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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH 1301 PROFESSOR KAREN FRENCH Cause-Effect."— Presentation transcript:


2 STEPHEN KING “Why We Crave Horror Movies”

3 Intro Paragraphs (1-2) From the first two paragraphs, the reader understands that the writer is stating the effect (result), and he will continue to explain the causes (why). The author starts with examples of how everyone is “mentally ill.” Implied Thesis (not stated, reader figures it out)  Watching horror movies helps us control the anti-social instincts we all have.

4 Paragraphs 3-5 Obvious Causes Why watch horror movies? To prove we are not afraid To feel essentially “normal” To have fun

5 Paragraphs 6-11 The writer now explores, in depth, three causes Why is watching horror movies fun? (Analogy: Horror movies are the modern-day equivalent of public lynchings.) First cause=Society rewards positive emotions but punishes us for negative ones. (Example of harming a little sister)

6 The writer now explores, in depth, three causes Second cause = But negative emotions don’t simply go away. (Example of “sick jokes”)

7 The writer now explores, in depth, three causes Third cause = Watching horror movies, we get to experience “anticivilization” feelings without harming anyone or enduring negative consequences.

8 Concluding Paragraphs (12-14) Needs to close the essay with a “punch” and echo the thesis Analogy = Base instincts are like alligators needing to be fed.

9 Basic structure Effect Cause Final cause = That’s why!

10 Death by Mosquito by Christine Gorman Introduction The author starts with attention- getting disease comparisons and statistics: the Black Death and AIDS Thesis: What makes the malaria deaths particularly tragic is that malaria can be cured.

11 Paragraph 2 Immediate Effect First Effect of ignoring malaria  US outbreak in 2003

12 Paragraph 3-5 Resulting Effects More effects of ignoring malaria  Doctors are creating treatments for drug- resistant malaria.  Insecticide and pesticide efforts  Recognition of the death toll due to malaria  Economic impact of malaria

13 Paragraphs 6- 9 Developing Negative Effects Effects of recognizing malaria  Researching the culprit (anopheles mosquito)  Understanding the cycle  Differences in adult and child reactions  Drug intervention and resistance  Futility of eradication efforts

14 Paragraphs 10- 16 Developing Positive Effects Effects of Changing Methods  Treatment (sweet wormwood)  Prevention (mosquito nets, DDT used in structures)

15 Paragraphs 17- 18 Conclusion Final Cause-Effect statement  Reluctance to admit DDT is necessary.  Reassessing human life over animal life  Know-how to control malaria exists.  Full commitment (financial, political) is still needed.

16 Basic Structure Cause Effect Desired Effect to defeat Cause

17 Cause-Effect PRACTICE WRITING: One paragraph 7-10 related sentences LAB GRADE How do you account for the popularity of one of the following:  Fast food  Shopping malls  Soap operas  The Transformers movies

18 Unit 6: Cause-Effect (chapter 16) Cause-Effect as a mode of discourse:  To analyze the causes, effects, or both  Causes tell WHY  Effects tell RESULTS

19 What is the purpose here? In contrast to the socially involved youth of the 1960s, many young people today tend to remove themselves from political issues. What do you think are the sources of the political apathy found among 18-25-year-olds? This is a cause essay. You must tell WHY there is apathy! What causes it?

20 What is the purpose here? A number of experts forecast that drug abuse will be the most significant factor affecting American productivity in the coming decade. Evaluate the validity of this observation by discussing the impact of drugs on the workplace. This is an effect essay. You must tell the RESULTS of drugs in the workplace. What are the effects of it?

21 Prewriting Once you decide your topic, organize your thoughts with the graphic organizer!

22 Strategies for an “A” 1. Stay focused on the purpose of your analysis!  If the causes are already given, then you focus on the effects.  If the effects are already given, then you focus on the causes.

23 2. Adapt content and tone to your purpose and readers.  This means to stay ACADEMIC!

24 3. Think rigorously about causes and effects.  Remember that someone else may have chosen the same topic that you did, so you want to strive to think beyond the obvious. You want your perspective to be unique and interesting while it is fulfilling the purpose of the assignment.  The causal chain must be logical!

25 4. Write a thesis that has the proper focus! Cause: Our school system has been weakened by an overemphasis on trendy electives. Effect: An ineffectual school system has led to crippling teachers’ strikes and wide-spread disrespect for the teaching profession.

26 5. Choose a logical organizational pattern.  I would suggest two that are most effective:  Chronological order – this is a first, second, last, order that follows the occurrence through time as developing the essay  Order of importance – this is a order that is important, more important, most important as developing the essay

27 6. Use language to show transitions and language to show the complexity of the cause-effect relationship.  Most likely…  There is no doubt…  It is probable…  Most significantly…

28 DUAL CREDIT: Cause-Effect TOPICS! Fill in your graphic organizer for your topic: Choose one of the topics: EFFECTS of carrying a cell phone (you may go positive results or negative results) WHY some people choose not to carry a cell phone The EFFECTS of a coach or teammate on your life WHY some people choose not to participate in extracurricular activities The EFFECTS of cheating in school (you may go positive results or negative results) WHY some people cheat in school

29 NIGHT CLASS: Assignment for next time! Fill in your graphic organizer for your topic. Write your rough draft for your cause-effect essay. Choose one of the topics:  Effects of the judicial malpractice on society (insider stock traders get jail time; murderers and rapists are acquitted)  Causes of teen ______(name the excess, like promiscuity, texting, spending)  Lack of communication in a relationship (cause or effect topic)  A particular celebrity’s popularity (cause or effect topic)  Changing attitudes toward the environment (cause or effect topic)  The use of computers in the classroom (cause or effect topic)

30 Next week: For night class only 1. Write your final draft of the essay. 2. Bring any prewriting, peer editing, or rough drafts WITH the final draft. 3. Staple all copies together WITH the FINAL DRAFT on TOP. We will continue with the next unit; don’t forget your online exercises.

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