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Realtime research results XX Ltd Project Name March ‘08.

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1 realtime research results XX Ltd Project Name March ‘08

2 realtime research results Survey participants

3 realtime research results Survey participants

4 realtime research results Current subscribers

5 realtime research results Length of time a subscriber to Gardeners’ World Two thirds (67%) have been subscribing for up to 3 years

6 realtime research results Gardening experience Experienced gardeners and those who have recently taken an active interest account for 80% of subscriber base

7 realtime research results Perceptions about Gardeners’ World Subscriber Club Majority of subscribers (88%) know they automatically become a member

8 realtime research results Gardeners’ World Subscriber Club Benefits Over one-half of subscribers are aware of and have taken up magazine based offers

9 realtime research results Renewal intentions Over two-thirds of subscribers (71%) would renew regardless of Subscriber Club, although one-sixth see it as a significant reason for renewal (18%). Only 1 in 20 would consider not renewing if Subscriber Club was excluded from package. People who have subscribed for less than a year have slightly lower propensity to renew regardless of Subscriber Club (67%); no real difference in terms

10 realtime research results Other Gardeners’ World channels Over 90% of subscribers are aware of other Gardeners’ World channels Twice the number of subscribers have visited website compared with Live Event Propensity to visit Gardeners’ World Live increases with length of subscription and is greater amongst those with many years of gardening experience (41%)

11 realtime research results Newsstand buyers

12 realtime research results Gardening experience Experienced gardeners and those who have recently taken an active interest account for almost 70% of newsstand base …which is lower than for subscribers (80%)

13 realtime research results Gardening titles bought in last 6 months Over 75% of Top 5 competitive titles are bought at newsstand

14 realtime research results Other Gardeners’ World channels Over 75% of newsstand buyers are aware of otherchannels Twice the number have visited website compared with Live Event Propensity to visit is lower than for subscribers (over 90%) Those with very little experience are less likely to know about website & live event

15 realtime research results Non-subscribers – bought other titles in last 6 months

16 realtime research results experience Non-subscribers are not as experienced as subscribers and newsstand buyers

17 realtime research results titles bought in last 6 months

18 realtime research results Other channels Over one-half of non-subscribers are unaware of other Gardeners’ World channels Where visits have occurred, twice the number have gone to website compared with Live Event Propensity to visit is lower than for subscribers and newsstand buyers Those with very little gardening experience are less likely to know about website & live event

19 realtime research results Response to current offer – with/without club Respondents are clear about what is on offer and what they have to do to in order to respond. There is, however, a lot of uncertainty about whether it is a good idea or something about which they would be interested in finding out more. Profile variations between segments shown the offer with and without the club are negligible, suggesting that the club is not a key discriminator for non-subscribers

20 realtime research results Likely take-up of current offer – with/without club Level of uncertainty about offer take-up has been reduced by offering the club, but it has not succeeded shifting a majority of non-subscribers into positive frame of mind

21 realtime research results club benefit options

22 realtime research results Possible offers – subscribers Highest levels of interest amongst three segments Very tangible offers top the list Interested in ideas spanning magazine, website & GW events: scope to develop rounded offering Not so keen on visiting GW TV set or GW Live VIP Lounge Themes: tangible, personal service, private/exclusive, low key not high profile

23 realtime research results Possible offers – newsstand buyers Lower levels of interest amongst newsstand buyers than subscribers, but similar ranking Tangible offers again top the list Also interested in offers spanning the three channels Similar themes, although slightly less ‘rounded’?

24 realtime research results Possible offers – non-subscribers Lower levels of interest than for subscribers & newsstand buyers Tangible focus, and yet seed trials & GW Forest for Wildlife are ranked higher

25 realtime research results New propositions

26 realtime research results subscribers Lack of clarity about whether subscribers are currently getting more than on offer here, but… Positive response to subscribers Significant minority also not sure if other organisations would be better at this type of offer than No significant differences by length of time a subscriber or experience

27 realtime research results newsstand buyers Similar profile to subscribers, but lower level of interest in finding out more People with very little experience are more likely to agree that this is a good idea (84%)

28 realtime research results non-subscribers Proportion who think this is a good idea and interested in finding out more is lower than for both subscribers and newsstand buyers People who have only recently taken an active interest neither agree nor disagree if they are getting more than is on offer here (72%) People with very little experience neither agree nor disagree about other organisations being better at providing this type of offer (71%)

29 realtime research results Proposition – key points Lack of clarity across all propositions and segments about: How new offer compares with what they are currently getting Whether another company would be better at providing type of offer than Level of interest and wish to find out more is consistently higher amongst subscribers and newsstand buyers than non-subscribers There is clarity of messaging, because high numbers of people consistently indicate they know what is on offer and what they have to do to take-up the offer

30 realtime research results Likely to take up offer

31 realtime research results likely to take up offer Subscribers are more likely to take up than non-subscribers Newsstand buyers are not sure

32 realtime research results likely to take up offer Very similar profile to, although non-subscribers are also less sure

33 realtime research results Which ONE package are you likely to pay extra for?

34 realtime research results Price elasticity

35 realtime research results price elasticity Take-up is highest at £ across all three segments

36 realtime research results price elasticity Take-up is highest amongst subscribers

37 realtime research results Reasons for take-up or rejection

38 realtime research results GW Plus – on offer at £ Take-up at £: perceived benefits (all segments) Rejection at £: reasons (all segments)

39 realtime research results Business implications

40 realtime research results Summary & recommendations

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