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“A quiet classroom is not a learning classroom” Nette Archangel Tammy Schales rg.

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Presentation on theme: "“A quiet classroom is not a learning classroom” Nette Archangel Tammy Schales rg."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A quiet classroom is not a learning classroom” Nette Archangel aarchangel@lincolnschool Tammy Schales tschales@lincolnschools.o rg

2 2 Louisiana Believes To meet these raised expectations, we must clarify our focus on what our students need. Specifically, we must ensure this year that our students… English language arts Comprehend (access) meaningful, on level texts Speak and write in response to meaningful texts Math students Master math concepts of priority, on level content and practice standards (not just procedures) Master targeted remedial content that allows practice faster focus of on level content Instructional Vision

3 Teacher Leader Summit: Day 1 Ready! This Summit will prepare teachers to make these shifts beginning the first day of the 14-15 school year. This will include focused training on: Student Learning Targets Assessment Standards, curricula, and instructional strategies Louisiana Believes 3

4 How will this sessions help you meet the goals established? Using small group teaching enables the teacher to better focus on deeper understanding of material We will show how students have more opportunity for meaningful interactions with the text Provides greater opportunities for speaking and listening in both math and ELA

5 What’s The Point Middle or Elementary 50 minutes or 120 minutes 15 students or 60 students It can work for everyone!

6 Activity Time

7 We Like To Move It Time Management Transitions Discipline Purposeful Communication WWYD – Choosing activities Accountability

8 SWITCH According to Number

9 What are the benefits? Teaches tolerance and positive interactions among all students Processing of information not just memorizing Ownership of new knowledge and skills Solving real world problems Openness to new perspectives Motivation to learn Positive attitude toward learning

10 BUT it takes too much time! Research shows that there is an increase in academic achievement when small groups are used. While students may not always gain as much detailed information as they would in a lecture situation, they are gaining other skills that are integral to their academic success such as problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, communicating, and the ability to work in a group. We are creating THINKERS and not just memorizers.

11 What to teach? Small groups are not just for remediation or enrichment – Discovery learning – Increased participation – Discussions – Learning projects

12 Grouping Strategies Different tools for different jobs! Think-Pair-Share Numbered Heads Together Student Teams Achievement Divisions Constructive Controversy Roundtable Send-A-Problem Team Expectations

13 Time Management Planning “Don’t I need to see everyone every day?” – Monitor “misconceptions” – Entrance/Exit Ticket – Establish Skills “I can statements” – Student self evaluation Grouping—Who am I going to put together? – Choice, Ability, Sticks, Fun Patience—It takes time, but you can get there!

14 Transitions No lost time Bell Music Numbers PowerPoint

15 Discipline Being proactive and preventing problems before they occur Attention Grabbers Red Flags Stickers Island Starbucks (Classroom Discipline Plan)

16 Purposeful Talk Conversation in groups must be meaningful and related to content! Talk Moves Purposeful Talk Model

17 What Would You Do? Share with us what you do that works and any ideas you have to add! We’re always learning and changing! Planning Time Management

18 Accountability Role Play Grading

19 Materials Post it Notes Paper Pencils Scissors Rulers Talk Moves Poster Role Cards Manipulatives – Insects – Cubes – Candy

20 Schedule Introduction of Presenters “Give the standard” then activities within the standard posted on the tables Introduction of activity with equivalent fractions Talk about WHY we use small groups (audience feedback) Talk about the planning and how to set up the groups Have participants move according to number “all 1’s go here …) talk about transitions and how to successfully incorporate New activity with equivalent fractions and have participants discuss their thoughts ----talk about purposeful talk, talk moves, talk to each other before talking to the teacher-students can write down their process Participant disrupts to lead into how to handle discipline then have participants give feedback on what they would do Lead into role playing and accountability Lead into the connection of small groups and COMPASS Let’s start planning…..write down 1 thing that was new, want to try, and still have questions

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