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JOINING THE DOTS Connecting schools, voluntary and community sector and commissioning for better outcomes in emotional health and wellbeing.

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1 JOINING THE DOTS Connecting schools, voluntary and community sector and commissioning for better outcomes in emotional health and wellbeing


3 The BOND Consortium is led by YoungMinds and has been funded by Department for Education to build the capacity of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in providing early intervention mental health support for children.


5 Tier 4: Inpatient Care Infrequent competition amongst larger MH provider trusts Some variety of providers More frequent tendering + increasing competition (usually LAs, NHS) Numerous providers + commissioners Large + small organisations More VCS Less clinical governance Smaller contracts Frequent tendering Tier 3: Clinical/ medical care (diagnosis/ medication) Tier 3/2 interface: Primary MH services LAC, YOS, other targeted CAMHS Tier 2/1 interface: ‘Generic’ School + community based e.g. counselling + IAG services Related services e.g. drop-in, youth support, family support Limited contestability Increasing levels of competition

6 Using a collaborative methodology in order to:  Highlight  Promote and share  Demonstrate  Facilitate  Gather feedback

7  Appropriate and accessible services  To be valued  Not to be judged or stigmatised  Recognition of what they want and need  Involvement  Choice “No decision about me without me”

8  Adverse childhood experiences  Violence and abuse  Looked After Children  Poor education  Environment  Unemployment  Poverty  Parental mental illness, substance misuse, criminality

9  Early recognition = early intervention  Prevent conduct disorders  Promote positive mental health  Build resilience  Support parenting capacity  Address risk taking behaviours  Avoid/avert crisis

10 Intervening early has been shown to have critical importance in children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health

11  Mental Health Strategy  Health and Social Care Bill  Healthy Lives Healthy People  SEN and Disability Green Paper  Education Act 2011  OFSTED 2012 framework for school inspection

12 All current policy emphasises:  Role of VCS  Early intervention  Patient/consumer involvement

13  Schools  Voluntary and Community Sectors  Statutory Services  Children’s Centres  Youth centred services  NHS – Primary Care, Health Visitors, FNP  NHS – Specialist Care  Local Commissioners

14  Meeting the challenge of intervening early  Flexible services which are responsive to need  More easily accessible than statutory services  Less stigmatising and more acceptable to families

15  Evidence based parenting and family support programmes  Partners in multi agency work  Providing support and therapy across the age range  Providing ongoing support and advice  Delivering training packages  Specific commissions and wellbeing programmes

16  Commissioning  Focusing  Supporting whole-school approaches  Building partnership approaches  Delivering  Training  Consulting  Educating

17  Building best evidence and practice exemplars of engaging VCS  How does local commissioning work  How you use your funding  Wanting to know what you ‘don’t know’  How you link with other schools  Invite your participation in future workshops to strengthen VCS

18  Learning from practice  Case studies  Local schools and services  What you want to know about commissioning  Link your knowledge and questions to the next stage of the BOND work  Resources you need

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