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Let GO- let your students be REAL scientists! Kamy Whatley Tammi Lewis Clarendon CISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Let GO- let your students be REAL scientists! Kamy Whatley Tammi Lewis Clarendon CISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let GO- let your students be REAL scientists! Kamy Whatley Tammi Lewis Clarendon CISD

2 Part 1:  Scientific Method Planning Form  Rice University Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning – MedMyst   -Resources/_games/MedMyst- Reloaded/_401/Teacher-Materials.html -Resources/_games/MedMyst- Reloaded/_401/Teacher-Materials.html

3 Scientific Method Planning Form

4 Exercise and the Body Types of exercise Quantity of exercise Gender of exerciser Intensity level of exercise Heart rate Respiratory rate Blood pressure Calories used

5 Quantity of exercise Heart rate Type of exercise Gender of exerciser Intensity level of exercise Respiratory rate Blood pressure Calories used

6 Quantity of exercise Heart rate Heart Muscles and oxygen use stamina How does affect the

7 Quantity of exercise Heart rate quantity of jumping jacks increased heart rate increase

8 1.Take a resting heart rate. 2.Record data. 3.Do jumping jacks for 30 seconds. Take heart rate. 4.Record data. 5.Allow heart rate to return to the normal rate. 6.Do jumping jacks for 60 seconds at the same pace. Take heart rate. 7.Record data. 8.Allow heart rate to return to the normal rate. 9.Do jumping jacks for 90 seconds at the same pace. Take heart rate. 10.Record data. 11.Repeat steps 1-6 with four other people.

9 Quantity of exercise Heart rate 30 seconds 60 seconds 90 seconds _________________________ Total Average Trial 1 2 3 4 5

10 Quantity of exercise Heart rate quantity of exercise heart rate

11 How does the quantity of exercise affect heart rate? The data showed…..(don’t use personal pronouns like I and we) For example, the heart rate for doing jumping jacks for 30 seconds averaged 85 beats per minute, while the heart rate for doing jumping jacks for 90 seconds was 95 beats per minute. The hypothesis was (or was not) supported by the data. Type of exercise Respiratory rate

12 Brainstorm  How could you use this in your class?

13 Part 2: Future Scientists Program  USDA and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Partnership  Texas A&M – Dr. Craig Wilson  150 free corn earworms

14 What is a corn earworm?  One of the most destructive insect pests in the United States  Losses estimated at 2.5% annually, some places as much as 16.7% loss  Feed on corn, tomato, cotton, sorghum and strawberries  Found throughout North and Central America

15 Big Picture  Familiarizes students with the life cycle of the corn ear worm  Students alter variables and study the effects on the development of the insect  Real-world problem

16 Corn Earworm FAQ’s:  Approx. 35 day life cycle  Live in a 2L or 3L bottle habitat  Eat fruits, vegetables, sugar solution  Lesson Plans:  ex.html ex.html

17 TEKS  In packet  JH Science  Biology  Environmental Science

18 Putting it all together: Part 1 + Part 2  Use Scientific Method Planning Form to design investigation based on corn earworm  Clarendon CISD:  Students will complete in JH Enrichment & HS Environmental Science  JH and HS students will present their investigation and research findings together in a guest speaker type format

19 Let’s Build!  Cut top off 2L or 3L bottle  Assemble sugar solution container, place in bottom of bottle  Roll up paper towel, tape near top and let hang down to bottom of bottle  Place paper towel over top of bottle and rubber band

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