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Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King Jeopardy Vocabulario Venir Ser vs Estar Traer Pot Luck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King Jeopardy Vocabulario Venir Ser vs Estar Traer Pot Luck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King

3 Jeopardy Vocabulario Venir Ser vs Estar Traer Pot Luck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

4 $100 Question from Vocabulario Joven in English

5 $100 Answer from Vocabulario Young

6 $200 Question from Vocabulario Short (length) in Spanish

7 $200 Answer from Vocabulario Corto

8 $300 Question from Vocabulario Pepper in Spanish

9 $300 Answer from Vocabulario La pimienta

10 $400 Question from Vocabulario You are sleepy in Spanish

11 $400 Answer from Vocabulario Tienes sueño

12 $500 Question from Vocabulario I need a cup in Spanish

13 $500 Answer from Vocabulario Me falta una taza

14 $100 Question from Tener Venir means _____

15 $100 Answer from Venir To come/coming

16 $200 Question from Venir Yo ______ a la fiesta

17 $200 Answer from Venir Vengo

18 $300 Question from Venir You guys are coming

19 $300 Answer from Venir (Uds.) vienen

20 $400 Question from Venir We are coming with a long table

21 $400 Answer from Venir Nosotros venimos con una mesa larga

22 $500 Question from Venir ¿Cuántas personas _____ a la biblioteca?

23 $500 Answer from Tener Vienen

24 $100 Question from Ser vs Estar I am in Spanish (conj. both verbs)

25 $100 Answer from Ser vs Estar Yo soy/estoy

26 $200 Question from Poss. Adj. Los estudiantes _____ tristes

27 $200 Answer from Ser vs Estar Están

28 $300 Question from Ser vs Estar The woman is short

29 $300 Answer from Ser vs Estar La mujer es baja

30 $400 Question from Ser vs Estar Mis abuelos _____ profesores

31 $400 Answer from Ser vs Estar Son

32 $500 Question from Ser vs Estar We are from Spain

33 $500 Answer from Ser vs Estar Nosotros somos de España

34 $100 Question from Traer Traer means _____

35 $100 Answer from Traer To bring

36 $200 Question from Traer I bring

37 $200 Answer from Traer Traigo

38 $300 Question from Traer Will you bring me…?

39 $300 Answer from Traer Me trae…?

40 $400 Question from Traer Answer in Spanish: ¿Que traen Uds. a la clase de Español?

41 $400 Answer from Traer Traemos un libro, un cuaderno, un lapiz, etc

42 $500 Question from Traer Translate: I will bring you…

43 $500 Answer from Traer Le traigo…

44 $100 Question from Pot Luck Bill in Spanish

45 $100 Answer from Pot Luck La cuenta

46 $200 Question from Pot Luck Sugar in Spanish

47 $200 Answer from Pot Luck El azúcar

48 $300 Question from Pot Luck The main dish in Spanish

49 $300 Answer from Pot Luck El plato principal

50 $400 Question from Pot Luck You are old

51 $400 Answer from Pot Luck Eres viejo/a

52 $500 Question from Pot Luck The young woman is busy

53 $500 Answer from Pot Luck La joven está ocupada

54 Final Jeopardy What are the Spanish translations of these phrases? -Spoon -Knife -Napkin

55 Final Jeopardy Answer -La cuchara -El cuchillo -La servilleta

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