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W.J. Beal’s Long-Term Seed Viability Study: 1879-2012 Frank W. Telewski Professor, Dept. of Plant Biology Curator, W. J. Beal Botanical Garden & Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "W.J. Beal’s Long-Term Seed Viability Study: 1879-2012 Frank W. Telewski Professor, Dept. of Plant Biology Curator, W. J. Beal Botanical Garden & Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 W.J. Beal’s Long-Term Seed Viability Study: 1879-2012 Frank W. Telewski Professor, Dept. of Plant Biology Curator, W. J. Beal Botanical Garden & Campus Arboretum Michigan State University

2 Professor William James Beal, born March 11, 1833, Adrian, Michigan; died 1924. Attended Univ. of Michigan 1855- 1859 (A.B. degree) Taught natural sciences in Friend’s Academy, Union Springs, NY 1895- 1861 Attended Harvard 1861-1863 to study with Asa Gray, Louis Agassiz and Jeffried Wyman (S.B. degree)

3 Question: How long can seeds remain viable in the soil? Farmers needed weed control Mechanical removal (cultivation) No herbicides! Labor intensive

4 Experimental Design 21 different species selected 50 seeds of each Mixed in moderately moist sand Twenty lots (1-pint bottles filled with mix) Set upside-down, slanted, and buried uncorked on campus 2 species, oak and black walnut buried next to the bottles

5 In 1879 Prof. Beal buried 20 bottles containing 20 species of seed.

6 What was included in the bottles? Agrostemma githago- corncockle Amaranthus retroflexus- pigweed Ambrosia artemisifolia- ragweed Anthemis cotula- stinking chamomile Brassica nigra- black mustard Bromus secalinus- rye brome Capsella bursa-pastoris- shepherd's- purse Erechtites hieracifolia- American burnweed Euphorbia maculata- spotted spurge Lepidium virginicum- peppergrass Malva rotundifolia- Round-leaved Mallow Plantago major- broadleaved plantain Polygonum hydropiper- marshpepper knotweed Portulaca oleracea- Common Purslane Setaria glauca- yellow foxtail Stellaria media- chickweed Trifolium repens- white clover Verbascum thapsus- common mullein (Verbascum blattaria- moth mullein) Oenothera biennnis- evening primrose Rumex crispus- curly dock Thuja occidentalis- eastern white cedar

7 Time Periods Professor Beal (five years)- 1884-1909 Professor Darlington (five years)- 1914-1920 Professor Darlington (ten years)- 1930-1960 Drs. Kivilaan and Bandurski- (ten years) 1970- 1980 Drs. Telewski and Zeevaart- (20 years) 2000

8 What Germinated? After first 5 years, 13 species germinated Remained fairly constant until 30 th year By 60 th year, only Verbascum was germinating regularly. In year 100, both Verbascum and Malva germinated

9 122 year-old biennials What Germinated in 2000? 25 Verbascum blattaria (50%) 1 Malva rotundifolia (2%) 5 more bottles left. Next bottle to be extracted? 2020

10 In 1998, 125 th anniversary of the founding of the W. J. Beal Botanical Garden, a new garden logo using the moth mullein flower to symbolize the contribution and longevity of Prof. Beal’s work, was adopted.

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