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Lives that make a difference - Unsung heroes of the Church Examples from the Church in Rome Romans 1: 7-17 Romans 16.

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Presentation on theme: "Lives that make a difference - Unsung heroes of the Church Examples from the Church in Rome Romans 1: 7-17 Romans 16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lives that make a difference - Unsung heroes of the Church Examples from the Church in Rome Romans 1: 7-17 Romans 16

2 Being connected to Paul didn’t guarantee an easy life ….. Christians in Thessalonica dragged into court charged with: – “Paul and Silas have turned the rest of the world upside down, and now they are here disturbing our city“ (Acts 17:6) – “…..They are all defiling Caesar’s decree, saying that there is another King, one called Jesus” (v.7) The church founded on roots of absolute commitment and sacrifice Our identification with this is distant at best, but it has value …… inspiration & humility before God with the witnesses of history and the present day

3 Letter to the Romans …… Written from Corinth after 3 missionary journeys and more that 10 years of ministry (around AD 55-57) Comprehensive - Essentials of the Gospel taught by Paul in the many churches of his journeys Reflected the growing network of contacts & servants in the church personally known to him Looked forward to the culmination of his ministry …. To visit there (Rom 15:23 – 33) on way to Spain!

4 The long road to Rome

5 How did he get there? He swam part of the way! (Shipwrecked and beached in Malta in AD 59) Result of being arrested and put on trial and being plotted against by the religious leaders in Jerusalem Was sent to Rome by the Provincial Governor as a prisoner after appealing to Caesar to save his skin He eventually lived and taught in Rome in a house under guard for 2 years Apparently died there in the persecutions under Nero

6 Importance of the people in Chapter 16 Essential network of people who were the church and its leaders When Paul talks about gifts and serving in Rom. 12, he had these people in mind A mix of people - full-time church, professionals, business people and artisans, all active in church leadership Paul himself at times a tent maker in the market place as well as a minister of the gospel

7 Who were they & how were they a body? Priscilla & Aquila, fellow business associates, hosts & teachers – Movers & shakers, examples of boldness & sacrifice Other leaders (men and women) of households and house groups Phoebe – who carried the letter – a prominent lady A “First convert” ….. Bearer of new life and “first fruit” People who have been tested – respect and example

8 Fellow Jews, Greeks & travellers – natural friendships Fellow prison inmates! – co-sufferers Hard-working men & women – co labourers Mothers with impact beyond their own families Servants in the household of Caesar (Phil 4:22)

9 Our application & response All members in the body of Christ but play different roles Despite a 2,000 year bridge, how well we can recognize these types amongst us Equip and support one another to create strong pillars and channels of ministry Ask ourselves how it looks for us, as individuals, to be a key part of the Gospel … Our focus Jesus Christ - making him known, living to fulfil the good news that the Kingdom of God is amongst us

10 Our roots as a church: Value study, learning & teaching, responsibility for the future of church and Gospel through the Spirit’s work amongst us Let us value the ability we have to test our own faith as individuals and church, and to reach out to the world celebrate our rich cultural diversity here in UC be prepared for sacrifice, risk and commitment for the Gospel use our homes and possessions as resources for the fellowship hold in balance family life and vocations, while reaching the world for Christ

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