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STRUCTURED ACADEMIC CONTROVERSY Mrs. Moss’s 8 th grade social studies.

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Presentation on theme: "STRUCTURED ACADEMIC CONTROVERSY Mrs. Moss’s 8 th grade social studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRUCTURED ACADEMIC CONTROVERSY Mrs. Moss’s 8 th grade social studies

2 DO NOW: ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AS BEST AS YOU CAN 1. What percentage of the population ages 5 and up speak Spanish at home? A. 13.5% B. 25.3% C. 37.6% D. 67.9% 2. What are the top 3 languages spoken in the US? 3. Around what percentage of California's population speaks Spanish? A. 25% B: 45% C: 56% d: 83% 4. do you speak any other languages at home?

3 SHOULD ENGLISH BE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES? On your worksheets: Fill out evidence for both pro (Yes) and con (No) arguments English as official Language Election Problems Problems with Pro English

4 Delpit: “Language is the manifestation of Culture” Language and the language variety that an individual speaks, is the most immediate and perhaps most powerful way that a person presents herself or himself to the world, and is the basis by which they evaluate and extrapolate the identity of others - language is the manifestation of culture

5 STRUCTURED ACADEMIC CONTROVERSY Round 1: Right side Pro ; Left side con Round 1: Right side Pro ; Left side con 1. 5 minutes to read fact sheet and come up with 5 points of defense for your side 2. Pro side has 3 minutes to speak and defend (you and your partner must take turns speaking) Con side has 2 minutes to ask clarifying Questions 3. Con side has 3 minutes to speak and defend Pro Side has 2 minutes to ask clarifying questions Round 2: Switch Right side Con ; Left side pro Round 2: Switch Right side Con ; Left side pro

6 EXPECTATIONS FOR DEBATE listen to the person who is speaking only one person speaks at a time no interruption when someone is speaking when you disagree with someone, make sure that you make a difference between criticizing someone ' s idea and the person themselves no laughing when a person is saying something (unless they are making a joke) encourage everyone to participate (You have to speak at least once per round)

7 HOW TO BE CONVINCING IN A DEBATE What type of evidence are you using? Personal story Tone Eye contact Speak clearly, slowly, and loud enough to be heard by the audience. Speak with passion and excitement.

8 ROUND 1 5 Minutes to come up with an argument with your partner Right side: Pro 3 minutes to defend 2 Minutes for CLARIFICATION Left side: Con 3 Minutes to defend 2 Minutes for clarification

9 ROUND 2 5 Minutes to come up with an argument with your partner Right side: Pro 3 minutes to defend 2 Minutes for CLARIFICATION Left side: Con 3 Minutes to defend 2 Minutes for clarification

10 TOGETHER IN YOUR GROUPS - did you all agree on something? - what were some of the most convincing arguments? - can your entire table come up with a consensus? - what are some issues that you cannot agree on? - Prepare to share with the class

11 ON YOUR OWN What do you think? Has your opinion changed at all? Have you learned anything new? What is your opinion now– Use evidence from the handout and your worksheet to support your opinion

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