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Thai flag courtesy of ( Utilizing the Elaboration Theory to Eliminate Insomnia Amongst AIU Students PRESENTATION.

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1 Thai flag courtesy of ( Utilizing the Elaboration Theory to Eliminate Insomnia Amongst AIU Students PRESENTATION

2 Statement of the Problem & Proposal Assertions or Assumptions of the Study Statement of the Thesis Background & Urgency of the Problem Insomnia is prevalent among AIU students. Stress, anxiety and worry gain from the day. Many assignments are required to do. AiU students fail to wake up early morning and tend to stay up all nights in the weekend. Insomnia can affect academic performance. Insomnia is prevalent among AIU students. Stress, anxiety and worry gain from the day. Many assignments are required to do. AiU students fail to wake up early morning and tend to stay up all nights in the weekend. Insomnia can affect academic performance. In three weeks, I will design an information poster with 7 pictures from the internet in English about 7 solutions to eliminate Insomnia for all AiU students (Medicine, 2007, para.1) who are not getting an adequate amount of sleep to follow and learn (, 2007, para.1) to overcome insomnia (Geneseo, 2013, para.1) by at least 50% in two weeks.Medicine, 2007,, 2007, para.1Geneseo, 2013, para.1 In three weeks, I will design an information poster with 7 pictures from the internet in English about 7 solutions to eliminate Insomnia for all AiU students (Medicine, 2007, para.1) who are not getting an adequate amount of sleep to follow and learn (, 2007, para.1) to overcome insomnia (Geneseo, 2013, para.1) by at least 50% in two weeks.Medicine, 2007,, 2007, para.1Geneseo, 2013, para.1 Pictures on a poster can support students to overcome insomnia by 50% in two weeks. AiU students can understand solutions suggested on a poster. AiU students from different study programme can apply 7 proposed solutions on a poster to eliminate insomnia. Elaboration’s theory (, 2007, para.1) and Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Instruction (Mayer, 2011, para.5) can improve sleeping habits of AiU students by 50% and, 2007, para.1Mayer, 2011, para.5 Pictures on a poster can support students to overcome insomnia by 50% in two weeks. AiU students can understand solutions suggested on a poster. AiU students from different study programme can apply 7 proposed solutions on a poster to eliminate insomnia. Elaboration’s theory (, 2007, para.1) and Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Instruction (Mayer, 2011, para.5) can improve sleeping habits of AiU students by 50% and, 2007, para.1Mayer, 2011, para.5 Using Elaboration’s theory and Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Instruction to design, distribute, and implement a visual poster guide can eliminate insomnia of AiU students who have an inadequate sleep by 50% in two weeks. Mr. Yuhan Satapo, Pak La, Khok Pho, Pattani Province 94180 Thailand ( Utilizing the Elaboration Theory to Eliminate Insomnia Amongst AIU Students G10 SHL1013 Professional English (9 December 2013) Summary of the Theory Theoretical Application Proposed Poster Design Elaboration theory (ET) of Charles Reigeluth is “a model for sequencing and organizing courses of instruction” (Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 1).Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 1 The theory of elaboration claims that “the content to be learned should be organized from simple to complex order” (, 2007, para.1), 2007, para.1 The Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Instruction claims that “people learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near each other” (Mayer, 2011, para.5).Mayer, 2011, para.5 One of ET's basic strategies is shown that “a variety of cues like pictures, diagrams, mnemonics, etc. can trigger cognitive strategies needed for appropriate processing of material” (Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 8).Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 8 Elaboration theory (ET) of Charles Reigeluth is “a model for sequencing and organizing courses of instruction” (Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 1).Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 1 The theory of elaboration claims that “the content to be learned should be organized from simple to complex order” (, 2007, para.1), 2007, para.1 The Mayer’s Principles of Multimedia Instruction claims that “people learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near each other” (Mayer, 2011, para.5).Mayer, 2011, para.5 One of ET's basic strategies is shown that “a variety of cues like pictures, diagrams, mnemonics, etc. can trigger cognitive strategies needed for appropriate processing of material” (Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 8).Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 8 In week 1, the design of a poster stage, words and pictures of a poster must be presented near each other for the students to learn and follow (Mayer, 2011, para.5).Mayer, 2011, para.5 In Week 2, the socialization stage, program goals can be obtained from any student who is suffering with insomnia (DEVINNEY, 2013, para.2).DEVINNEY, 2013, para.2 Simple instruction can trigger AIU students to distribute the posters in Week 3 and to implement the program in Week 4 (, 2007, para.1), 2007, para.1 In the planning stages, the AIU students will be asked to assess their insomnia and suggest some possible solutions as well as involve in the finalization of the poster (Community, 2013, para.3).Community, 2013, para.3 In week 1, the design of a poster stage, words and pictures of a poster must be presented near each other for the students to learn and follow (Mayer, 2011, para.5).Mayer, 2011, para.5 In Week 2, the socialization stage, program goals can be obtained from any student who is suffering with insomnia (DEVINNEY, 2013, para.2).DEVINNEY, 2013, para.2 Simple instruction can trigger AIU students to distribute the posters in Week 3 and to implement the program in Week 4 (, 2007, para.1), 2007, para.1 In the planning stages, the AIU students will be asked to assess their insomnia and suggest some possible solutions as well as involve in the finalization of the poster (Community, 2013, para.3).Community, 2013, para.3 Methodology 1. AiU students will be asked to do an online survey on insomnia assessment. 2. AiU students, who are suffering with insomnia and interested to join in the programme, will be invited to attend a programme meeting and register as participants. 3. A seven-solution guide is tested and revised with help of 6 participants in one week before a meeting. 4. Participants will be acquired a rubric to record the progress. 5. The poster is reproduced and posted on the announcement boards at the hostels as well as on the social networks. 5. A checking schedule, names of checkers and rewards are posted beside each poster. 6. Every three days, the checkers will come to participants’ room and evaluate the reduction of insomnia. 7. Rewards will be given for those who succeed to overcome insomnia by 50% before two weeks. 8. A personal rubric must be witnessed by the participants’ roommates. 9. A 3-day record of the checkers will measure the outcome of participants after following seven solutions on a poster. 1. AiU students will be asked to do an online survey on insomnia assessment. 2. AiU students, who are suffering with insomnia and interested to join in the programme, will be invited to attend a programme meeting and register as participants. 3. A seven-solution guide is tested and revised with help of 6 participants in one week before a meeting. 4. Participants will be acquired a rubric to record the progress. 5. The poster is reproduced and posted on the announcement boards at the hostels as well as on the social networks. 5. A checking schedule, names of checkers and rewards are posted beside each poster. 6. Every three days, the checkers will come to participants’ room and evaluate the reduction of insomnia. 7. Rewards will be given for those who succeed to overcome insomnia by 50% before two weeks. 8. A personal rubric must be witnessed by the participants’ roommates. 9. A 3-day record of the checkers will measure the outcome of participants after following seven solutions on a poster. Projected Challenges & Solutions References About the Writer Timeline & Implementation Strategy Week 1: Design and production of posters Week 2: Socialization of program goals Week 3: Poster distribution Week 4: Implementation Week 1: Design and production of posters Week 2: Socialization of program goals Week 3: Poster distribution Week 4: Implementation Ignorance - Some AiU students might ignore some simple things such as sleeping habits, because they are busy with something else. Solution: Seek help from the school (AJanney, 2010, para. 1).AJanney, 2010, para. 1 Recidivism - AiU students might fall back to the prior habits that refute the programme goals. Solution: AiU students can work together with their roommates and friends or applying peer pressure principle (Ministry, 2008, para.6).Ministry, 2008, para.6 Ignorance - Some AiU students might ignore some simple things such as sleeping habits, because they are busy with something else. Solution: Seek help from the school (AJanney, 2010, para. 1).AJanney, 2010, para. 1 Recidivism - AiU students might fall back to the prior habits that refute the programme goals. Solution: AiU students can work together with their roommates and friends or applying peer pressure principle (Ministry, 2008, para.6).Ministry, 2008, para.6 AJanney. (April, 2010). The Four Theories of Government. Retrieved 16 December, 2013, from StudyMode: CBCNEWS. (10 August, 2013). Geographers seek solution to student ignorance of the globe. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from CBCNEWS: Cherry, K. (2013). Theories of Sleep. Retrieved 25 November, 2013, from Community, C. T. (2013). The Role of Socratic Questioning in Thinking, Teaching, and Learning. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Critical Thinking Community: DEVINNEY, A. L. (06 October, 2013). Goal Setting Theory. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Penn State WikiSpaces: Geneseo, S. (2013). Hot Topics! College Students & Sleep. Retrieved 30 November, 2013, from Geneseo: Harper, S. (23 May, 2010). Recidivism. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Truth & Reason: International, P. (2013). 10 Home remedies for insomnia. Retrieved 16 December, 2013, from Discovery fit & health: (2007). Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth). Retrieved 30 November, 2013, from Mayer, R. E. (03 July, 2011). Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from ETEC 510: Medicine, A. A. (30 November, 2007). College Students: Getting Enough Sleep is Vital to Academic Success. Retrieved 24 November, 2013, from American Academy of Sleep Medicine: Ministry, S. C. (2008 ). The Recidivism Solution. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Safer Communities Ministry : Wilson, B., & Cole, P. (April, 1992). A critical review of elaboration theory. Retrieved 16 December, 2013, from University of Colorado at Denver: AJanney. (April, 2010). The Four Theories of Government. Retrieved 16 December, 2013, from StudyMode: CBCNEWS. (10 August, 2013). Geographers seek solution to student ignorance of the globe. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from CBCNEWS: Cherry, K. (2013). Theories of Sleep. Retrieved 25 November, 2013, from Community, C. T. (2013). The Role of Socratic Questioning in Thinking, Teaching, and Learning. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Critical Thinking Community: DEVINNEY, A. L. (06 October, 2013). Goal Setting Theory. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Penn State WikiSpaces: Geneseo, S. (2013). Hot Topics! College Students & Sleep. Retrieved 30 November, 2013, from Geneseo: Harper, S. (23 May, 2010). Recidivism. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Truth & Reason: International, P. (2013). 10 Home remedies for insomnia. Retrieved 16 December, 2013, from Discovery fit & health: (2007). Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth). Retrieved 30 November, 2013, from Mayer, R. E. (03 July, 2011). Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from ETEC 510: Medicine, A. A. (30 November, 2007). College Students: Getting Enough Sleep is Vital to Academic Success. Retrieved 24 November, 2013, from American Academy of Sleep Medicine: Ministry, S. C. (2008 ). The Recidivism Solution. Retrieved 01 December, 2013, from Safer Communities Ministry : Wilson, B., & Cole, P. (April, 1992). A critical review of elaboration theory. Retrieved 16 December, 2013, from University of Colorado at Denver: Mr. Yuhan Satapo is a Banking and Finance Scholar of Albukhary International University. He initiated to do the research proposal due to his own experience with insomnia. Keep your bedroom quiet, cool, and dark Get Rid of Your Insomnia Once and For All How much you can enjoy your life in AIU without insomnia Wake up earlier on Saturday and Sunday morning. Exercise regularly Switch off your mind 1 1 5 5 Take a hot bath Healthy nighttime habits Avoid stimulants FOR MORE INFORMATION: You are advised to see a doctor if you have serious insomnia. Thai flag courtesy of; AIU logo courtesy of; Girl courtesy of; Books courtesy; Switch off courtesy of Technology courtesy of; Bed courtesy of; Exercise courtesy of; Hot bath courtesy of 2 2 7 7 6 6 4 4 3 3 Original Input Although these solutions have been used before in North America and Europe (International, 2013, para.2), in this poster, the solutions will be used for the first time in AiU to eliminate insomnia amongst AiU students.International, 2013, para.2 Although these solutions have been used before in North America and Europe (International, 2013, para.2), in this poster, the solutions will be used for the first time in AiU to eliminate insomnia amongst AiU students.International, 2013, para.2

3 Image courtesy of ( Simple to Complex General to Specific Learning Episodes

4 “The content to be learned should be organized from SIMPLE TO COMPLEX order” (Learning-, 2007, para.1). “A variety of cues like PICTURES needed for appropriate processing of material” (Wilson, B., & Cole, P., 1992, para. 8). Label image courtesy of (; Board image courtesy of (

5 In my poster, I used simple ideas attached with pictures to convey my inputs. Obama (Image courtesy of; Stress (Image courtesy of; Woman (Image courtesy of;

6 Thank You For Your Attention

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