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Driver Diagrams: Linking Ideas to Action Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Driver Diagrams: Linking Ideas to Action Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driver Diagrams: Linking Ideas to Action Colleen Kennedy January 30 & 31, 2013

2 What We Will Cover What are driver diagrams? When to use them Break down the parts and create your own diagram

3 Background Beginner Intermediate Expert Skills Assessment


5 The Model AIM Primary Driver Secondary Driver Change Idea Secondary Driver Change Idea Primary Driver Secondary Driver Change Idea Secondary Driver Change Idea

6 The Model - Example Reduce readmissions for COPD by 50% by Sept 1, 2015 Increase referrals to the Breathe Well program Secondary Driver Change Idea Improve awareness of community resources and services Trial the standardized discharge form (which includes the Breathe Well referral) Primary Driver Secondary Driver Change Idea Secondary Driver Change Idea

7 What Are They?




11 When you could use? Source: Health Quality Ontario



14 The Model

15 Aim Statement Primary DriversSecondary DriversChange Ideas

16 Aim Statement A clear, action orientated statement – Specific – Measureable – Achievable – Realistic – Timebound


18 Best Ever Bike Race Best Time at the Okanagan Shuswap 100 km Spring Ride Training Increase endurance Increase Speed Nutrition Increase Hydration Fill a 2l bottle of water and finish everyday Drink 750 ml/hour on bike Consumer high water foods Health Rest and Recovery Injury Free Gear Bike Clothing and Accessories Change Idea

19 Aim Statement: Create your own Take 5 minutes to create an aim statement for your project!

20 Primary Drivers Aim StatementPrimary DriversSecondary DriversChange Ideas

21 Primary Drivers System components which will contribute to achieving the aim Referred to as primary drivers because they ‘drive’ the achievement of your main goal.



24 Best Ever Bike Race Best Time at the Okanagan Shuswap 100 km Spring Ride Training Increase endurance Increase Speed Nutrition Increase Hydration Fill a 2l bottle of water and finish everyday Drink 750 ml/hour on bike Consumer high water foods Health Rest and Recovery Injury Free Gear Bike Clothing and Accessories Carbon Fibre Bike Shoes Spandex

25 Change Ideas Aim StatementPrimary DriversSecondary DriversChange Ideas

26 Secondary Drivers Elements within the related primary driver Break down the primary driver into manageable components


28 Best Ever Bike Race Best Time at the Okanagan Shuswap 100 km Spring Ride Training Increase endurance Increase Speed Nutrition Increase Hydration Fill a 2l bottle of water and finish everyday Drink 750 ml/hour on bike Consumer high water foods Health Rest and Recovery Injury Free Gear Bike Clothing and Accessories Change Idea

29 Drivers Identify potential drivers – Areas in which change will impact aim – Informed brainstorming Value stream maps Patient journey maps Client experience surveys Other stakeholder feedback (providers/patients) System data Research literature

30 Drivers Cluster the ideas to create an agreed upon set of ‘drivers’ – Clearly defined – Typical language: “improve” or “decrease” Identify the links between the drivers – creating primary, secondary and even tertiary

31 Drivers: Create your own Take 10 minutes to brainstorm and map out some primary and secondary drivers for your work!

32 Change Ideas Aim StatementPrimary DriversSecondary DriversChange Ideas

33 Outlines what changes will lead to improvement Focuses team’s attention To accomplish the aim Credible changes Research literature Expert/stakeholder recommendations

34 Change Ideas Ideas for change Actionable, specific idea to trial Teams test these change ideas Test on a small scale Spread adapted changes Plan multiple series of PDSA’s


36 Change Concepts Change concepts are high level/conceptual Use them to help generate change ideas A general notion or approach Accelerate quantity and quality of change idea development

37 Change Concepts Examples: Remove bottlenecks Listen to customers Give people access to information Change the order of process steps Standardization

38 Change Ideas After generated Align the flow of ideas with primary and secondary drivers


40 Best Ever Bike Race Best Time at the Okanagan Shuswap 100 km Spring Ride Training Increase endurance Increase Speed Nutrition Increase Hydration Fill a 2l bottle of water and finish everyday Drink 750 ml/hour on bike Consumer high water foods Health Rest and Recovery Injury Free Gear Bike Clothing and Accessories Change Idea

41 Change Ideas: Create your own Take 10 minutes to brainstorm and map out some change ideas for your work!

42 Reflection Thoughts Advantages? Disadvantages?


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