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RichPad Appliance for control of air born disease and mosquitos in endemic countries Open source, low cost, crowd designed, distributed manufacturing Certified.

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Presentation on theme: "RichPad Appliance for control of air born disease and mosquitos in endemic countries Open source, low cost, crowd designed, distributed manufacturing Certified."— Presentation transcript:

1 RichPad Appliance for control of air born disease and mosquitos in endemic countries Open source, low cost, crowd designed, distributed manufacturing Certified as medically efficient, connected to be adaptive, green Th de Charentenay +33 6 82 87 83 50

2 More than 2 Billion people are exposed to mosquito born diseases. Global warming expanding the endemic zones to southern US and Europe areas | 2

3 Contagious air born disease outbreaks in Northern hemisphere populations. Vaccination not used enough to control the disease, and no other efficient option available. | 3 Flu intensity Flu vaccination rate

4 Existing technologies are efficient, green and well documented Leverage photocatalytic oxidation to reduce COV, spores, virus, bacteria in the environment and to generate human breathing simulation (CO2 flux) able to attract mosquitos in a trap. | 4

5 Current offer is not accessible to endemic countries Market access Cost (30$ to 300$) Lack of spare parts at local level and competencies = no distribution & maintenance channels for such appliance. Product design Defined for 1 type of environment / mosquito habits. Power options limited to battery (expansive) or plugged (suppose power…)

6 RichPad Value Proposition Develop the first impactful mosquito trap that is also an air cleaning solution able to control COV, virus, bacteria and spores in the environment of endemic countries. Leverage existing technologies to design the solution as a pharmaceutical product: proven efficacy (on COV & mosquitos) eco friendly / no chemical, low energy consumption connected / adaptive program local mosquito & air quality Leverage existing spare parts and know how present in endemic countries: Computer fan USB / low energy power Second hand cell phones Leverage transdisciplinary talents to build an open source low cost replicable model: Secure the operational process that will lead end users to be able to build the model Design a model with actual means & know how present on the field Mockup and optimize on a shared open platform | 6

7 Ideator - Thomas de Charentenay | 7 Solution designer for consumer and community needs Passionate about health and prevention at the global scale Digital activist since 1994 ---- Launched the first electronic shopping solution in 1995, heading the ‘new types of commerce’ department of Groupe Casino. Created the first online professional presentations software in 1998, as founder of Nessy. Currently heading the Innovation and Entrepreneurship department of Sanofi Pasteur, global leader of vaccines and vaccination. Solution designer for consumer and community needs Passionate about health and prevention at the global scale Digital activist since 1994 ---- Launched the first electronic shopping solution in 1995, heading the ‘new types of commerce’ department of Groupe Casino. Created the first online professional presentations software in 1998, as founder of Nessy. Currently heading the Innovation and Entrepreneurship department of Sanofi Pasteur, global leader of vaccines and vaccination.

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