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Chunyan Shao (Shandong University).  It’s important…  Some said that…others argued that…  Advertisement is good and it often help us in…  I agree.

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Presentation on theme: "Chunyan Shao (Shandong University).  It’s important…  Some said that…others argued that…  Advertisement is good and it often help us in…  I agree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chunyan Shao (Shandong University)

2  It’s important…  Some said that…others argued that…  Advertisement is good and it often help us in…  I agree with the latter one.  I would like to know how long does it take to get to the campus?  I would like you to find a apartment for me.  I would like to ask some information about it.

3  How much money do I need to pay?  We needn’t that.  There are many informations  I need a information  Are there any other information should I know?  What is the rent price for a month  Advertisement is annoyed.  You will find it useful.

4  I was wondering whether the apartment is near to the campus.

5  Controversy:  Suggestion:  Analysis:

6  The most effective way to reduce traffic jam in big cities it to ban the use of private cars and promote public transport. To what extent do you agree with this statement?  Negative  Positive  Your view

7  what can we do to help the less developed areas in this country?  Solutions  Measures

8  As a new concept, lifelong education has been accepted by more and more people around the world. What do you think of the importance of lifelong education?  Importance  Reasons  Responsibility  preference

9  There has been a heated discussion as to how to reduce traffic jams in big cities. Some hold that banning the use of private cars and promoting public transport are the most effective way. Others believe that such is a very radical solution and can lead to many potential problems. So far as I am concerned, banning the use of private cars cannot solve all the problems, but improving public transport will be beneficial.

10  Issue: There has been a heated discussion as to whether…  There has been a wide concern about whether…  Positive: Some think/hold/maintain/state that A and B are...  Negative: Others believe/argue/say/contend that such is… and will lead to many potential problems.  My view: So far as I am concerned, A cannot solve all the problems, but B will be beneficial.

11  Issue: Traffic jams have become one of the most serious problems in big cities in China.  Traffic jams have become one of the most urgent issues in big cities in China.  Positive: Obviously/ Undoubtedly/evidently/clearly/It going without saying that, A will do good to…  Negative: However/Nevertheless/Nonetheless, this will lead to/result in some unforeseeable problems/consequences.  My View: To effectively solve this problem /settle this issue, we should…

12  Issue: Traffic in big cities has become more than ever a headache/deadlock for most city- dwellers.  Two views: While it is true that banning the use of private cars and promoting public transport can lessen the seriousness of the phenomenon (Positive), it will by no means solve the problem once and for all / in the long run(Negative).  My view: For my part, there are many

13  1.... has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions towards it vary from person to person. …… 已经成为人们谈论的热门话题,不同的人对此有不同 的看法。  2. There is an argument / much disagreement / no consensus of opinions among people concerning / over / as to / on... 关于 …… ,人们的看法不尽相同。  3. Different people have / hold /take different views / perspectives on... 不同的人对 …… 有不同的见解。  4. The issue of whether or not... has been widely argued / debated currently. 关于是否 …… 的问题,如今公众已经展开了广泛的讨论。 

14  1. Some people suggest / maintain / hold the opinion that... But / However / While / Nevertheless / Yet, other people hold a different point of view... 有些人认为 …… ,但是另外一些人却持有不同的观点。  2. When it comes to... some people think / believe that... while others argue / claim that the opposite / reverse is true. 当谈及 …… 的时候,有些人认为 …… ,但是其他人却站在相反意 见的一边。  3. Those who criticize / oppose to / object to... argue that.... But people who advocate / favor.., on the other hand, maintain / assert that... 那些批评/反对 …… 的人认为 …… ,但是赞成 …… 的人认为 …… 

15  1. For my part / As to me / As far as I am concerned, I’d like to agree to the former / my favor goes to the first view. 就我而言,我赞同前一种观点。  2. I agree to the latter opinion to some extent. 我比较同意后一种观点。  3. I’m in favor of... / I’m on the side of...  我赞成 ……  4. In my opinion / From my perspective…

16  What can we do to help the children in underdeveloped areas to complete their basic education?  Issue: help children  Problems: underdeveloped areas  complete basic education  ?? What should we include in the opening paragraph?  Introduction of the issue?  Description of the problems?  Analysis of the problems?  Solutions to the problems?

17  1. Nowadays, … has become a problem we have to face. 如今 …… 已经成为我们必须面对的问题。  2. Although... has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well. 尽管 …… 给我们带来了很多便利,但是很多人已经 认识到它也会制造麻烦。  3. Recently, the issue / problem / question of…has been brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among public attention. 最近 …… 的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。

18  4 . Nowadays, an increasing number of people come to realize / be aware of the importance of… 现在越来越多的人开始意识到 …… 的重要性。  5 . With the rapid / amazing / fantastic development / growth / improvement of economy, great changes have taken place in… 随着经济的快速 ( 惊人的,令人瞩目的 ) 发 展, …… 发生了巨大的变化。

19  Education of children in underdeveloped areas has become a more and more urgent issue for both government and society.  That is, not all children are able to finish their basic education in those places.  The basic education for children in underdeveloped areas has been widely regarded as a serious problem for both society and government.  To be more specific, children in those places could not even afford their basic education.

20  People in modern society are increasingly finding themselves under greater pressure and having less leisure time. What do you think are the reasons for this?  Issue: greater pressure less leisure time  Problem: Modern society, reasons?  ?? What to be included in the opening paragraph?  Modern society? Current situation?

21  In recent days, we have to face …. (problem), which is becoming more and more serious. First, ….( 说明A的现状 ) . Second, ….( 举例 进一步说明现状 )  Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)…. 作文题目 …..  In recent years,….has caused a heated debate on…..  These days we often hear that…...

22  Under the rapid development of the modern society, people have been forced to follow a faster rhythm, not only in their work, but also in their life. First, they feel more and more pressure; second, they have less and less free time.  It is often complained that modern people tend to have more and more pressure, but less and less leisure time.

23  Find the analysis and suggestion kind of topics in the textbook and write the opening paragraph of each of them.


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