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Question coaching 1 1 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully.

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Presentation on theme: "Question coaching 1 1 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question coaching 1 1 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully.

2 Question coaching 1 2 Paper 1 tier 5–7 Q12 Paper 2 tier 5–7 Q14 Paper 1 tier 5–7 Q12

3 Question coaching 1 3 Investigating ideas about burning: Paper 1 tier 5–7 Q12 In the eighteenth century, scientists had different ideas about what happens when metals burn in air.

4 (a)Imagine you want to investigate the ideas of Priestley and Lavoisier. Assume you have been given three pieces of different metals. In a laboratory, metals are heated to high temperatures in crucibles. Question coaching 1 4

5 In your plan you must give: the one factor you would change as you carry out your investigation one factor you would observe or measure to collect your results one of the factors you would keep the same the evidence that would support Lavoisier’s idea. 5

6 Question coaching 1 6 I would first change the metals as my independent variable. I would keep the same temperature as my dependent variable. I would observe whether the metal burns in to powder with the lid off and on and the time it takes and support Lavoisier’s idea by giving evidence in a table. (1 mark)

7 In my experiment I would change the metal. When heating the metal one thing I would keep the same is the temperature of the crucible. I would measure how much powder there is after it has been heated. (2 marks) Question coaching 1 7

8 I would change the crucible every time I test a metal because if it is still warm it may affect the results. I would observe the mass of the crucible and the amount of powder that is formed. I would keep the amount of metal I use the same to make it a fair test. If the mass is lower something has been lost. if it is higher something has been gained. (3 marks) Question coaching 1 8

9 I would change the types of metal I use in the experiment. I would measure the amount of powder on the metals by weighing the metals before and after. I would keep the amount of time over the heat the same. The evidence to support Lavoisier’s idea would be if the metals weighed more after burning (they gain something from the air and a powder is formed). (4 marks) Question coaching 1 9

10 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully.

11 Question coaching 2 1 Paper 2 tier 5–7 Q14

12 Does the evidence support the conclusion? Paper 2 tier 5–7 Q14 Read the magazine cutting about research into heart disease. Question coaching 2 2 More heart disease in older women. Heart disease amongst British women in the 60–79 age group is more common than previous research suggested. A recent study of 4,286 women in that age group indicated that one in five showed signs of heart disease.

13 Question coaching 2 3 (a) Why can the results of this research not be used to draw any conclusions about heart disease amongst women across the world? More heart disease in older women. Heart disease amongst British women in the 60–79 age group is more common than previous research suggested. A recent study of 4,286 women in that age group indicated that one in five showed signs of heart disease.

14 Question coaching 2 4 (b)Give one reason why the data collected in this study is likely to be reliable. More heart disease in older women. Heart disease amongst British women in the 60–79 age group is more common than previous research suggested. A recent study of 4,286 women in that age group indicated that one in five showed signs of heart disease.

15 (c)After reading the magazine cutting, pupils wrote the ideas below. Decide if each idea is supported by information in the cutting. Tick the correct box. Use the information in the cutting as evidence to justify your decision in the third column. Question coaching 2 5

16 6 More heart disease in older women. Heart disease amongst British women in the 60– 79 age group is more common than previous research suggested. A recent study of 4,286 women in that age group indicated that one in five showed signs of heart disease.

17 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully. Question coaching 2 7

18 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully. Question coaching 3 1

19 Paper 2 tier 3–6 7 Question coaching 3 2 Paper 2 tier 3–6 7

20 Question coaching 3 3 Does the evidence support the conclusion? Paper 2 tier 3–6 Q7 7.Some pupils visited a deer park. A poster showed different types of deer.

21 Paper 2 tier 3–6 7 Question coaching 3 4 Does the evidence support the conclusion? Paper 2 tier 3–6 Q7 7.Some pupils visited a deer park. A poster showed different types of deer. (a)Emily said, ‘I saw a male deer’. Look at the drawings in the poster. How would Emily know that the deer was male?

22 Question coaching 3 5

23 6

24 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully. Question coaching 4 1

25 Paper 2 tier 3–6 7 Question coaching 4 2 Paper 2 tier 3–6 Q8 Paper 2 tier 3–6 8

26 Question coaching 4 3 Energy: Paper 2 tier 3–6 Q8 The drawing below shows a garden water feature. It is solar-powered.

27 The solar cell absorbs energy from the Sun. The solar cell is connected to a motor in the bowl. The motor drives a pump. Water is pumped up to the jug and it flows back down to the bowl. Question coaching 4 4

28 What I’m looking for is for you to be able to describe a strategy for answering questions successfully. Question coaching 4 5

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