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VECTOR CONTROL BY Dr. Ladslaus L. Mnyone. ... Full surface application Bed net application................... Mating Sugar feedingHost seekingRest 2-3.

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Presentation on theme: "VECTOR CONTROL BY Dr. Ladslaus L. Mnyone. ... Full surface application Bed net application................... Mating Sugar feedingHost seekingRest 2-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 VECTOR CONTROL BY Dr. Ladslaus L. Mnyone


3 ... Full surface application Bed net application................... Mating Sugar feedingHost seekingRest 2-3 daysOviposition Point-source application Partial surface application.


5 Vector control methods  Indoor residual spraying (IRS)  Use of personal protection measures e.g. ITNs, repellents etc  Larviciding  Biological control  Environmental management  Education  Integrated mosquito management





10 Scale up Vector Control measures Combination of personal and community protective measures e.g. ITNs and LLITNs e.g. ITNs for everyone at risk of malaria, especially children and pregnant women. Framework of ITNs = “ Catch up” coverage and “Keep up” coverage strategy

11 Roles of RBM 1 o goal is to provide a coordinated global approach to fighting malaria Lead in advocacy campaigns to raise awareness of malaria at the global, regional, national and community levels Mobilize resources for malaria control and research into new and more effective tools Ensure that vulnerable individuals are key participants in rolling back of malaria Formulate task forces to carry out RBM tasks


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