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Published byThomasina Newman Modified over 9 years ago
UK - December 2008
Contents BAITMethodology Methodology Questionnaire Structure Advertising indicators Image items Terminology Purchase funnel indicators Asegment: Aygo Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Aygo–TVand image Aygo–Print Aygo–Billboard Aygo–Global campaign Purchase funnel KPIs Aygo Purchase funnel KPIs A segment Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Aygo Image items A segment image items Bsegment: Yaris Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Yaris–TVand image Yaris–Print Yaris–Billboard Yaris–Global campaign Purchase funnel KPIs Yaris Purchase funnel KPIs B segment Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Yaris Image items B segment image items Csegment:Auris Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Auris–TVand image Auris–Print Auris–Billboard Auris–Global campaign Purchase funnel KPIs Auris Purchase funnel KPIs C seg. Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Auris Image items C segment image items Brand section : Toyota Advertising recall Purchase funnel KPIs Toyota Purchase funnel KPIs Market Purchase funnel KPI’s TOYOTADNA Image Toyota Image items Market image items Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements C Verso–TVand image C Verso–Print C Verso–Billboard C Verso–Global campaign Purchase funnel KPIs C Verso Purchase funnel KPIs C-MPV seg. Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image C Verso Image items C-MPV segment image items Advertising scores All advertisements Corporate – TVand image Corporate – Print Corporate–Billboard C-MPV : Corolla Verso Asegment: IQ Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements IQ–TVand image IQ–Print IQ–Global campaign Purchase funnel KPIs IQ Purchase funnel KPIs A segment Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image IQ Image items A segment image items IQ –Billboard
Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Land–TVand image Land–Print Land–Billboard Land–Global campaign Purchase funnelKPIs Land Purchase funnel KPIs SUV seg. Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Land image items SUV segment image items Contents BAITMethodology Methodology Questionnaire Structure Advertising indicators Image items Terminology Purchase funnel indicators Brand section : Toyota Advertising recall Purchase funnelKPIs Toyota Purchase funnel KPIs Market Purchase funnel KPI’s TOYOTADNA Image Toyota Image items Market image items Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Rav4–TVand image Rav4–Print Rav4–Billboard Rav4–Global campaign Purchase funnelKPIs Rav4 Purchase funnel KPIs SUV seg. Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Rav4 image items SUV segment image items Advertising scores All advertisements Corporate –TVand image Corporate–Print Corporate–Billboard Dsegment: Prius Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Prius–TVand image Prius–Print Prius–Billboard Prius–Global campaign Purchase funnelKPIs Prius Purchase funnel KPIs D segment Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Prius Image items D segment image items Dsegment: Avensis Advertising scores Ad recall All advertisements Avensis–TVand image Avensis–Print Avensis–Billboard Avensis–Global campaign Purchase funnelKPIs Avensis Purchase funnel KPIs D segment Purchase funnel KPIs TOYOTA DNA Image Avensis Image items D segment image items SUV-Compact: RAV4 SUV-Core: Land Cruiser
BAIT UK - December 2008 Methodology and indicators
BAIT Methodology Advertisements tested the month following the aired period. Media tested : TV, print, posters. All results compared to automotive norms specific to the country. Target: Main drivers of a car who intend to buy a NEW car in a specific sector. User-choosers of the brand & model of the car. If current car was bought second-hand, purchase intention is limited to 2 years. Data collection: Face-to-Face CAPI interviews (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews). CAPI allows to show real advertisements on laptop screen. Fieldwork conducted by TNS local company Samples & car sectors followed: 4 car sectors tracked: A+B : 130 interviews per wave C+C-MPV : 130 interviews per wave D : 100 interviews per wave SUV : 100 interviews per wave 12 waves per year for B, C and D segments 6 waves for the SUV segment (February, April, June, August, October, December) 360 / 460 interviews per wave - 4920 interviews per year.
BAIT questionnaire structure Recruitment Spontaneous advertising recall (brands and models) Brand awareness (Prompted) Brand global opinion (liking) and Image Model awareness (spontaneous and prompted) Model global opinion (liking) and image Model consideration and preference Display of the advertisements (Billboard / Print / TV) Recognition of the advertisements & Attribution (Brand + Model) Liking of adverts and Comprehension of TV spots (image items) Socio-demographics ADVERTISING PART All advertisements tested are debranded, i.e. all brand, model names and logos have been erased. MODEL PART BRAND PART
Advertising indicators 1. Visibility/Impact Advertising recall Question F09: ”During the last three months, for which make or model of car have you seen or heard any advertising either on Television, Cinema, Radio, Press, Billboard or Internet ?” Recognition Question P01: ”I would like to know if you recall having seen/heard it, even if you don't recognize the make or the model”. 2. Brand and model attribution Make attribution Question P03A: ”What make of car is it for ?” Model attribution Question P03B: ”What model of car is it for ?” Model Efficiency =Perfect attribution/Recognition 4. Messages conveyed Comprehension of TVCs Question P05: ”After having seen this advert, which are the items amongst this list highlight features of this model ?” 3. Enjoyment Liking Question: “How much did you like the advert : like it a lot, liked it quite a lot, didn't like it very much, didn't like it at all ?” Potential of your campaign to generate impact and to work efficiently for your model
Purchase Funnel indicators Spontaneous Brand Awareness: % of respondents who spontaneously mentioned the brand/model for car owned, brand/models known; brand/models recalled or purchase intention. Prompted Brand Awareness: % of respondents who are aware of the brand/model (at least a little) when it is prompted to them. (score 3 to 5 on a 5 point scale) Brand Knowledge: % of respondents who know the brand/model very well or a fair amount when it is prompted to them. (score 4 to 5 on a 5 point scale) Liking: % of respondents who say they have a good or very good opinion of the brand/model (7 to 10 on a 10-pt scale) - Question asked only to people who know the brand/model at least a little. Consideration: % of respondents who declared they would probably or certainly buy the brand/model when it is prompted to them. (score 1 or 2 on a 4 point scale) Preference: % of respondents who declared they would certainly buy the brand/model when it is prompted to them. (score 1 on a 4 point scale) AWARENESS KNOWLEDGE PREFERENCE LIKING CONSIDERA TION
Image items – DNA pyramid Innovation Driving pleasure Design Images Items are available on Brand and Model levels % of respondents on the sector associating the prompted brand or model to the statement. Basis: Respondents who declared to know the brand or model at least a little. Question: « Thinking of all brands or models you know at least a little, which brand or model correspond the best to the following item » BRAND ITEMSMODEL ITEMS Is an innovative company Makes cars that are a pleasure to drive Makes comfortable cars Makes cars whose design is attractive Makes cars that have personality and character Makes reliable, high quality cars Makes cars which offer a good level of safety Offers advanced technology Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Is reliable, is a high quality car Offer good level of safety SQ
Terminology Advertising Recall Advertising Recall Aired period Aired period Attribution Attribution Brand Brand Brand/Model Awareness Brand/Model Awareness Brand/Model Knowledge Brand/Model Knowledge Branding Efficiency Branding Efficiency CAPI CAPI Consideration Consideration Display of advertisement Display of advertisement De-branded De-branded Enjoyment Enjoyment Execution Execution Global campaign Global campaign Image perception Image perception Impact Impact Item Item KPI KPI Liking Liking Messages conveyed Messages conveyed Model consideration Model consideration Model efficiency Model efficiency Model Global opinion Model Global opinion Model Awareness Model Awareness Model Knowledge Model Knowledge Norm Norm Preference Preference Presence in minds Presence in minds Prompted Prompted Purchase Intention Purchase Intention Recognition Recognition Sample Sample Target Target User Chooser User Chooser Visibility Visibility Wave Wave
A Advertising Recall: % of respondent who remember having seen or heard any advertising either on Television, Cinema, Radio, Press, Billboard or Internet during the last 3 months. Spontaneous Advertising Recall: Spontaneous mentions of the respondents Prompted Advertising Recall: Level of recall based on a prompted list of models Aired period: Period during which the campaign is aired Attribution: % of respondents who are able to correctly identify the brand and/ or the model of a de-branded advertisement Make Attribution (Brand Attribution): % of respondents who are able to correctly identify the car maker of a de-branded advertisement Model Attribution: % of respondents who are able to correctly identify the model of a de-branded advertisement Perfect Attribution: % of respondents who are able to correctly identify both brand and model of a de-branded advertisement ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
B Brand: Within BAIT survey, brand is referring to the car maker (not to the model) Brand/Model Awareness: % of respondents who mentioned the brand/model for car owned, brand/models known; brand/models recalled or purchase intention. Spontaneous Brand/Model Awareness: % of respondents who spontaneously mentioned the brand/model for car owned, brand/models known; brand/models recalled or purchase intention. Prompted Brand/Model Awareness: % of respondents who are aware of the brand/model (at least a little) when it is prompted to them. (score 3 to 5 on a 5 point scale) Brand/Model Knowledge: % of respondents who know the brand/model very well or a fair amount when it is prompted to them. (score 4 to 5 on a 5 point scale) Branding Efficiency: Ratio Perfect attribution / Recognition ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
C CAPI: Computer Assisted Personnal Interview. Face to face interview using a laptop Consideration: % of respondents who declared they would probably or certainly buy the brand/model when it is prompted to them. (score 1 or 2 on a 4 point scale) ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
D-E Display of advertisement: advertisement is shown on the CAPI screen to the respondent De-branded: all brand, model names and logos are erased of the advertisement shown to the respondent. Enjoyment: % of people who enjoyed watching the ad Execution: the same as “advertisement” ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
G Global campaign : we consider a reach of all the advertisements tested in the same wave for a model ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
I Image Perception: % of respondents who associated an image characteristic to a specific brand / make as it is perceived through a TV advertisement. Impact: Capacity of an advertisement to be remembered; i.e. capacity of an advertisement to generate visibility/ recall for a brand and/or model. Item: Image characteristics ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
K-L KPI: Key Performance Indicators Liking: Global opinion of a model / brand ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
M Messages Conveyed: % of respondents who associated an image characteristic to a specific brand / make as it is perceived through a TV advertisement (same as Image.perception). Model consideration: % of respondents who declared they would probably or certainly buy a model when it is prompted to them. (score 1 or 2 on a 4 point scale) Model efficiency: Ratio model attribution / Recognition Model Global opinion: same as liking Click here for other terms starting with M >>here ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
M Model Awareness: % of respondents who mentioned the model for car owned, models known; models recalled or purchase intention. Spontaneous Model Awareness: % of respondents who spontaneously mentioned the brand/model for car owned, brand/models known; brand/models recalled or purchase intention. Prompted Model Awareness: % of respondents who are aware of the brand/model (at least a little) when it is prompted to them. (score 3 to 5 on a 5 point scale) Model Knowledge: % of respondents who know the model very well or a fair amount when it is prompted to them. (score 4 to 5 on a 5 point scale) ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
N ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W Norm: Represents the benchmark of reference. It is an average of scores obtained by the market (segment of car) on the indicator considered over a period of 2 years. Norm: The norms may be considered as real standards since they are calculated on a basis of at least 35 adverts tested in the corresponding category. Standards will remain stable throughout the year. Semi-norm: Semi-standards refer to at least 20 adverts tested in the corresponding category; figures will remain stable. Average: These figures indicate an average per category. The number of adverts tested (basis) is between 5 and 19. In each wave the average will be adapted and may move until the number of adverts tested arrives at 20. Then the average will become a semi-standard. In case of less than 5 adverts tested per category there will be no average calculated.
P Preference: % of respondents who declared they would certainly buy the brand/model when it is prompted to them. (score 1 on a 4 point scale) Presence in minds: Level of visibility of a model / brand. It refers to the Spontaneous Advertising Recall indicator Prompted: Assisted question on the opposite to the spontaneous one. It means that a list of brands/models/Items is proposed to the respondent to facilitate the answers. Purchase Intention: same as preference ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
R-S-T Recognition: % of respondents who declared having seen the advertisement shown Sample: Fragment of population interviewed for the survey based on target specifications. Target: Characteristics of the population recruited ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
User Chooser: fact of being the person who decides the make and model of car when buying a new vehicle. Visibility: same as Spontaneous Advertising Recall and Presence in minds Wave: Fieldwork period (11 per year, August is excluded) ABCD-EGIK-LMNPR-S-TU-V-W
Brand section UK - December 2008 TOYOTA
Advertising Recall UK - December 2008 Brand level
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) BRAND LEVEL– ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered From February 2008, brand figures include 4x4 segment. This may have a minor impact on the scores of the purchase funnel indicators and image indicators.
CORPORATE segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Make attribution
CORPORATE segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Make attribution
CORPORATE segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Make attribution
Toyota – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Toyota – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:16 (07/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Toyota – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:129 (12/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Toyota – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Toyota – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Purchase Funnel KPIs UK - December 2008 Brand level
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) TOYOTA – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered From February 2008, brand figures include 4x4 segment. This may have a minor impact on the scores of the purchase funnel indicators and image indicators.
BRAND LEVEL – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
Toyota DNA Pyramid UK - December 2008 Brand level
TOYOTA - DNA PYRAMID Makes cars that are a pleasure to drive Makes comfortable cars Makes cars whose design is attractive Makes cars that have personality and character Makes cars which offer a good level of safety Is an innovative company Makes reliable, high quality cars Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered From February 2008, brand figures include 4x4 segment. This may have a minor impact on the scores of the purchase funnel indicators and image indicators.
TOYOTA – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered From February 2008, brand figures include 4x4 segment. This may have a minor impact on the scores of the purchase funnel indicators and image indicators.
BRAND LEVEL - DNA PYRAMID Makes cars that are a pleasure to drive Makes comfortable cars Makes cars whose design is attractive Makes cars that have personality and character Makes cars which offer a good level of safety Is an innovative company Makes reliable, high quality cars YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
BRAND LEVEL – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
A segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Aygo
A segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) A segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Aygo – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Aygo – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Aygo – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Aygo – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
A segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Aygo – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
A segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
A segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Aygo – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Aygo – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
A segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
A segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
A segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA IQ
A segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) A segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
IQ – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
IQ – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
IQ – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
IQ – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level. No advertisements tested since January 2008
A segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) IQ – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
A segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
A segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
IQ – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
IQ – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
A segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
A segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
B segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Yaris
B segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) B segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
A+B segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Yaris – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Yaris – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:77 (03/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Yaris – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:69 (03/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Yaris – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:131 (05/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Yaris – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:157 (05/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Yaris – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Yaris – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Yaris – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Basis: Purchase intenders of a new car in segment A or B Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
B segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Yaris – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
B segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
B segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Yaris – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Yaris – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
B segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
B segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
C segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Auris
C segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) C segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
C segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
C segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
C segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
C segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Auris – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Auris – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:95 (09/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Auris – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Auris – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Auris – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
C segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Auris – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
C segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
C segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Auris – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Auris – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
C segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
C segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
C-MPV segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Corolla Verso
C-MPV segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) C-MPV segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
C-MPV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
C-MPV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
C-MPV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
C-MPV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Corolla Verso – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Corolla Verso – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Corolla Verso – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Corolla Verso – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
C-MPV segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Corolla Verso – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
C-MPV segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
C-MPV segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Corolla Verso – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Corolla Verso – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
C-MPV segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
C-MPV segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
D segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Avensis
D segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) D segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
D segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
D segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
D segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Avensis – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Avensis – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Avensis – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Avensis – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
D segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Avensis – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
D segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
D segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Avensis – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Avensis – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
D segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
D segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
D segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Prius
D segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) D segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
D segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
D segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
D segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Prius – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Prius – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:7 (03/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Prius – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:14 (04/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Prius – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:14 (04/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Prius – IMAGE PERCEPTION OF TV Basis:18 (05/08) Figures shown for the film (in %) correspond to the deviation from the segment average
Prius – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Prius – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Prius – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
D segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Prius – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
D segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
D segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Prius – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Prius – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
D segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
D segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
SUV Compact segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Rav 4
SUV Compact segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) SUV Compact segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Rav 4 – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Rav 4 – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Rav 4 – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%)
Rav 4 – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level.
SUV Compact segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Rav 4 – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
SUV Compact segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
SUV Compact segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Rav 4 – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Rav 4 – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
SUV Compact segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
SUV Compact segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
SUV Core segment UK - December 2008 TOYOTA Land Cruiser
SUV Core segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Advertising scores
Spontaneous advertising recall (%) SUV Core segment – ADVERTISING RECALL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave ND : Not Delivered
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all print campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (1/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
SUV segment – ADVERTISING SCORES (2/2) Click here for all TV campaign scores >> Click here for all billboard campaign scores >> Period of 1st appearance: 16/10 - 12/11 Period of test: 10/11 - 21/12 Ranking on Perfect attribution
Land Cruiser – FOCUS ON MEDIA TV Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Land Cruiser – FOCUS ON MEDIA BILLBOARD Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Land Cruiser – FOCUS ON MEDIA PRINT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)EfficiencyReco. (%) No advertisements tested since January 2008
Land Cruiser – GLOBAL CAMPAIGN IMPACT Make Att. (%)Perfect Att. (%)Reco. (%) Global Campaign impact = at least one advert recognized / attributed within one period of test No norm available for the “Global campaign” level. No advertisements tested since January 2008
SUV Core segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Purchase Funnel
Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) Land Cruiser – PURCHASE FUNNEL Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
SUV Core segment – PURCHASE FUNNEL Awareness – Prompted (%) Awareness – Spont. (%) Knowledge (%) Liking (% 7-10) Consideration (%) Preference (%) YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
SUV Core segment UK - December 2008 BAIT Image items
Land Cruiser – DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
Land Cruiser – OTHER IMAGE ITEMS Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than current wave Reading limits : * base under 50 ND : Not Delivered
SUV Core segment - DNA PYRAMID Is a pleasure to drive Is comfortable Has an attractive design Has personality and character Offers a good level of safety Is technologically advanced Is reliable, is a high quality car YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
SUV Core segment - OTHER IMAGE ITEMS YTD results Figures in bold = significantly higher / lower than Toyota brand / model Reading limits : * base under 50
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