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Gosod y llwyfan i gyflawni gwaith rheoli tybaco effeithiol – y sialens Setting the scene for effective Tobacco Control delivery – the challenges Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "Gosod y llwyfan i gyflawni gwaith rheoli tybaco effeithiol – y sialens Setting the scene for effective Tobacco Control delivery – the challenges Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gosod y llwyfan i gyflawni gwaith rheoli tybaco effeithiol – y sialens Setting the scene for effective Tobacco Control delivery – the challenges Andrew Jones Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Iechyd Cyhoeddus Executive Director of Public Health

2 Ysmygu ymysg oedolion Smoking amongst adults 2

3 Cyrraedd y nod Reaching the target Source: CMO presentation – Sustainable change in smoking cessation

4 Ysmygu ymysg oedolion Smoking and adults

5 Ysmygu yn ô l ffactorau economaidd gymdeithasol Smoking by socio-economic factors

6 Ysmygu yn ystod beichiogrwydd Smoking in pregnancy

7 Ysmygu ymysg plant a phobl ifanc Smoking amongst children and young people


9 Plant sy’n dod i gysylltiad â mwg mewn ceir Children exposed to smoking in cars

10 Ein hasedau Our assets Rhaglen Lywodraethu Dulliau yn seiliedig ar ansawdd tystiolaeth Dull system gyfan Chi Programme for Government Quality/evidence based approaches A whole system approach You 10

11 Ansawdd ac atal Quality and prevention Targedu cymunedau gyda chyfradd uchel o ysmygu a defnydd isel o wasanaethau er mwyn gwella perfformiad = cynnydd mewn mynediad, a defnydd o wasanaethau Dulliau gwell o gasglu data, adrodd a dilyniant = cyfraddau uwch o ran rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu a pharhau i beidio ag ysmygu Targeting localities with higher prevalence of smoking and lower uptake of services for better performance = increased access to and uptake of services Better data capture, reporting and follow up = increased quit rates and maintenance of quit rates 11

12 Ansawdd ac atal Quality and prevention Mwy o sylw ar atal sylfaenol, plant a phobl ifanc Ceir, meysydd chwarae a chartrefi di-fwg Negeseuon cyffredinol a thargedu Cwmpasu technegau marchnata cymdeithasol perthnasol a phriodol = atal creu ysmygwyr yn y dyfodol Increased focus on primary prevention, children and young people Smoke free cars, playgrounds, homes Universal messages and targeted approaches Scoping of appropriate and relevant social marketing techniques = stopping replacement smokers 12

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