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1 Health Alerts David Trump, MD, MPH, MPA Acting Chief Deputy Commissioner for Public Health and Preparedness & State Epidemiologist Health and Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Health Alerts David Trump, MD, MPH, MPA Acting Chief Deputy Commissioner for Public Health and Preparedness & State Epidemiologist Health and Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Health Alerts David Trump, MD, MPH, MPA Acting Chief Deputy Commissioner for Public Health and Preparedness & State Epidemiologist Health and Medical Subpanel April 28, 2014

2 2 Ebola Virus A viral hemorrhagic fever caused by exposure to animal sources in the environment (fruit bats, monkeys) or blood or body fluids of ill persons Outbreak in Africa (as of Apr 16): Guinea – 197 cases with 122 deaths (24 HCW, 13 deaths) Liberia – 27 cases with 13 deaths Sierra Leone – 12 suspected cases, all tested negative Patient isolation, contact tracing in effect; PPE in healthcare and burial practices No travel restrictions Virginia hospitals and local health departments on alert for incoming ill travelers

3 3 Influenza A(H7N9) 375 cases with 115 (31%) deaths – China (98% of cases), Taiwan, Hong Kong, one Chinese traveler in Malaysia Severe illness, disproportionately affecting middle-aged men 1st wave Feb-May 2013; 2 nd wave began Oct 2013 & continues 80% exposed to birds or live poultry markets Small clusters; not easily spread between people Surveillance, usual precautions No travel restrictions

4 4 Influenza A(H5N1) 649 cases and 385 (59%) deaths since 2003 Jan 2014 case in Canada in a person who traveled to China Proper precautions; surveillance of contacts; search for exposure history (e.g., poultry) No travel restrictions WHO now reporting on this monthly unless risk situation changes

5 5 MERS-CoV* Since September 2012 – 243 cases with 93 (38%) deaths Associated with travel to Middle East, contact with animals or ill persons where disease is occurring Surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) Healthcare precautions important No travel restrictions * MERS-CoV: Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus

6 6 Chikungunya Virus Mosquito-borne illness, mostly seen in Africa, Asia, Europe In Dec 2013, 1st case in the Americas – St. Martin Island By Apr 4, 2014, >3,290 confirmed cases in multiple Caribbean island nations and in French Guiana Symptoms: high fever (>102ºF), headache, nausea, muscle and joint pain, and rashes Commissioner sent letter to clinicians on Apr 18 Recommended awareness of the illness and assessment of travel history in those with compatible symptoms Potential for cases to be imported and lead to local spread in the US primarily by the Aedes albopictus “Tiger” mosquito

7 7 Virginia’s 2013-14 Flu Season is Concluding Recent uptick in Flu B

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