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1. These:  Breast milk  Iron-fortified infant formula, including soy- based formula Instead of These:  Fruit juice  Cow’s milk, lactose-free milk.

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Presentation on theme: "1. These:  Breast milk  Iron-fortified infant formula, including soy- based formula Instead of These:  Fruit juice  Cow’s milk, lactose-free milk."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 These:  Breast milk  Iron-fortified infant formula, including soy- based formula Instead of These:  Fruit juice  Cow’s milk, lactose-free milk or nutritionally equivalent nondairy beverages such as soy or rice milk for infants less than 12 months (unless medically necessary) 2 DrinkDrink

3  Breast milk: ◦ Meets all nutritional needs of an infant and promotes health and development ◦ Protects infants from many illnesses and diseases including diarrhea, respiratory disease, SIDS, allergies and ear infections ◦ Reduces the risk of childhood obesity ◦ Is associated with improved mental development 3

4  Iron-fortified infant formula: ◦ Is an acceptable alternative to breast milk and is specially formulated to have the right balance of nutrients ◦ Includes iron which is a very important nutrient during the first year  Does not protect infants against illness and disease as well as breast milk 4

5  Fruit juice: ◦ Provides less nutrients and fiber than whole baby food fruits and vegetables because of what is lost when juice is processed ◦ Drinking too much may be linked to becoming overweight or obese and is associated with tooth decay and diarrhea  Cow, lactose-free, soy and rice milk do not contain the right amounts of nutrients infants need and can harm their health 5

6  How to feed with a bottle ◦ Hold baby & bottle during feeding  Why propping a bottle is not allowed ◦ Choking, suffocation, ear infections, tooth decay, less cuddling & human contact  Do not let baby carry bottle around ◦ Tooth decay, drink too much, share bottles, liquid spoil, glass bottle can break 6

7  Baby bottle tooth decay or early childhood caries caused by: ◦ Babies with teeth fall asleep with bottle in mouth ◦ Babies who drink from bottle (or sippy cup) with juice, sweet liquid, formula for long periods 7

8 To prevent tooth decay:  Feed only breastmilk or formula from a bottle  No juice in bottle, only in cup; do not feed more than 4 ounces of juice/day  Bottle only at feeding time, not naps  No bottles in crib, playpen, no propping  If pacifier, only plain, nothing on it  Do not use cold bottle of juice for teething pain  Do not let baby carry around sippy cup 8

9 To prevent tooth decay (continued)  No water with honey, sugar, or corn syrup, soda, sweet iced tea, juice drinks, or other sweet drinks in bottle or cup  Do not feed sweet or sticky foods  Gradually shift bottle feedings to cup feedings between 6 and 12 months  Discuss cleaning baby’s teeth/gums with parents/providers 9

10  Do not introduce solid food and fruit juice before 4-6 months because it may lead to: ◦ a decrease in the intake of breast milk or formula ◦ choking, digestive problems, food allergies or intolerances 10

11  Do not wait to introduce solid foods later than 6 months because it may lead to: ◦ the inability to accept different food textures ◦ reduced motor development (e.g. chewing) ◦ decreased nutrient intake 11

12 THESE:  Iron-fortified infant cereal INSTEAD OF THESE:  Commercially prepared cereal mixtures (cereal with fruit)  Low-iron infant cereals  Cereals designed for older children and adults  Sweetened grains/baked goods for breakfast (e.g. donuts, cinnamon rolls, toaster pastries, muffins)  Cereals that present choking hazards EAT

13  Offer a variety of baby food fruits and vegetables including: Commercially prepared baby fruits and vegetables Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables Canned fruits in their natural juices or water Canned vegetables with no added salt 13

14  Must list vegetable or fruit as first ingredient  Plain vegetables and fruits 14

15 Not creditable  Cereals, desserts, puddings listing fruit as the first ingredient  Fruit or vegetable listing water as the first ingredient 15

16  Avoid vegetables high in nitrates until 6 months:  Beets, carrots, collard greens, spinach, turnips 16

17  Offer lean protein sources such as ground well-cooked lean beef, pork, skinless chicken and turkey, fish, legumes (e.g. cooked dry beans and peas), natural cheese, egg yolk 17

18 Do Not Serve  Processed meats such as bacon, beef jerky, bologna, hot dogs, liverwurst, pepperoni, sausage, Polish sausage  Fried or pre-fried breaded meats including chicken nuggets, chicken patties, corn dogs, fish sticks  Meat and meat alternates that present choking hazards or food allergies 18

19 Not creditable:  Fish Sticks  Hot dogs  “Baby Food” meat sticks  Home canned meats  Commercial-Prepared Combination Dinners 19

20 Sweeteners and Sweetened Foods:  “Baby Food” Desserts  Cakes, cookies, candy  Chocolate  Added sugar, syrup, etc. 20

21  Honey and corn syrup: either plain or in foods  Artificial Sweeteners 21

22  The opportunities to provide young children with a healthy start are unlimited – and very rewarding – for parents and caregivers 22

23  USDA Feeding Infants  Ellyn Satter How to Feed Children 23

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