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Chemistry Tools  CTD (conductivity temperature depth)  Thermometers Bucket Reversing Bathythermograph  pH pH meter Chemical test.

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2 Chemistry Tools  CTD (conductivity temperature depth)  Thermometers Bucket Reversing Bathythermograph  pH pH meter Chemical test


4 Chemistry Tools  Oxygen concentration Winkler titration Oxygen probe  Salinity Hydrometer ○ Set measures temp too Knudsen titration ○ Not very accurate Salinometer ○ Electric and expensive

5 Chemistry Tools  Radiometer Electromagnetic radiation Temp and satellites  SPMD (Semi Permeable Membrane Device) Hydrophobic organic compounds

6 Bottle Samplers  Van Dorn (Messenger) Uses messenger  Surface Sampler  JZ Bacteriological (messenger) Sterile  Niskin Bottle (messenger) Nansen modified by Shale Niskin

7 Bottle Samplers  Nansen Bottle (messenger) Reverses 180*  Rosette Sampler 12 to 36 bottles Center has other instrument

8 Ship Technology  Altimeter Height  Barometer Air pressure  Velocity Profiler Speed  Gyrocompass Direction  SCS NOAA

9 Ship Terminology

10 Types of data  Continuous Ongoing (mainly driving the ship)  Event Moments (test taking)  Raw Directly from observation tools  Derived Derived from other raw data

11 Currents  Drift Bottle Pollution  Current meter speed  Current Dye biodegradable  Drifter Transmits location/conditions

12 Currents  Drogue Pollution Rare  Drift Card Just under surface pollution  Swallow float Tracked Specific depth

13 Biological tools  Suction sampler(critter getter) vacuum  D-Sampler Detritus and small organisms  Deck Plankton Collector Pump from boat  Succession Plate Set for a period of time

14 Biological tools  Sedgwick-rafter plankton counting chamber estimate  Folsom Plankton splitter Put in a drum and split  Standard Plankton net Towed horizontally or vertically

15 The deep  Sounder depth  Fathometer SONAR (Sound Navigation And Ranging)  Bottom corer Samples sediment

16 Dredges and grabs  Biological dredge Rocky bottom destructive  Petersen grab Rocky or soft bottom (free fall)  Ekman Grab Soft bottom only (messenger)

17 Tools  Messenger Triggers many tools  Wash Bucket cleans  Surveying equipment Tells beach profile  Secchi disk clarity

18 Tools  Forel Ule Scale Clarity  Sonde Many Recordings  Transects Reference point  Quadrats Counting in an area

19 Satellites  Sea-sat A 1978 Ocean temp  Nimbus 7 (CZCS) 1978-86 Ocean color  Geosat 1985-1989 Ocean level height

20 Satellites  Topex-Poseidon France-US 1992-2005 Sea level height  NASA Scaterrometer (NSCAT) 1996-today Atmospheric winds and ocean waves  SeaStar/SeaWIFS 1997-2010 Ocean Color

21 Satellites  QuikSCAT/Sea Winds 1999-today Atmosphere winds and ocean waves  Terra 1999-today Earth’s climate  Jason-1 2001-today France-US (replaced Topex) Sea level height

22 Satellites  GRACE Germany-US 2002-today Ocean currents, sea level, climate change  Aqua Japan-US-Brazil 2002-today Water cycle, and climate change  ICESat 2003-today Ice sheet growth/retreat

23 Satellite terminology  GOES(Geo-Stationary Operational Environmental Satellite) Geosynchronous, stays at one point  POES(Polar Operational Environmental Satellite) Sun-synchronous, same place-same time

24 Satellite Technology  AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) Takes 2048 pixel pictures to determine ocean color  GPS (Global Positioning System) Ship navigation

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