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The Power of Promoters Simon Galpin Director-General of Investment Promotion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Promoters Simon Galpin Director-General of Investment Promotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Promoters Simon Galpin Director-General of Investment Promotion

2 South – South investment Greater potential to facilitate investment between developing economies China’s Going Global – inbound and out bound investment to reach equilibrium RankFDI Inflows (2011)US$ bnFDI Outlows (2011)US$ bn 1USA226.9USA396.7 2China124.0Japan114.4 3Belgium89.1UK107.1 4 Hong Kong83.2 France90.1 5Brazil66.7 Hong Kong81.6 6Singapore64.0Belgium70.7 7UK53.9Switzerland69.6 8Russia52.9Russia67.3 9Australia41.3China65.1 10France40.9Germany54.4 Source: World Investment Report 2012 (UNCTAD)

3 Global Functions and Business Activities Use aftercare to cross sell Target different individuals in one company Sell locational advantages of functions rather than just industry/sector opportunities

4 Significant driver of job creation and economic growth Brings inspiration, innovation, ideas, talent and technology transfer to an economy MNCs like to co-locate with startup communities Social and online platforms enable startups to scale globally in very short period InvestHK completed projects from startup entrepreneurs ----> 7% in 2009 ----> 11% in 2010 ----> 13% in 2011 ----> 14% in 2012 Startups – Economic Benefits

5 Partnership Approach Multi-national organisations: WAIPA, UNCTAD and World Bank International chambers, trade commissions and IPAs; MOUs with Chile, Brazil, Mongolia, Philippines Mainland China IPAs: MOUs with the Ministry of Commerce, Hunan Province, and Invest Shenzhen Public bodies: trade organisation, tourism board, stock exchange, science park, etc. Private sector service providers: law firms, accounting firms, secretarial companies, etc.

6 Joint Promotion of Greater Pearl River Delta Population55.3 mn > Canada ExportsUS$387 bn > UK, Canada (more than 27% of China’s exports) GDPUS$665 bn > Sweden, Belgium Land area56,000 sq km < Panama (less than 1% of China)

7 It’s a People Business People make investment decisions – understand subjective drivers Need relationship and account management skills rather than a one-off ‘sell’ Drip feed – the right information at the right time Good use of CRM and Social Media increasingly important.

8 Social Media – an investment promotion tool Disseminating news and relevant information Maintaining contact with key clients Targeting decision makers through connections and introductions

9 LinkedIn

10 Twitter

11 WAIPA Established 1995, WAIPA aims to improve cooperation amongst IPAs on a regional and global basis and facilitate the exchange of experiences in attracting FDI 165 members from 122 countries Objectives: –Promote and develop understanding and cooperation amongst IPAs –Strengthen information gathering systems and information exchange amongst IPAs –Share country and regional experiences in attracting investment –Assist IPAs to gain access to technical assistance and promotion training –Facilitate access to funding and other assistance –Assist IPAs in advising their respective governments in the formation of appropriate investment promotion policies and strategies. Contact: Mr. Carlos Bronzatto, Executive Director (email:

12 Newly Elected Steering Committee PresidentInvestHK Vice PresidentTrade and Investment South Africa (TISA) Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey - ISPAT Sub-Saharan AfricaCameroon Investment Promotion Agency - CIPA European Union DirectorshipThe Italian Trade Promotion Agency (ICE) Eastern Europe Directorship Tatarstan Investment Development Agency - Russia, Tatarstan (TIDA) South AmericaProBarranquilla, Colombia Central America and CaribbeanJamaica Trade and Invest (JAMPRO) North AmericaProMexico South AsiaPunjab Board of Investment, Pakistan East Asia and South East AsiaInvestment Promotion Agency (CIPA - MOFCOM) Central Asia and South CaucasusAZPROMO, Azerbaijan OceaniaMinistry of Commerce, Industry & Labour, Samoa Middle East MENADubai Foreign Investment Office, U.A.E

13 Thank you

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