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High Schools That Work Central/Southeast Ohio Best Practice Showcase 2014 Dr. Stephanie Starcher Superintendent Fort Frye Local Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "High Schools That Work Central/Southeast Ohio Best Practice Showcase 2014 Dr. Stephanie Starcher Superintendent Fort Frye Local Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Schools That Work Central/Southeast Ohio Best Practice Showcase 2014 Dr. Stephanie Starcher Superintendent Fort Frye Local Schools


3  OTES (SLOs, Student Growth Measures )  Short Cycle/Quarterly Assessments/Next Generation of Assessments  Common Core  Dual Enrollment, Early College Credit, College/Career Readiness  Ohio Improvement Process (DLT/BLT/TBT)  RttT  HSTW  Career Centers Adding Certifications, Credentials, Licenses to Programs or Course/Webxam Approach  Personalized Learning  FIP Where Are Your School’s Efforts Focused?

4 We may be seeing school improvement efforts as add-ons rather than as tools to enhance our work!

5 Moves you from Compliance to Commitment!

6 How different does this classroom today look than a classroom 50 years ago?

7 HSTW 10 Key Practices  High expectations  Program of study  Academic studies  Career-technical studies  Work-based learning  Teachers working together  Students actively engaged  Guidance  Extra help  Culture of continuous improvement

8 Culture of Continuous Improvement

9 THE KEYS TO OUR FOCUS: We are all about curriculum and instructional strategies Collaboration – teachers as learners Strong leadership amongst staff

10 Race To The Top Assurance Areas Standards and Assessment: college and career- rigor expectations, alignment between new standards and new assessments, implementing formative instructional practices  Is this not the HSTW key practices of high expectations, program of study, academic studies, career-technical studies, guidance, work-based learning, and teachers working together?

11 Using Data To Improve Instruction: become strategic about the data which matters most and how to use data effectively to improve teacher performance and student academic growth  Could this not be the HSTW key practices of high expectations, students actively engaged, extra help, and teachers working together? Race To The Top Assurance Areas

12 Great Teachers and Leaders: design and implementation of evaluation systems based on multiple measures of effectiveness *Similar to the idea of teachers working together and culture of continuous improvement! Race To The Top Assurance Areas

13 Transformation team and Transparent Communication: Maintain a leadership team that is at least 50% teacher membership that monitors design, implementation, and effectiveness of the plan and is responsible for open communications *Is this teachers working together and a culture of continuous improvement? Can’t there be one leadership team for overseeing school improvement? Race To The Top Assurance Areas

14 This is what my schools did long before OIP when we were HSTW/MMGW Use the key practices as ideas for changes

15 OIP Implementation CriterionRating Effective teams where educators work in collaboration with common structure and approach to examining teaching and learning. Focused plan with limited goals, strategies and action steps. Ensure instruction is standards-based and high- quality with preparation for Common Core. School community is engaged in continuous improvement and data drives instructional decisions.

16 The Greatest Indicator of Your School’s Success is the Relationship Amongst the Adults in the Building!

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