refill water level ½ inch per week. Black construction paper around container to inhibit growth of algae in bottom of bottle. No nutrients added.

15 Two Tests, Two different locations Test 1: All Space Based Bottle at planetarium in fluorescent lighting only. 12 hour cycle Not enclosed Results 5 growth shoots Four green shoots One half green/purple Height: inch or smaller Test 2: All Space Based Bottle located at home in window sill. Receives natural light Not enclosed Results 6 shoots All dark green and healthy. Height: Much taller than test 1

16 Further Study I would have put the seeds in at the prescribe depth of ¼ inch Put less seeds in each container Reviewed each container and designed or built other experiments from my observations.

17 Noah’s Experiment

18 For further study Will seeds be the same size in same growing conditions Which ones will last longer in each container Testing second generation space seeds Will they attract insects the same? Will the plant foliage be the same? Is the nutrient level the same? Will they hold up to disease? Will they grow faster?

19 For more information go to: home/index.html home/index.html

20 JPL pictures I went to the JPL open house…many smart people… And an amazing college campus.

21 Other projects we did! February to May 2009

22 Dry Ice Investigations

23 Dry ice sublimes, changing directly to a gas at atmospheric pressuresublimesgas

24 Carbon dioxide

25 Solar system light

26 Outside stations

27 Playing with the marble maze

28 Making sun clocks

29 Dry ice comets

30 Making the dry ice comets

31 Dry ice comets

32 Dry ice bubble

33 Floating ping-pong-ball

34 THANK YOU For watching the slide show of the power points To see all the pictures To see all the experiments

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